It's crazy that when you show pro-aborties these ACTUAL pictures of a human baby in development they say "those aren't real!" I ask them to show me "real" pictures of a human baby in development and they send me CGI created images of the baby in the stage of about 20 days old. They say "see? THAT'S a real image!" These motherf*ckers can't even bring forth true images of babies in-utero because they know it destroys their argument.
Then they use their fallback "I wish I was aborted" argument as an excuse for all their poor decisions in life while they comfortable go to bed and wake up the next day. Hippocrites.
As if the baby will follow in their steps if given the opportunity.
My baby boy is 15 weeks gestation right now. He’s got all his intricate little features developing and certainly looks like a human being! Even waves to us from the ultrasound screen as though he knows we’re looking at him. How anyone could end what is so clearly a tiny human life just blows my mind.
It's crazy that when you show pro-aborties these ACTUAL pictures of a human baby in development they say "those aren't real!" I ask them to show me "real" pictures of a human baby in development and they send me CGI created images of the baby in the stage of about 20 days old. They say "see? THAT'S a real image!" These motherf*ckers can't even bring forth true images of babies in-utero because they know it destroys their argument.
Then they use their fallback "I wish I was aborted" argument as an excuse for all their poor decisions in life while they comfortable go to bed and wake up the next day. Hippocrites.
As if the baby will follow in their steps if given the opportunity.
When they say that I ask them, "What's stopping you now? Suicide is still an option. Set an example and show those pro-lifers who's boss." lol
Libby Loophole lived in a zoo. She had so many kids she didn't know what to do.
So she/they/potato flushed them with her her poo
Their new loophole is te Pfizer vax
Obamas Science adviser John Holdren wanted to be able to abort 48 month post Burt fetuses.
Yes. A 4 year old child. This man was also a “professor” and this information was in his text books.
My baby boy is 15 weeks gestation right now. He’s got all his intricate little features developing and certainly looks like a human being! Even waves to us from the ultrasound screen as though he knows we’re looking at him. How anyone could end what is so clearly a tiny human life just blows my mind.