Link to the study is in the article.
He explains it quite nicely, but we have to take into account, this is just the first step.
What they still have to check is whether mask-wearing decreases the aerosolized antibodies shed ....
Is it in sweat? Urine? etc.
My question is whether to erect a separation in society worse than any of the racial laws ever could conceive off.
This is very good stuff, but it behooves Anons to glance over this at least because what is being discussed is not very obvious.
First, they are not talking about spike proteins. They are only talking about vaccine induced antibodies.
Second, its not very clear why the kids of vaccinated parents have the vaccine induced antibodies. Is it because the antibodies are being shed directly? Thats what the article seems to suggest, but it does not talk about whether the antibodies are shed directly, or some other component of the antibodies, like lipid mRNA, are being shed, and the kids are generating immune response.
One thing for sure from this paper - a LOT of research needs to be done regarding shedding.
Finding concentrations of the stuff in airway swabs, in masks worn by the vaxxed etc suggests that this study at least shows the spike proteins seem to be airborne. Probably transiting via contaminated blood to lungs via the normal CO2 disposal processes.
So maybe not in tears, sweat, saliva, other things.. at least no data on these vectors at the current time.
Its a sweet irony that the poorly informed or retarded who got vaxxed are also likely to keep wearing masks since they dont grasp concepts like what they think of as 'vaccine protection' making masks no longer needed. And in doing so, inadvertently protect others from their own contaminants.
Based on our family's experience, I'd venture that the VAxxed are shedding spike protein and/or nanoparticles and those who come in contact with them are generating an immune response. I say this because every single time we are around vacxed family members (not nuclear family ) we get sick to varying degrees. Always with cold)flu-like symptoms. My younger kids react he worst as does my oldestanf husband who struggle with upper respiratory things dr to a history of pneumonia. Sadly it's my in laws, and hubby still fails to see the connection between contact and illness. Symptoms typically start within 36 hours and last as long as 4-6 weeks despite me dosing everyone with quercetin, zinc, C, D3, and elderberry in addition to their regular vitamins. My kids are still pretty little so can't swallow pills yet. I truly need some scientific studies that prove transmission in order to prove to hubby how dangerous this truly is/could be.
Well this paper will definitely explain your observation, even if its incomplete. Btw have youtried ivermectin? If shedding is real, that might work better.
I haven't. I have six kids and only the older ones can do pills. And several of them won't make stuff. The littles get the most symptoms. I have a source for the pills, but haven't gotten any as they are not cheap. Maybe a trip to TN is in order. I also have cancer and wanted to take it for that and asked my oncologist but he didn't think we would even be able to find any due to the Covid nonsense. Plus hubby said early on he didn't want the kids taking it (he had read the msm info saying it is dangerous, lol) I read yesterday there is an oral liquid but don't know where or how to get it.
This is the best source for the pills, but it takes a few weeks to get. Worth it to help fight vax shedding and cancer.
Lipid mRNA vs antibodies shed is discussed - just no conclusion arrived at.
Yeah, but what I really am interested (and so are tons of people) is the shedding of spikes.
True story. I would love feedback . 10 months ago my dentist dropped a titanium crown down my throat. Stressful enough but he insisted I see my doctor to find out if it was in my lungs. I didnt have a doctor so book a local surgery only to find out it was doubling as a vax clinic. After sharing an enclosed room with recently vaxed people for 30 mins, I finally get to see doc who wants to take my blood pressure. 210/160. SHIT he wants me to go directly to hospital etc. My blood pressure was normally low and yes I do have "white coat" issues but none of this added up. I am a skilled talker and managed to convince him I would take myself to hospital bla bla bla. Anyway I did have palpitations and other weird symptoms which decreased and now I feel fine. Shedding is the only explanation that made sense. PS Also did a CDS detox a couple months ago. Great.
Experienced same exact scenario.. The inconsistency with exposure and symptoms is the reason why I can’t fully say it’s shedding.
If this is true then we have all been contaminated. There is no separation that will protect you if this can spread through the air. If you have been on a plane, in a restaurant, on line at the grocery store then you are exposed. Doesn't matter if your whole family is unvaxxed. People better hope this isn't true or we are all going down.
Like vaxxed/unvaxxed? Vaxxed. Back of the bus, please!
vaXXXed. Spelling is important.
Thanks for sharing.
It appears that further research will be needed because it appears to be some type of correlation. But other factors need to be considered.
I agree,
Considering that this is not peer reviewed, it should be looked at as something that needs further investigation before any conclusion can be made.
Finding antibodies in the nasal passages of unvaccinated children of vaccinated parents can be mislead into believing that the children are being vaccinated by their parents.
Hopefully more research comes out on this subject.
I believe when you touch a person who is vaxed, you can get the spike proteins through the skin. I work in the dental field through the plandemic and didn't get sick. Two weeks ago, I hugged a lady at church and little did I realize she just got out of the hospital from respiratory failure. 3x vaxed.. I got sick one day later with headache, fever and sore throat. Took invermectin and got better but still trying to get over it. Horrible.
We knew this was their goal from the beginning...
My period was irregular / late after being around a vaxxed family member in early 2021. I am of an age that I first thought it was perimenopause, but it went back to what would be an age-appropriate pattern after 2-3 months. I haven’t taken it & amn’t married, so no close contact/transmission risk (but all my family have). So I do think something is shedding, I hope it is just a few spikes or antibodies.
As another poster said, if it is a truly transmissible vaccine… well 95% of adults here are vaxxed so that’s us f*cked.
Note - some other vaccines (attenuated live virus) do shed. The Ebola vaccine is viral vector & was shown to be detectable on PCR.
When I was living in a liberal hellhole area last year and everybody around me was vaxxed, it was impossible to go out without feeling sick. When I was hanging out extended periods of time around people who were vaxxed I started getting symptoms. I took C, Zinc, and Ivrmectin and thankfully never got too sick. Shedding is real, and a threat to pure bloods.
I'd love to hear politicians to order people to pee in their own mouths and eat their own shit, to protect themselves from 'virus', just for funzies
What I find interesting is they took nasal swaps ..... The nose is the perfect place for all kinds of shit to be filtered. If I have to go with my own childhood and that of my kids or my grandchild, I see running noses all the time. Some greener than others. ....
And it angers me they subjected kids to such treatment. ...
It simply means, it, the anti-body, is in the air, at the very least on the masks these mouth-pampers-wearers all drop everywhere ....... And they do not treat it as a biohazard which it is.
Also I think, It does not mean the spike-protein itself is in the air. Just the anti-body to neutralize S2. From what I read so far I valuate that S2 is the easy part. It is the enveloped S1 that is of concern.
If that anti-boy is a novelty to your body ... I wonder if that will cause a response of your body. And I wonder, if the vaxx actually promotes the creation of poison in a vaxxed body, is that then excreted through lung fluids, saliva, sweat, urine, seed / prostrate fluid, vaginal fluids, blood when menstruating, etc.
So, I am not so sure, these kids having anti-bodies(neutralizing-agents) is a bad thing ....
Blue hair shedders are particularly toxic.