I had my annual physical yesterday with my doctor. She is a former AF physician and is an Internal Medicine doc. She had been pushing the jab on me for the last couple of years. She knew I am an anti vaxxer even for the flu shot. I told her 6 years ago when I moved here. (And she still wants me to take the pneumonia shot bc I am almost 70.) She claims it and the flu shots are safe. I disagree. But will reseach the pneumonia shot before I undergo that one.
Yesterday she finally admitted that we don't know the long term effects of the jabs. In addition, she mentioned that she drew the line when it came to vaxxinating her own two kids who are in HS. She even said she got all the shots but having been in the service she had to take a lot of them, but wasn't going to impose this experimental drug on her kids. However, it limits where they can go on vacations right now.
I mentioned VAIDS to her and she nodded. I had to come into see her several times this year for extra blood tests to monitor a health condition. So I talked with one of the nurses who told me they were seeing lots of Vaxxed people who were showing up with problems from the Vax also many who were upset they were getting the VID while being double and triple Vaxxed.
This nurse also told me the office she worked in did not require them to get the jab. So she was thankful for that. She would have quit before taking it.
I wonder how many other doctors are waking up?
Glad she woke up but ... dang! Wouldn't give it to her kids but happily pushes it on everybody else. And why? Because she just 'trusted' or didn't do her due diligence to check it out? Anyway, thanks for posting this. It's encouraging to see people opening their eyes.
Doubt that she "just ""trusted"". More like didn't want to derail her lucrative medical practice.
I finally went to my doctor (for ear wax I couldn't get out) after two years of avoiding all medical contacts. I was sad to see that he had prominently posted his vaccination status and where a suspicious patient could check on it: most of his patients are older and probably believe the hype so hee had to do it to practice. I was sadder to see he didn't look as well as he used to. We did not discuss it at all except as I was leaving, he said something like "We're learning a lot" and I said "Yes, and we will soon learn more--and not like it." He just nodded. He knows.
I've suffered with ear infections and allergies since a kid. Two weeks ago, ear started hurting. After a few days I put iodine on my finger and massaged by Eustachian tube in my throat and put some warm iodine in my ear. Presto! Next time I may try ivermectin in my ear and in my throat. I'm thinking I'll be using it again soon. Have used hydrogen peroxide, olive oil and the kitchen sink in my ear, with little effect.
PS Anybody, especially older women, who take decongestants for allergies, be aware of the damage decongestants do to the heart. I had to get off of them and that's why my sinuses are blocked. Have to go au naturel. But I know how, a pill or a snort is just easy for lazy me.
Try NAC. It's supposed to loosen phlegm.
ok thank you, I shall
The entire lining had sloughed off in one piece and become petrified with wax, a solid plug. Not amenable to the usual methods.
There were many anti-COVID "vax" doctors. They were shunned, restricted, and their licenses were threatened for not towing the party line. I thank God for them.
The pneumonia vaccine is bad news. My father got pancreatitis after getting his and my MIL got ALS (symptoms showing up a few days after the shot) from it and died 2 years later.
Sorry to hear that.
I had both pneumonia shots - you take them five years apart. My Doc insisted that i get my first when I was 60 and second when I was 65. First one was no issue. The second hurt for weeks, I had a reaction to it. This February I caught the COVID from a business trip. I developed viral (from the COVID) and bacterial (from having to wear a useless mask on the airplanes) pneumonia. Fourth time in my life with that shit. Wasn’t fun.
Saw my Doc three weeks ago. He tried hammering me about the COVID vaccine. I let him rant. I told him I will NEVER take another vaccine. I told him that he pushed the pneumonia vaccine on me and I still got pneumonia so what the hell good is it? He had no answer.
Modern medicine makes zero dollars if you are healthy so what is their incentive to help us?
The entire history of vaxxination is a failure. Not one vaxxine has ever reduced or eliminated any disease. It can be easily shown, it was the improvement and expansion of sanitation infrastructure that best correlates with the decrease of common diseases. If anything, the vaccines prolonged the curve of common diseases when they were introduced after the decrease had already started. Credit rightfully belongs to plumbers, electricians, sandhogs, engineers and city planners for eliminating disease.. All vaxxines and pharmaceuticals compromise the immune system.
Today, the most prevalent cause of disease is from environmental chemical toxins that attack the neurological system and cause cancer and auto-immune diseases, et. al.
In 2002, Dr. Tom Mack of USC stated --
“My credentials include probably spending more time working up [analyses of] population-based outbreaks of smallpox than virtually anybody ever has.”
Mack then stated --
“If people are worried about endemic smallpox [long lingering or permanent presence of the disease in the population], it disappeared from this country not because of our mass herd immunity [derived from a vaccine]. It disappeared because of our economic development. And that’s why it disappeared from Europe and many other countries…[its disappearance is] not from universal vaccination.”
“Most important determinant to the eventual number of [smallpox] cases is whether or not somebody gets put in the hospital. And everything should be done to prevent that.” “Unexposed [to the smallpox disease] community members have negligible risk. There is a substantial risk from a vaccine…It is the single most dangerous live vaccine.”
I'm not 70 and EVERY STINKING TIME I see the doc I'm asked about the shot along with a mammogram for 15 years now. I got angry and told them to quit asking so now they send me a letter instead. Time for new doc.
Good for you!
Yes, it is scheduled when you turn 70.
At least not without having to pay for a bunch of other medical treatments while they age.
If the powers that be weren't compromising our food, water, grooming products, household cleaning supplies with toxins, most of us would be healthy into old age.
There are 2 pneumonia shots actually. One is pneumovax which is good for 5 years and one is prevnar 13 which is a once and done. I’ve had both because I am immune suppressed but that was before I woke up. Never again.
Several elderly people I know of got the shingles AFTER receiving the shingles shot. Never had shingles before. Also, the eldery I know who never get vaccines (flu etc.) also never seem to get sick. Seems they have built up natural immunity throughout their lives.
Big pharma funds medical schools. In the past, physicians were protected by following the official protocol and many of those that stepped out of line were punished/ persecuted or worse. It was difficult and dangerous to go against the medical establishment, but a few courageous souls did. However, many had their livelyhoods destroyed, their reputations ruined and many have died under mysterious circumstances.
Thanks for the report. WWG1WGA
To little, to late. She needs to RESEARCH before pushing something especially under EUA. Waking up late in the game will not save them. Lawsuits and jury trials for all involved. The insurance companies paying for medical lawsuits will be bankrupt. I assume at the top is Blackrock and Vanguard.
I see a lot of doctors that are woke, mostly from articles on this site, and elsewhere, it would be nice to some "establishment" (the ones on the MSM that push the jab) wake up and start to turn, but I think the money is too good.