It's what you don't know that should concern you. I believe their public appearance of power mirrors their actual unseen power.
In this case, I suspect that there are legal agreements that they are postponing from coming to term with the announcement of her death. The City of London Corporation, The Holy See, their blood lines, the world banks, it's all waiting on things such as the death of an old lady and how that effects whichever pieces of paper she or they have signed.
That depends. If Diana loved and knew Jesus, even if it happened at the very end, she is in Paradise with Jesus now, and will be back at the Resurrection - 1 Corinthians 15.
But Repentance in Charles' case would require a public confession, (since the crime was public) and stepping down from the throne along with Camilla, his paramour, and renouncing evil, as well as making restitution to anyone he has harmed.
I didn't say that, and Jesus is very gracious about appearing to people at the time if their death and introducing Himself. You committed the fallacy of the excluded middle.
IF They truly repent, some form of restitution is due to Harry, William, and Dodi at minimum. And they should confess their crime publicly, and their sorrow for the pain they caused, as well as promise never to do such a thing again.
I'd first recommend reading the account of the thief on the cross, (Luke 23: 33 - 43, Matthew 27: 33 - 56, Mark 15:22 - 42, John 19: 16 - 30) Luke is the only one who brings in the testimony of the thief on the cross as to Jesus' innocence, but the others make clear he was involved in taunting Jesus until he saw how Jesus reacted to it.
Jesus actually shows up after his ascension to straighten Paul out, since he was persecuting Jesus's followers. Acts 7 - 9
Advice to those who witness to a dying unbeliever, and some links to testimonies of NDEs are here, you may be interested in both or simply the latter.
Yeah it’s only a matter of time. I don’t know if it’ll be in our lifetime, but things are happening. More faster now. I would just like to see one arrest. Just one
The paper is pushing the notion that there is a groundswell of sentiment for her to retire. How joyous for King Charles to be crowned without his mother dying! Obvious mockingbird singing.
I've never understood the fascination with royalty, particularly the British royals.
They're the biggest welfare recipients in history. Of course liberals would promote the fuck out of them :-).
Myself as well. It’s just ridiculous. It’s just another form of a psyop. Brainwashing. People lapp it up
It's what you don't know that should concern you. I believe their public appearance of power mirrors their actual unseen power.
In this case, I suspect that there are legal agreements that they are postponing from coming to term with the announcement of her death. The City of London Corporation, The Holy See, their blood lines, the world banks, it's all waiting on things such as the death of an old lady and how that effects whichever pieces of paper she or they have signed.
DJT has said that QE2 "is the most whipped person I have ever known"
She is being pushed to abdicate, hasn't actually done it yet. However, I find this line amusing:
Yeah, I bet it's hard to be mobile when you're dead! But it can be done - ask Bernie!
That’s hilarious
They both look absolutely miserable.
Agreed! What they did to Diana is enough to wish them misery. (unless they repent!)
That depends. If Diana loved and knew Jesus, even if it happened at the very end, she is in Paradise with Jesus now, and will be back at the Resurrection - 1 Corinthians 15.
But Repentance in Charles' case would require a public confession, (since the crime was public) and stepping down from the throne along with Camilla, his paramour, and renouncing evil, as well as making restitution to anyone he has harmed.
I didn't say that, and Jesus is very gracious about appearing to people at the time if their death and introducing Himself. You committed the fallacy of the excluded middle.
IF They truly repent, some form of restitution is due to Harry, William, and Dodi at minimum. And they should confess their crime publicly, and their sorrow for the pain they caused, as well as promise never to do such a thing again.
I'd first recommend reading the account of the thief on the cross, (Luke 23: 33 - 43, Matthew 27: 33 - 56, Mark 15:22 - 42, John 19: 16 - 30) Luke is the only one who brings in the testimony of the thief on the cross as to Jesus' innocence, but the others make clear he was involved in taunting Jesus until he saw how Jesus reacted to it.
Jesus actually shows up after his ascension to straighten Paul out, since he was persecuting Jesus's followers. Acts 7 - 9
Advice to those who witness to a dying unbeliever, and some links to testimonies of NDEs are here, you may be interested in both or simply the latter.
I always wonder what Trump and Lizardbeth talked about. Surely of matters more important than when Obama gifted her an iPod full of his speeches.
Now, with the Queen out of the way, the King (Ultra Groomer Charles) is vulnerable.
News cycle changes to Charles' relationship with Jimmy Savile.
I loved it when he walked in front of her. All the windows in the UK flexed with the in-breath of a whole nation 🤩
Hahaha. While wearing the same suitjacket from the Bugs Bunny Maestro meme.
Yeah it’s only a matter of time. I don’t know if it’ll be in our lifetime, but things are happening. More faster now. I would just like to see one arrest. Just one
I feel sorry for UK citizens being called the Queen's subjects.
The paper is pushing the notion that there is a groundswell of sentiment for her to retire. How joyous for King Charles to be crowned without his mother dying! Obvious mockingbird singing.
The one good thing about Charles becoming King is that it will definitely mark the end of these German overlords.
He's on record as wanting to be Camilla's tampon ffs, and that was when he was still with Diana. Fucking lizard people.
They’re Romanian
I stopped caring about the "Royals" sometime around 1776.
Hmm, someone obviously doesn't know (or chooses to forget) that Charlie would phone Jimmy Saville for personal advice!
That would be epic