So, NPR has been hyper-ventilating about white supremacy the last few days, which is a pretty reliable indicator that the are desperately trying to push a false narrative.
NPR keeps bringing up this point about "white replacement", without ever actually explaining what it is, or why its happening, why some people believe it, where they get their info from, or why its a good or bad thing. again, this is anther reliable indicator of that NPR is pushing some fabricated narrative.
What NPR tends to do, is to describe things in the most absurd way possible, and then let their disingenuous description debunk itself,
they strawman everything...
for example, NPR might describe "pizza gate" as,
"The totally baseless conspiracy theory that claims Hillary Clinton is sex trafficking children out of the basement of a pizzashop, and this pizzashop doesn't even have a basement !!!1!!
Oddly enough, i can't recall NPR ever covering the arrest and conviction of former Speaker of the US House Dennis Hastert for raping children.
Maybe because its kinda hard to "debunk" pizza gate, if your listeners know about Dennis Hastert's CONVICTION in a court of law.
Maybe NPR doesn't talk much about Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell because those names basically prove pizza gate is real.
But back to "white supremacy"...
Im sure many of the people reading this have been around some white people.
have you ever met an actual white "supremacist"? as in, a "white" person who thinks they are better than everyone else?
i don't think i have, but maybe I'm sheltered.
on the internet, i have seen some people, who appear to be "white", spouting ideas that sound overtly supremacist, even calling themselves
"God's Chosen People"
but NPR doesn't want to talk about THAT kind of "white supremacism"
and if you do want to talk about THAT kind of "white" supremacism, then NPR will call you an antisemite.
That supposed white event in Charlottesville? fake af.
FBI goons, as always,
So, if nobody you know is actually a WHITE supremacist, then WHY is NPR hyperventilating about white supremacy?
in particular, NPR seems to be preparing their braindead audience, with all the necessary talking points, ideas, narratives etc to be able to engage in a planned debate about "white replacement"
of course, once the NPR audience takes any side on an issue, they will defend it to the death.
so NPR seems to be preemptively preparing the left to DENY DENY DENY that white replacement is even real,
and to ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK anyone who says that it is.
so what has happened over the last few decades?
immigration laws were changed, to encourage more "people of color" to migrate to the US. prior to these immigrant law changes, US immigration law favored migrants from white countries.
white people have been given such a massive guilt complex, that many now see themselves as the root of all evil, the root of all oppression, the root of all climate change, the root of all the problems in the world.
they see white babies as disgusting parasites, a problem that needs to be solved by an abortion, or infanticide, rather than a Gift from God.
white people have been systematically encouraged to "date" people from other races, and to have non-white children. these "mixed race" children aren't doing too well in life, because they are not being fully accepted by either race.
white people have been systematically encouraged to engage in LGBT+ type behavior, which is non-conducive to having white babies.
bill gates is openly concerned with human overpopulation, and your family planning.
white people have been encouraged to take birth control, and to limit their family size.
when the Roe v Wade draft was leaked, there was a massive spike in searches for female sterilization, which to me is evidence that their abortion explanations are false narratives, and they hate themselves so much, that they even want to kill their own children.
ask yourself. how many kids were in your grandparents families, and how many kids are there in your family?
so, we have several SYSTEMATIC programs running at the same time, whose purpose appears to be to reduce the size of white population, and it appears to be working very well indeed...
even COVID, and COVID vaccines, appear to be biological weapons of war, and they work by either killing you outright, or at least killing your reproductive system.
must read:
The Mystery of the Declining U.S. Birth Rate
So, we have a collapsing birth rate among white women in America, so the UNelected, UNaccountable, UNwanted tyrants at the UN, give us their UNsolicited plan to "replace" the white population in Russia, Europe and America, with a non-white population from everywhere, and anywhere else.
United Nations projections indicate that over the next 50 years, the populations of virtually all countries of Europe as well as Japan will face population decline and population ageing. The new challenges of declining and ageing populations will require comprehensive reassessments of many established policies and programmes, including those relating to international migration.
Focusing on these two striking and critical population trends, the report considers replacement migration for eight low-fertility countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States) and two regions (Europe and the European Union). Replacement migration refers to the international migration that a country would need to offset population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates.
so here is the UN, openly admitting that there is a "fertility problem" in white nations, that was most likely caused BY the very policies that were promoted by the UN-WHO-WEF
and instead of addressing the problem of the collapsing birth rate, the UN decides they just going to import some People of Color to "replace" them
And if you dare to talk about this, then you are a white supremacist, who is probably going to get violent soon.
You see where NPR et al are going with this fake ass Buffalo shooting ?
they breach the topic of white replacement,
they frame the debate in a way that is favorable to their narratives, and unfavorable to our narratives.
radicalize and mobilize their NPC bots, to "flood the zone" on social media
Population Control by Sadhguru and The WEF
2 minute video.
watch until the VERY end.
100 Proofs the Israelites were White...
One of the biggest mysteries of the Bible, is where did the 12 Lost Tribes of Israel go to? Did they just disappear? The purpose of this website is to answer that very question, to spread the truth that the Israelites were never lost and never disappeared, but in fact migrated into Europe under different names. These names range from the Scythians, Cimerians, Sakea, Gaulic, Celtic, Germanic Tribes. They eventually split up destroyed the Roman Empire and became the Saxons, Angles, Jutes, Danes, Franks, Frisians, Goths and many other related tribes and peoples. The point is the people of the Old Testament are the exact same people as the New Testament. The European people, who as a whole accepted Christianity, are in fact the genetic descendants of the Israelites. The Bible is our family book and our history. We deserve to know our heritage!
Welcome to
If you are new to this website, Click below to watch 100 Proofs the Israelites were White.
Here is what everyone needs to know about NPR:
Racine is the Root, gateway and model for their entire Agenda.
I did not know that all happened at wingspread. Interesting. Npr is an bunch of soft talking faggots
They don’t control both sides of the conversation, they control all sides. The daughter of the Knight Foundation founder also lives in Racine. Nilay Patel from Racine is a leading big tech controlled opposition propagandist with Vox. Paul Ryan left at the peak of his career to control opposition propaganda at Fox. One chain of command linking back to Wingspread is Wright > Gurdjieff > Abramovic > Gaga. They all know about Racine, and Lady Gaga knows about the connections with Racine and the Knights of Pythias. Who lived at Wingspread? What other decisions and meetings were held there? What is the design? They aren’t soft. They are evil.
Make a flying leap between points 1 and 2 to arrive at 3 - the conclusion: The shooter was a right wing extremist. Except for the problematic issue that he was a left wing extremist.
shooter didn’t write the manifesto
Good old strawman argument. We have some shills doing it here too. They take our positions, strip away all nuances and create a totally bogus an outrageous argument and then argue against it.
Bets thing to do is to disengage from such people, and just spread the word "strawman argument" wherever you see it. Once people know this concept, its easy to identify and disengage.
You can stop at “WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT NPR”. Better yet, we need to do something about their Bias !
NPR chick: mmm hmm
Definitely a mouthful. And top quality
HAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Isn't genocide hilarious!
I agree with what has been said here about white replacement, and I think anyone living in Western countries can see it happening right before their eyes year after year. But, I want to also offer another perspective as a person of East Asian (Taiwanese) descent - a very similar thing is occurring in our countries as well. In fact, China was the first country to have implemented actively dysgenic (i.e. the opposite of eugenic) policies by systematically killing off most of their elite scholars and intellectuals during the Cultural Revolution. They also implemented the One Child Policy which affected an entire generation. Even though they are now allowing families to have up to 2-3 children, it is largely too little, too late. Most people my age there (I’m a young Millennial) are not interested in having children due to high costs of living.
Additionally, many advanced East Asian economies (Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore) have birth rates that are even lower than most European countries, and there appears to be no way of reversing this trend. In the West, at least there are still small subsets of religious groups who continue to have large families (Mormons, Amish, the Quiverfull movement) - we don’t have any of those in Eastern countries. My grandfather came from a family of 8 children; yet 2 generations later he only has 4 grandchildren total. Another surprising thing that some may not be aware of is that China has lately become a top destination for African migrants, who choose to go there for education due to the significantly lower cost compared to Western countries (this arrangement is much more favorable in terms of their native countries’ currency conversion rates). The Chinese government has also been encouraging them to come and there is an increasing number of African/Chinese marriages as well. In general it seems that governments are interested in suppressing certain native populations who have the capacity as a group to be more economically productive than others.
hochul territory so yeah terrorists terror