Wizard of Oz - written a few years before the Fed was created is full of symbolism for the creation of a Fed.
OZ = Ounces (oz) of Gold.
Emerald City = Federal Reserve
Man behind Curtain = Cabal controlling the world by creating an illusion using Fed (world is a stage)
Scare Crow = People without a brain, regular people.
Trump is sending an amazing, powerful, earth shattering message
I am gonna tear down your most prized weapon - the Federal Reserve - and oh, one of your prized asset (Dr Oz) has been helping us take down your pedo networks all this time. Suck on that!
u/trolltide had posted a decode a few days ago about end of fed in May.
We are seeing all the market destabilisations for the past week, including a test run at bringing down one of the stable coins. Russia has the Gold and is destorying the Federal Reserve Dollars. China getting ready to move onto Taiwan as Cabal military can only sit and watch, and their "president" makes a fool of himself.
This is going to be BIBLICAL !
Edited: The message could be even more precise:
I am flipping the Fed just like I flipped your boy Dr Oz. Fed will be my bitch now and do as I say, including liquidating all your asses.
Added Extra:
I believe the market today proved us right. It confirmed that this is indeed the symbolism, because the market had a meltdown - probably the deep state assets in finance trying to jump ship. But this is not the end. If Trump is going to brandish the Fed in their faces you can expect to see all kinds of actions in the coming days. They will be confused and dazed like we have been for far too long.
The thing is, you're calling it like someone from patriots.win would see it, not like someone who thinks the Q plan is in effect. Anons here don't see January 6th the way you see it. We're thinking in terms of chess and the Art of War. We understand the concept of moves and countermoves, and that all warfare is based on deception, so naturally, we question everything we see. You seem content with what I would essentially call the Fox News narrative. You still seem to think it's a zero sum game and every loss that looks like a loss is a reason to scream that the sky is falling, but I'd think you'd have paid enough attention to see that many times, apparently losses were actually massive wins. We don't know who is who in this drama. You act like you have it all figured out and it's as plain as day. Well, if that's as hard as you're willing to think then yeah, you're probably in the wrong place. Here we try our best to avoid absolute language like the kind you've been employing. We try not to marry ourselves too quickly to a specific outcome. You may call that "far fetched reasoning to explain things away" but it's really just basic logic. Nobody who has read through the Devolution series is still very pissed about January 6th. You seem to want Trump back in office so badly you never stopped to ask yourself whether Trump felt being in office right now was the right chess move. He thwarted the steal in 2016, why didn't he do it again in 2020? We have theories about that here. You sound like the kind of guy who's just content to walk around banging the Mike Pence treason drum without a second thought. Maybe Pence is a traitor, but the shit Trump said right before he supposedly committed treason sure gives me pause. Why it wouldn't do the same for you is beyond me.
I really think you're in the wrong forum, pal. And I think you're still more married to mainstream media than you probably care to believe.
The shills are getting more and more obvious, aren't they?
They really are. When I go to patriots.win I feel like I'm at Fox and Friends. There's either cheering or jeering. Here, no matter what happens, there's this calm. There's this "hold on now, maybe there's more to this. Anybody got any theories?" vibe, and I love it. Patriots.winners are screaming at the TV because they still think the winner of the game is up in the air. They cheer or moan at every first down, every field goal, every touchdown. A while back when there was a football game I really cared about, I made the decision never to watch it live. To wait until I found out who won the game. If we lost, I wouldn't even bother watching. I'd rather not get wrapped up on the details--the fact that we lost was enough in and of itself. I'd only watch if we'd won, but what was nice, was that now that I had the assurance that we would win, I could see the other team make a great play or get a huge first down, see their fans go crazy, listen to the announcers suck their dicks, and I wouldn't care. I'd just grab more popcorn because I knew how it ended, and all that stuff just added to the drama, but without sending me overboard one way or the other. That's us at gaw.win. We believe that the game is already over, we already won, and now we just get to watch how it all played out. We're calm. I honestly feel really bad for the guys over on patriots. Watching a game live is grueling.
Patriots.win has their hearts in the right place but it's all mud flinging, insults, and e-bravado.
I think your right in most of your post here. But I tend to give him a bit of a break. He may be having a moment of weakness. I think we’ve all been through that at some time or another. When you feel the fight in you, is bigger than those you are fighting for. Like your taking it very serious, and defeat isn’t an option, we start to doom. It happens. That’s where the plan comes in, and ultimately faith. Hopefully he’ll, like I’ve done in the past, is unplug for a week and come back a bit more relaxed. Primaries are kind of a do or die for some, and a measure to how they feel the plan is going. Really we just have to keep the faith. Faith in God that good will overcome evil enough, we can live in a society that isn’t literally on fire.
So basically it's 'shun the nonbeliever' huh? Sad. Funny too, since I have been here since the start of r\cbts and watched this whole thing unroll in real time. Don't now your story and not making assumptions. To be so closed minded as to toss out different points of veiw as easily as a twitter clone starry eyed after his favorite blue check tweet, is foolish and dangerous. The line we walk is thin enough as it is and tossing those around you off because they don't think exactly what you do is exactly what. The deep state needs to get the job done. You do them a great service and I am sure they appreciate your efforts, willful or not. Lol 'pal'.
research board. civil please.
Fuck off, shill.