IRAN: Digital Food Rationing rolls out using Biometric IDs amid food riots - Ice Age Farmer
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Well, your generic explanation certainly came across as I was expecting, it sounds as though it comes from a survey in world religions course from any fill in the blank university. Just to point out something incorrect, for example: Abram as he was called before God changed his name to Abraham, wasn't an idol worshipper or pagan as inferred, though the area he lived in practiced that. Abraham had a unique relationship with God as he was called the friend of God. Abraham didn't have a religion, he had faith, he had belief, religion is an institution of men. The lineage of Christ(meaning anointed) comes through Shem, but is always referred to from the root of Judah. The promise to Abraham, which certainly hasn't been yet fulfilled is an earthly one, not a spiritual one, this is covered in Isaiah, Ezekiel, Revelations, Zechariah, and what are called the minor prophet books, through their messages are hardly minor. What Paul formerly known as Saul is referring to is something different entirely. Also concerning the 12 tribes, Josephs two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh replaced Joseph and Levi(which later became the high priest class) .
Thanks for encouraging me to read the Bible, but to be fair I study and read several times a day.
You asked, "What precisely is an Abraham religion?" Yes, there is much more to the story. It wasn't intended to be a complete retelling, just a short snapshot of what people refer to as the Abrahamic religions and how they relate to each other.
I disagree with you on 2 points: 1. Based on Joshua 24:2, I still maintain that Abram and fam were idol worshippers, no different from the city of idol worshippers in which they lived. God called Abram, not because Abram was anything different, but because of His mercy and His will. Faith, which is a gift of God, was infused into Abram through that contact. It was after this that Abram is referred to, eventually, as a friend of God. And 2. The promise to Abraham HAS been fulfilled according to Galatians 3:14. The Blessing of Abraham, is the promise of the Spirit which we receive through faith. The covenant God made with Abraham (v. 17) for a Seed and the Land are fulfilled in Christ in resurrection. Christ is the promised Seed (v. 16), and Christ as the Spirit is the land (Col. 1:12-14). According to the New Covenant prophesied (in various places) in Ez.36:27, God says, "I will put My Spirit within you." This is the covenant of which Christ, in resurrection, is now the mediator (Heb. 8:6). The blessing of Abraham is God Himself.
That verse you referred to in Joshua is referring to Abrahams father, and grandfather, and not Abraham himself. This is why he was told by God to leave and take his family and leave.
You're reaching. It says that God told the children of Israel, "YOUR FATHERS...served other gods." There is nowhere that says, "except Abram." They worshipped in families. It was God that made the difference. "Not out of works in righteousness which we did, but according to His mercy He saved us (Tit. 3:5)." God didn't choose him because he was righteous. He was accounted righteous because he believed God (Gen. 15:6; Rom. 4:3; Gal. 3:6-9; Heb. 11:8)." God came first, then faith, then righteousness.
I think that is you who is reaching and actually do not understand.
You really want to be right be you are not. For some unknown reason you want to portray him as transitioning bad to good. You must simply understand and accept that Abraham was not a convert, nor was Noah, or Enoch, or Daniel, these men had faith that pales the rest. They were all men who had a special and unique relationship with God. The Joshua reference you rely on, is a reach which falls into misunderstanding, if you actually read it, and break it down:
**Jos 24:2 And Joshua said unto all the people, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood in old time, even Terah, the father of Abraham, and the father of Nachor: and they served other gods.
Nachor or Nahor, Father of Terah
Terah, father of Abraham.
Abraham is only mentioned as a reference marker as most people at that time wouldn't have known his father or grandfather, but they certainly did know who Abraham was and what he stood for. It simply does not say Abraham , the "they served other gods" part refers to his predecessors. Additionally, are you going to through ALL before the flood as pagans? Enoch who walked with God, and was translated that he might not see death, that takes a very special individual to have that recognition. Gen 5:24, Heb 11:5
The Heb 11:8 reference, Abraham was already faithful and he was righteous as is said in James 2:21, he didn't become faithful and then God picked him. There is literally no verse that says Abraham had a conversion of faith period. His faith and righteousness could have saved him on that merit alone. Abraham was a good man from the start, he wasn't in a bad way like Rahab. Israel taken as a whole was troubled, individually, there were outstanding individuals who were used and chosen to prophesy to correct the faltering nation.
Whomever put this idea in your head is who you should be speaking with, they were incorrect in the first place, whether it was your professor, pastor, or someone else, sorry but they are wrong.
So, we're at am impasse of sorts, I'm really sorry that you are stuck and I probably won't convince you which is sad. But I don't see any more reason to pursue this.