IRAN: Digital Food Rationing rolls out using Biometric IDs amid food riots - Ice Age Farmer
🌎 Agenda 2030_Mark of the Beast
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When people say islam, judaism, and Christianity worship the same God, I get reminders like this one that we do not worship the same God at all.
We worship three very different Gods
You’re the only one to comment so far that gets this.
Different, but same?
Or different but different?
there are many different understandings of God but there is only one God and we humans try to attach earthly understanding of God. to varying degrees, we fail at this understanding.
Abraham religions are all weaponized by politicians and their priests against the true believers. We do worship the same phenomenon (the great creator of this universe call it God, Allah or whatever you want) while those using our religions against us worship no one but Satan.
Couldn’t be more wrong
Keep believing in your man-made Bible. The true Bible is in Messiah's hands and he'll bring it upon his return.
What precisely is an Abraham religion?
Read the Bible. It's an interesting read. In Genesis, the first book, God called Abraham out of idolatry and joined Himself in an eternal covenant with Abraham and his seed. Abraham had Isaac. Isaac had Jacob, and Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel, had 12 sons, which became 12 tribes, which became the nation of Israel. God rescued these tribes out of slavery in Egypt, gave them the Law, the 10 Commandments, with statures and ordinances, and planted them in them in the land of Canaan. It became known as the land of Israel. That is the first Abrahamic religion. Through the tribe of Judah, Christ came to take away the sin of the world, so that they could receive the promise of the Spirit, which the apostle Paul showed is the real blessing given to Abraham. This was a fulfillment and a turn away from the Old Testament covenant to the New Covenant that was prophesied several places in the O.T. Christianity is the result of the New Covenant. Its source was Abraham, so that's the 2nd Abrahamic religion. Then Islam came late to the party. It borrowed from both the O.T. and N.T. So, that's the 3rd Abrahamic religion.
Any narrative that creates division is evil. Any that creates unity is good.
Unity is not always good. division through discernment is needed
Lmao. People divide themselves away from God with ridiculous unlearned beliefs like I'm seeing here. Narratives are what come from those people. God is the author of peace. Satan the author of confusion, confusion is when you have more than one source of information and they clash.
Could not agree more
My God says I will never suffer my people to go hungry or beg bread.
So why do people go hungry and become beggars. The answer is " my people". Not all are His.
I for one have never gone hungry or begged bread.
The only true religion on this planet is Christianity. However, some Christians still get it wrong. A basic research will reveal Yah and allah are not the same beings. There are some interesting theories about islam, especially how their end times mirrors Christians. Their “messiah” plays out the exact role as the antichrist and false prophet do in revelation.
Thernis no true religion. Religion IS all man made even the one some call Christianity. But, I say what my teacher said. Christianity is not a religion, it is the way of a Father with His children. Keep all your religion whatbever you call it its death.
What other word would you like me to use to replace the word religion in my original comment?
But on opposite sides
How do you know it’s the only true religion?
For me, it’s my personal experience . I wasn’t a believer until Jesus changed my heart. I “saw” Him and realized how wrong I was all this time. This was over a year ago now and was the craziest/best night of my life. I was in pure awe when He revealed Himself and it felt like all the weight of the world was lifted. Nothing is the same anymore but I couldn’t be happier. I feel the Holy Spirit everyday helping me. So when I say Christianity is the only true religion, I mean it’s the only true way and belief to salvation because Christians know Jesus to be Lord and the messiah and will come again. The only way to the Father is through the Son. This does not mean the “religion”is perfect, the church definitely has flaws, which is expected since we are human. But compared to the other religions in the world, Christianity’s core belief is the only true and perfect one.
No Judaism does not still worship Yah the Father. No one can worship the Father except thorough Jesus Christ. That is why the Jews invented the trinity, to throw you off track. "I and my father are one" person. There is no other. Without the Son you worship UN Cain. Period.
Do you even understand the trinity? God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one. Chicken egg, has three separate and distinct parts, but all three parts together make up the one egg. It is the same with water even though it can be a liquid, a solid (ice), and a gas (steam). It’s all water.
Titus 2:13 states the following and directly teaches part of the doctrine of the Trinity. …as we wait for the happy fulfillment of our hope in the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is referring to Jesus with both appellations. It would be like introducing the president by stating, “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the president and commander-in-chief of the United States of America.”
We see the same type of thing in 2 Timothy 4:1. I solemnly charge you before God and Christ Jesus, who is going to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom…
Jesus (the Word) was with God before anything was made, implying that Jesus is not a created Being but always existed with the Father. Notice also that Jesus is the One through whom everything was ever created. If Jesus is not God, then God is actually “guilty” of sharing His glory with Jesus, something He said He would not do.
“For there are three who bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.” (1 John 5:7)
They worship the Father, reading the OT clearly defines that. However, they do not have salvation because they do not accept the Son. There is only one way to the Father and that is through the Son.
Wonder if that is what the DS is trying to do to us here in the US with the food & formula shortages?
Does a bear shit in the woods?
is the Pope Catholic?
do squirrels shit nuts?
I think there is a chance that the formula shortage was created so that Bill gates could get his artificial breast milk approved by the FDA years ahead of what it should take.
Chip = vaxx?
cHIVax... HIV...?
That's a hard pass on the Vax or the Chip.
Let me ask you something. Suppose this was the mark of the beast.... but if you didn't get it to be able to eat you would starve and die. Including your children getting it to stay alive. Would they go to hell for having it also? Thats why I dont think something like this - for food or something vital could be considered the mark.
If it is the mark, people would have to make the choice to accept it or not. If a parent accepts it for their child, that’s not the child’s choice, so the child would not be punished. That’s at least my thoughts on it.
Well what about the first part of the question? What if its for something you need to survive and can't get without the "mark."
Well therein lies the problem with people’s temptation by modern day conveniences, myself included. Instead of living off the land and what God has provided for us, we depend on what man provides. I’m sure our dependency on modern day conveniences is part of the devil’s plan on rolling out the Mark. The choice we will all have to make is not meant to be an easy one. I, personally, would rather choose death over the Mark…and since I have zero homesteading abilities, that is probably where I will end up.
Know chip, know food.
Potato chips, anyway.