FtFOYGL reads a ton of comms differently than DecodingSymbols. They have tons of overlap but Symbols seems to think most of the major black hat players have either flipped or been taken out of commission at this point and are no longer sending black hat comms (unless they're intentional disinfo pushed by white hats), including Ryan Reynolds (Blake Lively's husband). If Scavino is posting pictures of rainbows as Trump returns, and FtFOYGL thinks that comms are showing the end of the FED, seems to me that would represent that we are out of the storm, as the rainbow in Biblical tradition is famous for appearing after the Flood.
This might sound counter-intuitive to Anons - "how could we possibly be out of the Storm when noone has gone to jail!?!?!" - but that may be because of our own misperception due to being in an echo chamber. Storms are real and dangerous phenomena. So the storm would imply that it was the time when actual danger existed. Many Anons seem to think it represents a flurry of activity when people are being rounded up and sent to GITMO, the FED is crashed, etc. That "the storm" represents BOOMs so big that everyone can see. But I see those as more clean-up operations that would occur after a storm. The Storm would be the period of time when the black hats are sending every possible countermeasure they can against the white hats. Activating MK cells, funding black bloc violence, targeted assassinations, blackmailing any and everyone they can get dirt on, etc. But I think we're pretty much on the far side of those operations at this point.
If we're out of the storm, then it stands to reason that most of the baddies have flipped or been subdued. FtFOYGL sends a lot of mixed messages IMO, they seem kind of doomery quite often, but then they say things like this that don't seem to make sense within the narrative they've crafted regarding white hats and black hats still being in pitched battle.
I tend to agree more with DecodingSymbols. I think the war is essentially over. What white hats are doing now is a controlled demolition of the corrupted institutions in such a way that it doesn't bring about mass panic and reactionary violence from the normies as they awaken. Sure, there are some scattered low-level black hat cells still working overtime trying to right the ship, but the majority of the black hat comms apparatus has been dismantled... I know there are certainly MK assets that haven't yet been identified and extracted/neutralized (such as the Buffalo stupidity), but I think these are the death throes as cells who've been cut off from their handlers essentially activate any and everything they have left in sheer desperation.
None of this is to say that I think things will be wrapped up in a few weeks or months (as far as the final culminating event of the operation), but the behind-the-scenes heavy lifting has been done. Now we're in the rehab phase. We've been brainwashed for hundreds or thousands of years to see a false reality. We're the vanguard of people who've pierced the veil, and even we can't decipher the truth. The normies' brains are even more atrophied, and they're prone to panic if the veil is lifted improperly.
Anons need to understand that this is going to end not with a bang, but with a whimper. WE might recognize habbenings as BOOMS, but the normies have no idea how to identify habbenings yet. They're either just beginning to see, or they're going to learn about them in hindsight over the coming months and years, as historical facts, and then act as if they've known them all along. We're not going to get any satisfaction from our "I told you so" moments, and in truth, Christians shouldn't be seeking such prideful displays of self-gratification in the first place. Good enough to know the world changes for the better. This isn't about us Anons. It is about the Return of the King (and no, I don't mean Trump).
I don't think most have fully grasped what's coming, and even us Anons still have our miles-wide blind spots. Might be time for some to seek out the correlative endings being predicted by the non-Christian Mencius Moldbug (Curtis Yarvin) and Christianity.
I'm pretty sure the Republic is dead, and not in the rhetorical way that normie conservatives say it, whining about the stolen election, high gas prices, etc. I mean genuinely, I think if the end of this is Biblical, then it ends with the nations giving up the lie of democratic self-governance and returning to the monarchical system for nations. The books of Daniel and Revelation never mention democracies and republics. They mention kings, and kings to come. I'm not predicting that we're about to witness the Second Coming (because I am no prophet, and make no claim as to the specifics of God's plan), but for anyone that believes that it is coming at some point, I fail to see how a people that have been conditioned to revere the political lie of democratic (or even republican) self-governance will ever willingly accept the return of Christ in the position of a King. We've been taught to hate kings in general.
No, we Anons still have plenty of our own waking up to do. And that entails the end of the American Republican experiment. Gird your loins, boys and girls, because before all is said and done, I think we'll be swearing allegiance to a King again. And yes, I'm being serious...
If Q could throw out shade about arresting Hillary to cover for arrests in Saudi Arabia, it is totally possible that they threw out the "look to twitter, exactly this" tagline to keep the Cabal guessing as to when "The Storm" would arrive.
Maybe we will never get that special tweet. I think a more beautiful tweet would be one where Trump tells us that the Storm is over, and that we have reached the other side. I would literally start weeping if he did that! To know that he and the Q team worked overtime in the background these past couple of years and that our hardships are nearly at an end would be incredible!
I can't get my hopium up too much. I am still prepared for that tweet, and to weather The Storm for a few more years if need be. I do admit that I grow weary of this conflict. With the growing weariness comes an aged wisdom though. A gift bestowed by the Q team and community.
Great summary on DecodingSymbol's perspective on this being the cleanup stage for Patriots. Specifically cleaning out remaining Clown MKUltra cells (Buffalo etc).
He'll go so far as saying the pandemic, a once in human civilization opportunity to lock down elusive child sex traffickers, was co-opted to such a tremendous degree by Patriots.
then it ends with the nations giving up the lie of democratic self-governance and returning to the monarchical system for nations.
This is where you pivot away from Comms and dare I say Patriot sentiment. Again and again Comms show respect for We, The People returning, and the dissolution of We, The Commodity. A removal of fiat currency. A removal of the Corporation of the United States.
Systems in place that ensure untainted elections. Regular audits to ensure politicians aren't leeching. The removal of Clown World so wannabe politicians needn't require being blackmailed to win office.
At risk of placing too much faith in men (Patriots and ex-Clowns who have risked their families lives), the Best is Yet to Come. I don't see why you would think a monarchy is impending.
Q said "we" are returning the power to the ppl (governance of, by, and for) and that the U.S. is first, followed by the rest of nations/humanity.
Trump said "you're gonna love how this ends, it'll be glorious" (not verbatim) and of course the Biblical reference by Q.
I highly doubt this movie ends with the crowning of nation king's... unless... you-know-who returns to finish off his battle vs the dark, usurous tribe?
FtFOYGL reads a ton of comms differently than DecodingSymbols. They have tons of overlap but Symbols seems to think most of the major black hat players have either flipped or been taken out of commission at this point and are no longer sending black hat comms (unless they're intentional disinfo pushed by white hats), including Ryan Reynolds (Blake Lively's husband). If Scavino is posting pictures of rainbows as Trump returns, and FtFOYGL thinks that comms are showing the end of the FED, seems to me that would represent that we are out of the storm, as the rainbow in Biblical tradition is famous for appearing after the Flood.
This might sound counter-intuitive to Anons - "how could we possibly be out of the Storm when noone has gone to jail!?!?!" - but that may be because of our own misperception due to being in an echo chamber. Storms are real and dangerous phenomena. So the storm would imply that it was the time when actual danger existed. Many Anons seem to think it represents a flurry of activity when people are being rounded up and sent to GITMO, the FED is crashed, etc. That "the storm" represents BOOMs so big that everyone can see. But I see those as more clean-up operations that would occur after a storm. The Storm would be the period of time when the black hats are sending every possible countermeasure they can against the white hats. Activating MK cells, funding black bloc violence, targeted assassinations, blackmailing any and everyone they can get dirt on, etc. But I think we're pretty much on the far side of those operations at this point.
If we're out of the storm, then it stands to reason that most of the baddies have flipped or been subdued. FtFOYGL sends a lot of mixed messages IMO, they seem kind of doomery quite often, but then they say things like this that don't seem to make sense within the narrative they've crafted regarding white hats and black hats still being in pitched battle.
I tend to agree more with DecodingSymbols. I think the war is essentially over. What white hats are doing now is a controlled demolition of the corrupted institutions in such a way that it doesn't bring about mass panic and reactionary violence from the normies as they awaken. Sure, there are some scattered low-level black hat cells still working overtime trying to right the ship, but the majority of the black hat comms apparatus has been dismantled... I know there are certainly MK assets that haven't yet been identified and extracted/neutralized (such as the Buffalo stupidity), but I think these are the death throes as cells who've been cut off from their handlers essentially activate any and everything they have left in sheer desperation.
None of this is to say that I think things will be wrapped up in a few weeks or months (as far as the final culminating event of the operation), but the behind-the-scenes heavy lifting has been done. Now we're in the rehab phase. We've been brainwashed for hundreds or thousands of years to see a false reality. We're the vanguard of people who've pierced the veil, and even we can't decipher the truth. The normies' brains are even more atrophied, and they're prone to panic if the veil is lifted improperly.
Anons need to understand that this is going to end not with a bang, but with a whimper. WE might recognize habbenings as BOOMS, but the normies have no idea how to identify habbenings yet. They're either just beginning to see, or they're going to learn about them in hindsight over the coming months and years, as historical facts, and then act as if they've known them all along. We're not going to get any satisfaction from our "I told you so" moments, and in truth, Christians shouldn't be seeking such prideful displays of self-gratification in the first place. Good enough to know the world changes for the better. This isn't about us Anons. It is about the Return of the King (and no, I don't mean Trump).
I don't think most have fully grasped what's coming, and even us Anons still have our miles-wide blind spots. Might be time for some to seek out the correlative endings being predicted by the non-Christian Mencius Moldbug (Curtis Yarvin) and Christianity.
I'm pretty sure the Republic is dead, and not in the rhetorical way that normie conservatives say it, whining about the stolen election, high gas prices, etc. I mean genuinely, I think if the end of this is Biblical, then it ends with the nations giving up the lie of democratic self-governance and returning to the monarchical system for nations. The books of Daniel and Revelation never mention democracies and republics. They mention kings, and kings to come. I'm not predicting that we're about to witness the Second Coming (because I am no prophet, and make no claim as to the specifics of God's plan), but for anyone that believes that it is coming at some point, I fail to see how a people that have been conditioned to revere the political lie of democratic (or even republican) self-governance will ever willingly accept the return of Christ in the position of a King. We've been taught to hate kings in general.
No, we Anons still have plenty of our own waking up to do. And that entails the end of the American Republican experiment. Gird your loins, boys and girls, because before all is said and done, I think we'll be swearing allegiance to a King again. And yes, I'm being serious...
Fascinating take.
Perhaps you are correct.
If Q could throw out shade about arresting Hillary to cover for arrests in Saudi Arabia, it is totally possible that they threw out the "look to twitter, exactly this" tagline to keep the Cabal guessing as to when "The Storm" would arrive.
Maybe we will never get that special tweet. I think a more beautiful tweet would be one where Trump tells us that the Storm is over, and that we have reached the other side. I would literally start weeping if he did that! To know that he and the Q team worked overtime in the background these past couple of years and that our hardships are nearly at an end would be incredible!
I can't get my hopium up too much. I am still prepared for that tweet, and to weather The Storm for a few more years if need be. I do admit that I grow weary of this conflict. With the growing weariness comes an aged wisdom though. A gift bestowed by the Q team and community.
Great summary on DecodingSymbol's perspective on this being the cleanup stage for Patriots. Specifically cleaning out remaining Clown MKUltra cells (Buffalo etc).
He'll go so far as saying the pandemic, a once in human civilization opportunity to lock down elusive child sex traffickers, was co-opted to such a tremendous degree by Patriots.
This is where you pivot away from Comms and dare I say Patriot sentiment. Again and again Comms show respect for We, The People returning, and the dissolution of We, The Commodity. A removal of fiat currency. A removal of the Corporation of the United States.
Systems in place that ensure untainted elections. Regular audits to ensure politicians aren't leeching. The removal of Clown World so wannabe politicians needn't require being blackmailed to win office.
At risk of placing too much faith in men (Patriots and ex-Clowns who have risked their families lives), the Best is Yet to Come. I don't see why you would think a monarchy is impending.
I agree.
Q said "we" are returning the power to the ppl (governance of, by, and for) and that the U.S. is first, followed by the rest of nations/humanity.
Trump said "you're gonna love how this ends, it'll be glorious" (not verbatim) and of course the Biblical reference by Q.
I highly doubt this movie ends with the crowning of nation king's... unless... you-know-who returns to finish off his battle vs the dark, usurous tribe?
It's the return of the Great MAGA King.
Ends with whimper. Agreed. Most wont realize its over or that it even happened.