Stanford says Blood and Organs From Young Will Reduce Aging. Adrenachrome Conspiracy No More!
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
Stanford continuing their open release of stories/studies of how to slow/reduce aging. Those so called “ Adrenachrome Conspiracies” are just becoming more and more true. Hmmm!
The Bible’s first prohibition against consuming blood comes in Genesis 9:2-4, where God tells Noah, "Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything. But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it."
Law of Moses. Leviticus 17:14 gives the reason behind command: “For the life of every creature is its blood: its blood is its life.”
Acts 15.20- Instead, we should write and tell them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals, and from blood.
Abstain from the meat of strangled animals? Animals tortured before being killed?
In processing animals, like a chicken, you normal drain the blood before consuming. If you merely strangle the animal, then the blood has still not been drained from the meat...
I thought you always drain the blood from the animal. As much as can be anyways.
Makes me think about hunters and when a new hunter gets his first kill and they are meant to drink some of the blood or eat the heart.
My thoughts exactly do we have additional source information on this one?
Everything you've written is true but we're under the new covenant now.
In that He says, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away. Hebrews 8:13 NKJV
Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. I Timothy 4:1-3 NKJV
I only posted this to point out that, as Christians, we're not prohibited from eating anything that God has provided. It's not "Christ plus legalism" or "Christ plus anything" Christ we are complete.
this? Acts 15.20- Instead, we should write and tell them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals, and from blood.
I think that particular scripture is talking about not eating meat that had been offered to idols and then sold in temple butcher shops to avoid offending Jews still living under the law. The Jerusalem Council had decided that keeping the law and observing those rituals was not a condition for salvation but they didn't want the Gentiles to keep them riled up by having medium-rare cookouts in front of the Jews. James suggested that they abstain from those things because the dietary restrictions had been in effect for many generations.
bible tools r helpful- --
What will happen to me if I drank/ate blood from a medium rare steak? Did I accidentally steal the animals soul or something?
If it was veal you might look younger? 😂
All true. But why is a bloody medium rare steak so delicious?
If you really get to know your way around a BBQ you can make even a well done piece of meat have a perfect texture and an incredible flavor.