433 Monkeypox, you say? Biblical times... (media.greatawakening.win) N C S W I C posted 2 years ago by tool 2 years ago by tool +434 / -1 236 comments download share 236 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Why would Q let our loved ones die in such a horrible manner? I don't get it.
Didn't someone post a statistics on past monkey pox and the death rate was zero? Perhaps it's a sick way to identify the pure blood.
I think it's a sick way to try to get the children vaccinated. COVID didn't affect them enough. And they don't have the smallpox vaccine like those of us born pre-1973(4?).
Dust off your sandals and move on. You can lead a person only so far.
There aren't many of us walking this path, but the scenery is majestic.
They don't necessarily die. It could be a huge wake up call for the sheeple.
The Q-side warned them repeatedly.
Are you suggesting Q is an angel?