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A true patriot rejects the blackpill.
Taking the blackpill is providing aid to the enemy.
Razorfist has an excellent rant on the blackpill.
One of my favorite videos as of the late.
I would like to think the blackpills are actually a really, really, dark shade of blue.
Which means consuming the worst of both worlds: the despair of the black pill while being lured back to complete inaction and paralysis like the blue pill.
We will be tomorrow where our believing takes us. As we stand today where it brought us.
Believe in this victory. Nothing better than a fight for a just cause, our freedom, our grandchildrens freedom all in reach by a flip of the switch in thought and deed.
Excellent, thank you.
Am I crazy, or does that poet look like the great-grandfather of Nicolas Cage?
Does that dude look like Nicholas cage to you? Wtf. Great poem btw.
This can't be said often enough. I finally had to stop going to PDW, since it's become a hysterical, sometimes irrational, hive of shills, doomers and defeatists.
As somebody who grew up in Michigan, I am a blackpill expert after my dealings with Detroit Lions "fans" who seem to take enjoyment in predicting the Lions won't win more than 3-7 games each and every season.
These same people often blame their alcoholism on the Lions not winning a thing since 1957, and refuse to accept the NFL is rigged and the Lions are perpetual losers on purpose.
The Road to Perdition Is Patrician
That's exactly the Unaware Doomer attitude I just posted about. Practically all perennial losers deserve to be that way, not because of some impossible conspiracy taking place at NFL headquarters. It is management and ownership that Detroiters should hold responsible.
The Cubs' former failure represents a well-hidden cancer that affects the entire society. William Wrigley's spoiled-stupid son inherited the team. This also accounts for the Yankees' decade-long doldrum, starting when Steinbrenner's little boy took over.
An absolute shit ton of blackpillers here since yesterdays verdict.
It is as if a switch has been turned on somewhere and all of the blackpilling doomers have been activated, like robots.
And as soon as the money and energy runs out, they will sink back underneath the waters until the next time they are called again.
Ya I see this type of behavior in online forums all the time. On a less serious side than politics, in sports subs on reddit, no matter what team I am following, the game threads will constantly be people making huge knee jerk reactions to literally any minor negative thing that occurs. "See? I told you guys? We won't even win our division this year, much less the world series."
It's like. Ya, maybe you're right. But what are you hoping to gain? Be the biggest whiner of all time?
sorry i guess i'm a little behind here....what exactly is a blackpill?
Since the beginning of this movement there have been people who cannot handle an apparent setback such as the Sussman verdict. They completely lose hope and start telling others they should also give up hope.
These are the blackpilled.
aahh, thank you. i have yet to be blackpilled
Ask yourself "who can i Align myself with "tactically" that is take some ground in our local and regional area? Example County Citizens Defending Freedom is an organization that empowers and equips American citizens to defend their freedoms and liberties at the local level" Good folks
85% of the "colonists" wanted to keep England as their sovereign country. 60% did not want to enter WW2 25% of Germany after the WW2 thought Hitler was still ok.
There are always black pill folks - just move on and find your "tribe" and help where you can.
That glows pretty hard.
Shills hitting the - button only when others ask others to "get involved" hummm?
The C"I"A Doesn't Need a Watchdog; It Needs a Seeing-Eye Dog
Conspiracy theories, such as crisis actors or 9/11 Truth, are also doomer, because they sneakily imply that the enemy has superior intelligence, which makes them able to pull off such complicated actions.
With that brainwashed view that the smartest get ahead, people will be frightened and think that the Cabal cannot be beaten. So end all these self-destructive dystopian fantasies. 9/11 showed the pathetic incompetence of America's "intelligence" agencies. So we can beat them if we look behind the curtain, not at what is going on there, but at the inferior people this ruling class puts in superior positions.
There is a difference between the "blackpill" and having to genuinely fight back. Americans are still to complacent despite watching our country being one step away from complete communism. We are running out of time to fight back.
Waiting for someone to save you will never end well. This has nothing to do with a trail either. The state of America is deteriorating every second. We won't have anything left to save if something doesn't give soon.
I disagree that Americans are still too complacent.
Patriots are getting involved all over the country, from school boards to congress.
Realistically you will never get the entire population to stand up.
Take that weakness back to, doomer.
The strong will continue without you.