Purkiss80, you're one of my fav posters. Is this your. Creation, or passing it along? I am curious to know if those are direct quotes from newspapers, media, etc.? It's the same line, which is either devastating for them, or possibly hyped up by the creator of the list. Thanks
They do it to deliberately draw "why didnt the FBI do more" type public outrage so that they can channel it into justify broadening FBI power. It is the Patriot Act playbook and we fall for it every time.
He would have been known to his parents, peers, teachers, and more. The responsibility lies with us to stop sitting around expecting the government to save us, and start acknowledging that we are responsible for shaping and cleaning our communities, not the government.
When someone gets reported to the FBI they actually place them up into mind control mass shooter program... They like to target the crazies that are already mentally unstable because they are easier to break
Background: While I got the message initially, I didn't realize the delivery method until I saw a dead-tree copy of the NYT lying around (I think it was from last weekend).
This is a response to their article, which looked the same: black background, white text, a whole bunch of shootings listed, except the text was something to the effect of "Authorities say the suspect obtained the weapon legally".
Sounds like we need to deep six the FBI to save our 2nd amendment rights.
Purkiss80, you're one of my fav posters. Is this your. Creation, or passing it along? I am curious to know if those are direct quotes from newspapers, media, etc.? It's the same line, which is either devastating for them, or possibly hyped up by the creator of the list. Thanks
Perky is NOT a creator but rather a cut and paster. He neither verifies or corroborates memes.
Keep up the good work Perky, you da man.
You really are an Asshole of epic proportions....Why don't you get a life and stop obsessing about me ....You're a fucking π€‘
Why so dang salty pal?
Because you're a condescending asshole...Simple...PALπ€¬
Fella, dont be so uptight...you doing a great job, keep up the good work and you gonna soon be in charge of press in your village.......
Nevermind Condescending...You're an arrogant POS....You think we all live in mud huts in 'villages'....Dumb MotherFucker!!!
You know people do live in villages , who said anything about mud huts?
Lighten up pal, I told you that you have my vote.
Thank you...I appreciate it....Not my making....Just passing it along...πππ
I still appreciate your shares.. this was pretty eye opening for me
Thank you....And don't pay attention to the assholeπ€‘...He's just looking to be relevant....
You can leave out the "known to".
Thanks fren...Cant really help it...π
Must be buter cuz he is on a roll!!!
Based pede is based. How do people keep falling for the Patriot Act play every time?
"Known" AND groomed. PS, they'll know the next one too. And the next, ...
They do it to deliberately draw "why didnt the FBI do more" type public outrage so that they can channel it into justify broadening FBI power. It is the Patriot Act playbook and we fall for it every time.
He would have been known to his parents, peers, teachers, and more. The responsibility lies with us to stop sitting around expecting the government to save us, and start acknowledging that we are responsible for shaping and cleaning our communities, not the government.
Don't worry, they are all just COINCIDENCES!! We need not worry, the FBI has everything under control!!
Says the master--whomever he or she is.
spoiler alert - everyone is known to the FBI
So being "known" has nothing to do with being "stopped".
"Known" AND groomed.
When someone gets reported to the FBI they actually place them up into mind control mass shooter program... They like to target the crazies that are already mentally unstable because they are easier to break
correction: "GROOMED BY" the fbi.....
Better yet "trained for murder by...."
Background: While I got the message initially, I didn't realize the delivery method until I saw a dead-tree copy of the NYT lying around (I think it was from last weekend).
This is a response to their article, which looked the same: black background, white text, a whole bunch of shootings listed, except the text was something to the effect of "Authorities say the suspect obtained the weapon legally".