‘They [Ukrainian army] are fascists; there’s nothing else to say. There is no Ukraine there... We weren’t the ones who came to them; they’ve come to us,’ a DNR militiaman, codename ‘Yakut’, told our camera crew in 2014.
After south-eastern Ukraine did not support the coup in Kiev, the new government started shelling civilians. According to the UN, more than 6,000 people died in the first year of the standoff.
Moreover, all the while, the Ukrainian military was preparing for an offensive in Donbass. By the end of 2021, a grouping of 150,000 people was concentrated on the region’s borders.
Russia could not allow further bloodshed and decided to support the Donbass. For a chronology of events, see the premiere of Operation Liberation.
#premiere #Donbass
It's 26 minutes of Truth of what's actually been happening in Ukraine......
But... The radio told me 10 minutes ago, that the Azov Nazis stopped being Nazis a while ago. Well, a few weeks back there weren't even Nazis in the Ukraine, now the German media shapes the narrative that Azov was indeed founded by Nazis, but today, no. They just stopped being Nazis. Just like that.
I laughed so hard, I nearly lost control over my car.
Just like Democrats in the 1960s suddenly "switched" from being lifelong racists for over a century, the party of the KKK and Jim Crow, to being the party that wants to use blacks as pawns for political pow—I mean wants to fight for and give blacks money and products to improve their lives.
Whoever down voted this has no sense of humor.
That is because they accepted 2 transgenders in their ranks......