You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Distilled water (which is just water) is a solvent. It strips all the positive charged particles from the body (positive is bad). So yes, it strips your body of shit, the shit you don't want in there.
You don't know what you're talking about. It'll also leech minerals right out of your teeth and give you cavities, hell I've seen distilled water leech the carbon out of steel pipes and make them brittle over time.
Distilled water is pure H2O. It is the ONLY pure H2O available.
The claim is that "mineral water" is healthy because it "puts minerals into you," and distilled water is bad because it "leeches minerals out."
The problem is that these claims are false because they are misleading. There are TWO types of minerals: organic and inorganic. The minerals in mineral water, and the ones that "leech out" are inorganic, which the body cannot utilize. They are leaving the body for a good reason.
The minerals we get in our food are organic, which the body CAN utilize.
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Distilled water (which is just water) is a solvent. It strips all the positive charged particles from the body (positive is bad). So yes, it strips your body of shit, the shit you don't want in there.
LOL at pure water killing a person. LOFL
You can die from drinking too much water. It’s a balance thing, something with your bloods ph levels iirc, but that’s unrelated to the topic.
You don't know what you're talking about. It'll also leech minerals right out of your teeth and give you cavities, hell I've seen distilled water leech the carbon out of steel pipes and make them brittle over time.
That is false.
Distilled water is pure H2O. It is the ONLY pure H2O available.
The claim is that "mineral water" is healthy because it "puts minerals into you," and distilled water is bad because it "leeches minerals out."
The problem is that these claims are false because they are misleading. There are TWO types of minerals: organic and inorganic. The minerals in mineral water, and the ones that "leech out" are inorganic, which the body cannot utilize. They are leaving the body for a good reason.
The minerals we get in our food are organic, which the body CAN utilize.