I learned about gender dysphoria from a gay professor. None of my gay friends or roommates every said shit about trannies before Trump. Most referred to bisexuals as tourists and straight pretending to be gay for the stay.
Trannies weren't a part of the actual gay rights movement (like stonewall). Now most of the LGBT figureheads seem to be trannies. Less than 8% of the US population identifies as LGBT, with nearly half claiming they're bisexual. Less than 1% are trannies. They've gotten more support than Blacks, Natives, or any other civil rights oriented group (disabled, etc). Non whites are more socially conservative. Because globohomo is a largely a Roman thing.
Thank you for the link! I'm on Part 2 now. I was unaware of Gayle Rubin until this thread, and I doubt I'll be able to forget her ever again. She actually considers Kinsey "neutral" -- that should tell you all you need to know about her.
For those looking for counterpoints to "Queer Theory" arguments, this series by James Lindsay is essential (imo).
I like how the most knowledgeable people are the ones agreeing with him and the ones who have no clue who these people are and have probably never even read about queer theory are the virtue signalers.
It all stared with modern theory being interested into the pedagogy . This was introduced by tge members if the Frankfurt school who left Berlin for elite universities all over the US and it spread from there. Basically, you deconstruct something down to having noy objective no objective morality, you can see what a sickness this has created. Al of the gender insanity comes from this. CRT is attempting to do the same with race. They can say: No one is teaching CRT classes, what they are doing is teaching teachers to teach all subjects through the lens of racism, just as they did with post-modernism decades ago, very successfully. Kevin Macdonald has some good commentary on this in his trilogy of books (check archive),
I have a family member, male, who says he's non-binary.
No matter what I say or do, I can't reach him. He's too addicted to Twitter.
I honestly think he was groomed by such.
He promises me he will never mutilate his body, but who knows if that'll take.
I'll never disown him--not unless he commits some horrible crime like rape or murder, God forbid. I love him, he's family. And for that reason, part of me wonders if I'm the only reason he hasn't gone off the deep end just yet.
He even invites me to do fun things with him--HE invites ME, fully aware of how much we disagree on political matters. I respect that. And for what it's worth, he does realize how evil Hillary and Biden are, or at least he claims to. We also agree the military-industrial complex is a very real thing, and that war is a racket that fucks over the common man.
I just fear what he'll do if I'm not here to keep him from falling off.
I have a nephew who is similar. Show them the love, I say. Love him, spend time with him, and maybe some sense will rub off. I tell my nephew that I’ll call him by whatever name he wants, but I will not be told what pronouns to use, or else I’m being asked to lie to my own brain and that’s unfair. Calling him by his name of choice is meeting him half way, and hopefully he will see the light someday.
Foucault was not an anarchist. There is a stark difference between claiming to be one and actually being one.
Pedophilia is not intrinsically tied to anarchism. It is intrinsically tied to anarchist theory, which was written by communists, thus negating any claim of being anarchist.
This guy does not have all the facts right, but I will agree that Foucault was an absolute piece of shit.
From the youtube comments, here is the full 2 hour video of the event.
Great find, OP. Thanks.
I learned about gender dysphoria from a gay professor. None of my gay friends or roommates every said shit about trannies before Trump. Most referred to bisexuals as tourists and straight pretending to be gay for the stay.
Trannies weren't a part of the actual gay rights movement (like stonewall). Now most of the LGBT figureheads seem to be trannies. Less than 8% of the US population identifies as LGBT, with nearly half claiming they're bisexual. Less than 1% are trannies. They've gotten more support than Blacks, Natives, or any other civil rights oriented group (disabled, etc). Non whites are more socially conservative. Because globohomo is a largely a Roman thing.
We didn't hear a peep about this shit til Obama repealed Smith-Mundt
Bet we will find the great disrupters, George Soros,is funding this too.
Great find Anon!
We need more Professors and Teachers willing to confront this degeneracy.
Watched this a while back, good stuff.
James Lindsay recently did a breakdown of one of the people mentioned in the video, if I recall correctly.
Spoiler alert: the founder of Queer Theory was "at best" a pedo apologist, though I'd guess they were a pedo. James goes through one of their papers.
Thank you for the link! I'm on Part 2 now. I was unaware of Gayle Rubin until this thread, and I doubt I'll be able to forget her ever again. She actually considers Kinsey "neutral" -- that should tell you all you need to know about her.
For those looking for counterpoints to "Queer Theory" arguments, this series by James Lindsay is essential (imo).
Yes! What an outrage! As usual the MSM covered it up and glossed over the appointment.
I like how the most knowledgeable people are the ones agreeing with him and the ones who have no clue who these people are and have probably never even read about queer theory are the virtue signalers.
It all stared with modern theory being interested into the pedagogy . This was introduced by tge members if the Frankfurt school who left Berlin for elite universities all over the US and it spread from there. Basically, you deconstruct something down to having noy objective no objective morality, you can see what a sickness this has created. Al of the gender insanity comes from this. CRT is attempting to do the same with race. They can say: No one is teaching CRT classes, what they are doing is teaching teachers to teach all subjects through the lens of racism, just as they did with post-modernism decades ago, very successfully. Kevin Macdonald has some good commentary on this in his trilogy of books (check archive),
When faced with facts, the left reverts to name calling and slurs… typical
That’s not exclusive to the left.
If accused of being a transphobe, shrug and say, 'So?'
You can hear the white liberal females trying to virtue signaling their nonsense on the background
I have a family member, male, who says he's non-binary.
No matter what I say or do, I can't reach him. He's too addicted to Twitter.
I honestly think he was groomed by such.
He promises me he will never mutilate his body, but who knows if that'll take.
I'll never disown him--not unless he commits some horrible crime like rape or murder, God forbid. I love him, he's family. And for that reason, part of me wonders if I'm the only reason he hasn't gone off the deep end just yet.
He even invites me to do fun things with him--HE invites ME, fully aware of how much we disagree on political matters. I respect that. And for what it's worth, he does realize how evil Hillary and Biden are, or at least he claims to. We also agree the military-industrial complex is a very real thing, and that war is a racket that fucks over the common man.
I just fear what he'll do if I'm not here to keep him from falling off.
I have a nephew who is similar. Show them the love, I say. Love him, spend time with him, and maybe some sense will rub off. I tell my nephew that I’ll call him by whatever name he wants, but I will not be told what pronouns to use, or else I’m being asked to lie to my own brain and that’s unfair. Calling him by his name of choice is meeting him half way, and hopefully he will see the light someday.
Ty. I didnt know about this man. Brilliant
Foucault was not an anarchist. There is a stark difference between claiming to be one and actually being one.
Pedophilia is not intrinsically tied to anarchism. It is intrinsically tied to anarchist theory, which was written by communists, thus negating any claim of being anarchist.
This guy does not have all the facts right, but I will agree that Foucault was an absolute piece of shit.
Awesome! Has this guy been on any podcasts? Host one maybe?
No lie, this guy looks like a pedo