And therein lies the rub. They know most people don't care and want to just get on with things, and because of that we won't do anything. It is why we were told to be the change we want to see. Make the world we want to live in. Right now we are letting them make the world they want to live in and frankly it's disgusting.
I don't care what those people do either in the privacy of their own homes. I DO care what they do in public and what they push on others and especially children. I have a big problem with this as we all should. It isn't ok and I will not 'coexist' and peacefully just accept it.
I am getting so tired of hearing about this PRIDE(GAY) crap
I agree. I really don't give a hoot about anyone's sexual orientation but I really don't need it constantly rammed down my throat.
Fuk that sounded wrong didn't it?
Only if you take it (that way). ;P
And therein lies the rub. They know most people don't care and want to just get on with things, and because of that we won't do anything. It is why we were told to be the change we want to see. Make the world we want to live in. Right now we are letting them make the world they want to live in and frankly it's disgusting.
I don't care what those people do either in the privacy of their own homes. I DO care what they do in public and what they push on others and especially children. I have a big problem with this as we all should. It isn't ok and I will not 'coexist' and peacefully just accept it.
Call me a bigot I don't care. Fuck you
Huh? Far out man, what woke planet did you fall of of?
" You are also intolerant of the behavior in your own life so you are treating them the same way you treat yourself."
What did you mean by this?
Puns for the win! LOL
Every June...
Sung in a high effeminate voice
"Get back in the motherfucking closet....."
The time is almost here.