Wendy is saying: Wow. How is it legal for a woman (or a person) to wear an unconcealed firearm at her side! This is going to (somehow, don;t know how) hurt children!!!!!!
Nick is pretending that the firearm is NOT the subject of her (dumb) statement, and is sarcastically saying that Wendy is surprised that a lesbian (woman) can buy bread.
He met her actually stupid and dumb remark with a pretended dumb and stupid remark.
He's NOT actually suggesting that the woman is a lesbian. He's saying that Wendy's comment is so dumb that it is on par with actually writing: "wow. How can a lesbian buy bread? Think of the children!"
Make sense? He's not actually suggesting she's a lesbian.
Hmmmm. I don't think so. I think he's using that for convenience. While some lesbians may look like this, I'd bet $100 that the number of perfectly hetrosexual women who dress like this far outnumber the lesbians.
He's simply using an established stereotype to his advantage, in my view. Why? Because his main point is that Wendy's remark is really, really dumb. Whether the woman is an actual lesbian or not doesn't come into it, except that the stereotype gave him direct and immediate fodder for his comeback.
Everyone has gone mad. If two women live together ..they have to be lesbians...if two men live together they have to be gay...to put labels on people about what goes on privately is anyway no cause for comment
Who says she is a lesbian? Plenty of women wear jeans and have a short haircut
It's a sarcastic remark.
Wendy is saying: Wow. How is it legal for a woman (or a person) to wear an unconcealed firearm at her side! This is going to (somehow, don;t know how) hurt children!!!!!!
Nick is pretending that the firearm is NOT the subject of her (dumb) statement, and is sarcastically saying that Wendy is surprised that a lesbian (woman) can buy bread.
He met her actually stupid and dumb remark with a pretended dumb and stupid remark.
He's NOT actually suggesting that the woman is a lesbian. He's saying that Wendy's comment is so dumb that it is on par with actually writing: "wow. How can a lesbian buy bread? Think of the children!"
Make sense? He's not actually suggesting she's a lesbian.
I'm amazed that you took the time to explain this (great job, btw). I'm really baffled that it needed explanation.
<chuckles> My work involves taking meaning and breaking it down into digestible units, then reconstructing the meaning in a different format.
Anyway, thanks for the appreciation! That makes it even more fun.
And I thought the LGBT community was anti gun. Oh well, was an easy joke, kinda funny.
Joke explained.
I have never been able to wrap my head around sarcasm...they say it's the closest form of wit..but I see nothing funny about it.
It's lost on me..
It's really hard to tell sarcasm through text alone, yes.
That's why slash-S exists. Unless you lay on the sarcasm super-thick, it's necessary when writing.
I've had way too many misunderstandings without it.
Actually, the saying is that sarcasm is the LOWEST form of wit. In other words, (negative) sarcasm is low, cheap and easy.
But good (constructive) sarcasm can be funny.
Yes I know sarcasm is the lowest form of wit..however my tablet thinks differently!
So I am a numbnut!! That's a new addition to my resume
The guy commenting on the photo at the bottom did, but yea, youre right about that too. She might not be a lesbian and just have short hair
He is not actually suggesting she is a lesbian. He's pointing out how stupid Wendy's comment is by pretending to misunderstand it.
(Because it really is too dumb - or brainwashed - to be asking how it can be legal for someone to open carry.)
I really despise Wendy.
I think he's joking about the woman buying bread being a lesbian, though. The short hair and dress style are the giveaways.
Hmmmm. I don't think so. I think he's using that for convenience. While some lesbians may look like this, I'd bet $100 that the number of perfectly hetrosexual women who dress like this far outnumber the lesbians.
He's simply using an established stereotype to his advantage, in my view. Why? Because his main point is that Wendy's remark is really, really dumb. Whether the woman is an actual lesbian or not doesn't come into it, except that the stereotype gave him direct and immediate fodder for his comeback.
I mean, in my opinion.... <but what do I know?>
Everyone has gone mad. If two women live together ..they have to be lesbians...if two men live together they have to be gay...to put labels on people about what goes on privately is anyway no cause for comment
Maybe it's just me, but she looks like a cop.