I really do understand where you’re coming from. But people tend to forget there are millions of good people here that are fed up with this shit. I wish people would take a minute to think about the fact that we are as determined as you are to rid California of corruption. I don’t feel like I deserve to die in the ocean because corrupt assholes have taken over my state. I know it comes as a shock to some but we have country folks here as well. Lots of farmland tended to by people just like the people in states like Alabama, Oklahoma, Montana etc. We produce an enormous amount of food for the country… We have rednecks, patriots, gun rights advocates and lots of MAGA people that are pissed off that our vote was stolen. All these assholes that need to be hung in public are in the larger cities. The rest of this huge state is basically mountains and farmland. Nine out of ten people that I talk to agree with what our goal is here. We don’t deserve to drown in Arizona Bay. And we certainly don’t want all the fucking communists sent here. I read this kind of shit a lot and it really is getting old. Texans wouldn’t like it if I said we should send all the fucking mentally ill transgender lunatics to Texas right? I would just like people to keep that in mind… The swearing is not directed at anybody… I just swear a lot. Respectfully.
Nicely stated. I lived there for awhile quite some time ago. I met a few a-holes, but the vast majority of Californians I met - from the cities to the countryside - were wonderful people. The politicians and creepy H-wood types are another story. Get rid of the DS scourge and you've got it made - like the rest of us, in varying degrees, from sea-to-shining-sea... and across the world, for that matter. Good people across this land love our patriotic Californians. Keep up the good fight.
Amen. I am fighting really hard to end CA state-level government corruption. I get frustrated when people tell me not to bother, that I should just give up and leave the state. God ordered us to put on the armor of God and fight evil, so that is what I am doing.
"Today, Assemblymember Buffy Wicks' A.B. 2223, which came to be known as the 'infanticide bill,' was amended in the Assembly Appropriations Committee to confirm that a woman will not be investigated or charged for experiencing miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion, or 'perinatal death due to causes that occurred in utero,'" the California Catholic Conference reported in a statement released last week.
"This change definitely closes the door on potential unintended consequences of permitting infant deaths due to abuse, neglect or abandonment, alleviating the concerns that the CCC brought to the author's attention," the statement said.
Kathleen Domingo, the executive director of the California Catholic Conference told the Register that the Assembly Judiciary Committee's analysis of the bill, dated April 5, "agreed that the terminology 'perinatal death' was unclear and could lead to 'undesirable conclusions.'"
The language was modified, and the California Catholic Conference announced it had withdrawn its opposition to the bill, noting state law already outlaws fetal homicide with protections for infants born alive after an abortion."
So now based on the new language if a woman neglects, abuses, or kills her baby after birth, she's still on the hook legally. The title is a little click baity in ignoring that.
Here is another article about the bill, dating from before the revisions. The purpose of the bill is to ensure that women who abuse their bodies while pregnant, then the baby dies of issues stemming from the self-abuse, cannot be criminally prosecuted. The primary focus is on women who give birth to drug addicted babies and the baby dies of withdraw: https://californiaglobe.com/articles/infanticide-or-pregnancy-loss-abortion-bill-passes-assembly-judiciary-committee/
Here are some quotes from the article:
However, buried in his alert is the law: “Penal Code section 187 defines murder as ‘the unlawful killing of a human being, or a fetus, with malice aforethought.’ Reference to ‘a fetus’ was added in 1970 when the California Legislature amended section 187,” Bonta said. His alert “reiterates that the Legislature did not intend to include a pregnant person’s own actions that might result in a miscarriage or stillbirth.” But if the “fetus” is killed due to drug addiction and drug use by the mother, how can Bonta claim that isn’t the “intent” of the law?>
The California Family Council explains its opposition:
They intend to not only codify the killing of unborn children throughout all nine months of pregnancy but to decriminalize killing newborns days or even weeks after birth.
New language added to AB 2223 last week revealed the disturbing intent. The proposed legislation would shield a mother from civil and criminal charges for any “actions or omissions” related to her pregnancy, “including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death.” Although definitions of “perinatal death” vary, all of them include the demise of newborns seven days or more after birth...peri-natal death is considered up to one month upon delivery. >
This is the part of the bill that was revised:
She also noted that according to AB 2223, law enforcement will be barred from investigating an infant death.>
So at least there isn't carte blanche freedom to murder any baby 30 days or younger with no fear of investigation, but still... do we really want to encourage drug addicted pregnant women to continue to use drugs?
No I don't think we do. It's another question altogether though, isn't it? How far do we want to go to ensure that women live in a healthy manner while pregnant? Do we want to become a nanny state that monitors them constantly, forces them to take vitamins, to exercise, to eat properly, etc.? I don't know I want to create that kind of nanny state--then those women might actually have a reason to wear those stupid Handmaids robes after all. I think restricting doctors from performing the procedure should probably be as far as we go on this, personally.
Not only is CA sanctioning abortion, they are doubling down by de-criminalizing baby murder: https://www.skywatchtv.com/2022/06/12/california-infanticide-bill/
JFC. God is not going to take this kindly. Something bad will happen to Califonia.
I really do understand where you’re coming from. But people tend to forget there are millions of good people here that are fed up with this shit. I wish people would take a minute to think about the fact that we are as determined as you are to rid California of corruption. I don’t feel like I deserve to die in the ocean because corrupt assholes have taken over my state. I know it comes as a shock to some but we have country folks here as well. Lots of farmland tended to by people just like the people in states like Alabama, Oklahoma, Montana etc. We produce an enormous amount of food for the country… We have rednecks, patriots, gun rights advocates and lots of MAGA people that are pissed off that our vote was stolen. All these assholes that need to be hung in public are in the larger cities. The rest of this huge state is basically mountains and farmland. Nine out of ten people that I talk to agree with what our goal is here. We don’t deserve to drown in Arizona Bay. And we certainly don’t want all the fucking communists sent here. I read this kind of shit a lot and it really is getting old. Texans wouldn’t like it if I said we should send all the fucking mentally ill transgender lunatics to Texas right? I would just like people to keep that in mind… The swearing is not directed at anybody… I just swear a lot. Respectfully.
Nicely stated. I lived there for awhile quite some time ago. I met a few a-holes, but the vast majority of Californians I met - from the cities to the countryside - were wonderful people. The politicians and creepy H-wood types are another story. Get rid of the DS scourge and you've got it made - like the rest of us, in varying degrees, from sea-to-shining-sea... and across the world, for that matter. Good people across this land love our patriotic Californians. Keep up the good fight.
Amen. I am fighting really hard to end CA state-level government corruption. I get frustrated when people tell me not to bother, that I should just give up and leave the state. God ordered us to put on the armor of God and fight evil, so that is what I am doing.
Arizona Bay
Not really:
"Today, Assemblymember Buffy Wicks' A.B. 2223, which came to be known as the 'infanticide bill,' was amended in the Assembly Appropriations Committee to confirm that a woman will not be investigated or charged for experiencing miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion, or 'perinatal death due to causes that occurred in utero,'" the California Catholic Conference reported in a statement released last week.
"This change definitely closes the door on potential unintended consequences of permitting infant deaths due to abuse, neglect or abandonment, alleviating the concerns that the CCC brought to the author's attention," the statement said.
Kathleen Domingo, the executive director of the California Catholic Conference told the Register that the Assembly Judiciary Committee's analysis of the bill, dated April 5, "agreed that the terminology 'perinatal death' was unclear and could lead to 'undesirable conclusions.'"
The language was modified, and the California Catholic Conference announced it had withdrawn its opposition to the bill, noting state law already outlaws fetal homicide with protections for infants born alive after an abortion."
So now based on the new language if a woman neglects, abuses, or kills her baby after birth, she's still on the hook legally. The title is a little click baity in ignoring that.
Here is another article about the bill, dating from before the revisions. The purpose of the bill is to ensure that women who abuse their bodies while pregnant, then the baby dies of issues stemming from the self-abuse, cannot be criminally prosecuted. The primary focus is on women who give birth to drug addicted babies and the baby dies of withdraw: https://californiaglobe.com/articles/infanticide-or-pregnancy-loss-abortion-bill-passes-assembly-judiciary-committee/
Here are some quotes from the article:
They intend to not only codify the killing of unborn children throughout all nine months of pregnancy but to decriminalize killing newborns days or even weeks after birth.
New language added to AB 2223 last week revealed the disturbing intent. The proposed legislation would shield a mother from civil and criminal charges for any “actions or omissions” related to her pregnancy, “including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death.” Although definitions of “perinatal death” vary, all of them include the demise of newborns seven days or more after birth...peri-natal death is considered up to one month upon delivery. >
This is the part of the bill that was revised:
So at least there isn't carte blanche freedom to murder any baby 30 days or younger with no fear of investigation, but still... do we really want to encourage drug addicted pregnant women to continue to use drugs?
No I don't think we do. It's another question altogether though, isn't it? How far do we want to go to ensure that women live in a healthy manner while pregnant? Do we want to become a nanny state that monitors them constantly, forces them to take vitamins, to exercise, to eat properly, etc.? I don't know I want to create that kind of nanny state--then those women might actually have a reason to wear those stupid Handmaids robes after all. I think restricting doctors from performing the procedure should probably be as far as we go on this, personally.