systemofcontrol 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have valid questions regarding religion. How many are there? Thousands? This community is supposed to be all about the facts and difficult truths if I am not mistaken. This is not to insult or offend anyone. But as someone who does not subscribe to any religion it makes me wonder why the Christian version of religion is accepted here by so many when by using facts and reason you will come to the conclusion that it is all about control.

I am with this movement to save our country but when I see people pushing religion here I have to ask why. I am asking sincerely. Anyone who really digs into it will realize that the bible is loaded with contradictions, magic, violence and much more nonsense that is unacceptable by those who have not been indoctrinated like myself.

I am told by a Christian friend that if I do not accept Jesus as my savior that I deserve to burn in hell for eternity. Seems a little harsh does it not? There are some extremely smart people here so I am looking for an explanation as to why Christianity and the god associated with it is the only one. Does that mean that the Sentinelese people will burn for eternity because they have not accepted this god portrayed as a white man from the middle east as their savior? It doesn't make sense. It is clear that religion divides. Am I mistaken when I say this movement is in part about unity? Is every Islamic person going to burn for eternity? Is every Hindu person going to burn for eternity? Everyone who does not accept your version burns for eternity? That is weird, irrational and is clearly a system of control.

I want to be clear that I am 100% behind ridding the world of the evil scum that are ruining our country but religion is the one thing that I cannot understand. And I have done my research. We have proof of civilizations that existed far before the bible was written by man. Not to mention the bible has been altered and rewritten how many times? Radiocarbon dating shows Göbeklitepe was constructed between 9500 and 9000 BCE. That's 12,000 years ago. It is widely accepted that the bible claims the earth and the universe is 6,000 years old. How do you explain that? If Göbeklitepe is 12,000 years old then the bible is either wrong or radiocarbon dating is inaccurate if you accept the Bible as fact. That is one example of many. I can only assume that there are structures that have not been discovered yet that are even older. The oldest human skeleton has been said to be around 230,000 years old. So the earth and universe are not 6000 years old. When I discuss this with Christian friends of mine the answer is the same. It's either some wild mental gymnastics attempting to explain the discrepancies or they get angry and say something that amounts to nothing. You just gotta have faith.

I want to be clear that I am not here to start a name calling contest that leads nowhere. I just wish someone could explain how you come to your conclusion that Jesus Christ is the one true god. If you had been born in Indonesia it is very likely you would believe that Allah is the one true god. The region you were born in determines which version of god you are indoctrinated into. And then there is the killing of each other over these beliefs which I find grotesque and unacceptable.

Christians believe Jesus is God, but the Quran is so opposed to this belief that it condemns Jesus worshipers to Hell ([Qur'an] 5.72). For Christians, Jesus is certainly God, and for Muslims Jesus is certainly not God.

This is a truth community and that is what I am seeking. I am open to constructive conversation regarding what I have said above but name calling and insults will prove nothing and be ignored. I am not rejecting Christianity. I am sincerely interested in how so many of you very smart people have come to the conclusion that most of the world deserves to burn for eternity for not believing in one of thousands of versions of god which to me is clearly another form of division.

Thank you for listening. My mind is open to those who reply. From the Christians I personally know the response I receive is either an angry one or they finally end up saying I just need have faith. Their anger tells me that they are upset that I questioned their version of religion. And having faith in my opinion is equal to giving up on searching for truth. In addition praying is equal to doing nothing. It's like saying I stand with Ukraine while sitting in your favorite chair watching CNN.

Again, nothing here should be misconstrued as a personal insult. I am not attacking your or your beliefs. I am just struggling to understand how you settled with your version of god and how you explain the contradictions and discrepancies therein.

systemofcontrol 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just wanted to mention that you can get Ivermectin online. Don't know if I am allowed to put a link to the site. If allowed I will post the link. I stocked up thoroughly on Ivermectin and Hydroxychlorquine. There are other popular antibiotics and many other meds as well. Never had a problem with delivery or quality. I'm also wondering if there is there an advantage to the paste as opposed to the pills?

systemofcontrol 2 points ago +2 / -0

I use social media strictly to spread the truth and call out lies. I was recently permanently suspended from Twitter for facts. I also got a warning from Google about a documentary on my personal drive called "The Fall of the Cabal" They didn't like it and blocked access to it.... So I altered the video, changed the name and uploaded it again. Their threats entertain me.

Anyhow, we all see the die hard anti-Trump accounts. Do you think these are real people who really don't get it yet or are they paid to spread lies all day? Maybe both? I would like thoughts on if you think I am wasting my time trying to red pill due to the possibility that they are bots or paid propagandists? And how do I know if I am dealing with a genuine person? I'm trying to do my part in all of this and feel like I may be wasting time that could be better spent elsewhere.

systemofcontrol 1 point ago +1 / -0

Question about the enormous amount of money that should be seized from the cabal during this operation. Trillions of dollars if I'm not mistaken. What happens with all of these assets and all of the money that the 1% has hoarded?

Is it even a possibility that it would be redistributed to the people (us) who have been robbed by these scumbags all of our lives along with our parents and grandparents who were also robbed and oppressed by the scum of the earth? Where does all of this money go?

systemofcontrol 1 point ago +3 / -2

I just want to say that I am a long time lurker and am 100% on board and have been since 2017. This awakening is extremely important to me. I have successfully red-pilled many former Trump haters. Sometimes I get worked up and swear a lot. I get frustrated and that's not constructive. I want to apologize to the mods for my past rants although I have never doomed. My intentions are good.

That being said I do have a couple of questions. Let me explain. We have a major drug problem in this country and it's obvious to me how to solve it. It won't stop all drug use but it will greatly reduce cartel carnage in Mexico and on our streets. I believe making everything illegal is not a solution. It has never worked and never will. Can we agree on that? Legalizing the drugs puts the cartels out of business right? So instead of having a war on drugs which is the actual cause of most of the harm in the first place, use the money and resources for treatment.

Making people criminals for something that the cabal created in the first place is stupid... Am I out of line in saying this? Making a plant illegal for example is one of the most ridiculous things imaginable. If they make cocaine legal tomorrow not myself or anyone I know are going to run out and start doing drugs. Legalization seems like a common sense solution if regulated by a government that is not corrupt.

Am I missing something? Thoughts?

systemofcontrol 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thought I'd share another patriot rapper that says shit that even Tom MacDonald wont. I'm not really a big rap fan but I'm all about this message. I feel like taking over the music industry is part of defeating these satanic scumbags. Nobody is safe from this guy. Check it out....



systemofcontrol 0 points ago +2 / -2

Nice division bud. We don't need Tom MacDonald. It's the message he's sending that contributes to our movement. He, without the help of any record label, made it to #1 surpassing the satanic garbage that was previously at the top of the charts. Nobody is worshiping the guy. You don't have to like the way he looks, but he's doing much more for our movement than people like you, an actual asshole, calling everyone a retard. And it's you causing division by judging people based on they way they look. Are you triggered?

systemofcontrol 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have been supporting this new wave of patriotic rap although I am a rock guy. I believe it is an important part of taking our country back. The music industry has been a tool of these parasites for a long time. Has anyone seen that Sam Smith garbage that was #1 before Tom knocked him down? It has everything you would not want your kids to see. It has the usual satanic filth. Men dressed as women, encouraging cheating on your partner and general disgusting behavior. These people ARE sick! This is perfectly fine but we get suspended, banned and blocked for spreading "harmful misinformation" aka truth.

systemofcontrol 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm with you buddy. Got my autographed copies of Renegade & The Revolution yesterday and am still soaking it all in. 17 tracks on each album. Coincidence? Who knows. What I do know is he is exposing the truth about our political system to those who may not already be aware of what we at GAW already know. He's exposing the sick fucks who are the corrupt music industry. I wouldn't even call what Tom does rap. It's more like rock star shit to me. Tom completely destroys anything known as rap. Rappers are a bunch of controlled dumb fucks who get a couple of million and blow it on drugs and Lamborghini's and think they are the shit. They are embarrassing. Tom paid his sisters mortgage and made sure his mom never had to work again. Among many other awesome things. He hates all of that designer clothes and gold chain attention whore bullshit. Anyone on GAW I think would agree with his message 100% as it is exactly the same shit we all discuss here every day. I am a rock and roll guy but Tom has completely blown me away with what he has accomplished independently. Seriously give it a chance if you have not already.

systemofcontrol 1 point ago +1 / -0

May I suggest "The Wheel" as a fair punishment for the scum that have perpetrated these crimes against humanity?


systemofcontrol 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's also Tom MacDonald in case you have not heard of him yet. He says and exposes all of the things that others don't have the balls to.

A couple of notable lyrics from the song Brainwashed...

And I don't know what I'm more sick of, rappers or Joe Biden Looking like he ate a hundred Xanax for dinner 'Cause censoring the president and kicking him off Twitter Is a bigger threat to freedom than foreign ballistic missiles

Step one, train the people only to consume Step two, infiltrate adults with the news Step three, indoctrinate the children through the schools and the music and the apps on the phones that they use Step four, separate the right from the left Step five, separate the white from the black Step six, separate the rich from the poor Use religion and equality to separate 'em more Step seven, fabricate a problem made of lies Step eight, put it on the news every night Step nine, when people start to fight and divide Take control, this is called situational design

systemofcontrol 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fear Inoculum album by Tool released before COVID. Title track lyrics of "Fear Inoculum". Interesting. Good song too.

Immunity long overdue Contagion, I exhale you Naive I opened up to you Venom in mania Now, contagion I exhale you Deceiver says, he says you belong to me You don't want to breathe the light of the others Fear the light Fear the breath Fear the others for eternity But I hear them now, inhale the clarity Hear the venom, the venom in what you say, inoculated Bless this immunity Bless this immunity Bless this immunity Exhale, expel Recast my tale Weave my allegorical elegy Enumerate All that I'm to do Calculating steps away from you My own mitosis Growing through delusion from mania Exhale, expel Recast my tale, weave my allegorical elegy Forfeit all control You poison You spectacle Exorcise the spectacle Exorcise the malady Exorcise the disparate Poison for eternity Purge me and evacuate The venom and the fear that binds me Unveil now Lift away I see you running Deceiver chased away A long time coming

systemofcontrol 2 points ago +2 / -0

I got in on bitcoin when it was around $20 and it changed my life. I went from renter of an overpriced shit hole apartment to owner of a $2m home in CA basically overnight. The property has doubled in value since then. I don't want to miss out on another opportunity and I definitely want to support Trump and the Great Awakening any way I can.

I have always viewed stocks exactly as I would gambling in a casino. So I avoided playing with stocks with the exception of DWAC. Maybe I was wrong in this view. Would someone be willing to explain to a stock noob the importance of DWAC? I don't completely understand a lot of this and am wondering if I should purchase some more. What I did buy is now worth half of what I paid for it. So I am hesitant to invest a substantial amount of money on DWAC. Would anyone be willing to explain the pros and cons of this particular stock and why there is so much talk about it on here? What is the expected outcome? Thanks in advance!

systemofcontrol 2 points ago +2 / -0

I always look forward to your Sunday funnies post. I take them and spread them all over facebook for the libtards to cry over as they attempt to silence me.... It's the only reason I have an account there.

systemofcontrol 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, I found that out. And he is more patriotic than any democrat could ever be. I have also noticed several white rappers speaking the truth lately. Not really my kind of music but if it spreads the truth I'm all for it.

systemofcontrol 2 points ago +2 / -0

Has anyone heard of this Tom MacDonald guy? I'm not exactly a rap fan but when I discovered this recently I was blown away by the message. I have never heard an artist speak so much truth about what is happening right now. This guy says everything that I (and many others on GAW) have been saying for years. He bypassed the music industry and is very successful without those clowns. You may not like the way he looks or you may not like rap but I guarantee you will agree with what he has to say. This man is definitely a patriot. Sorry for the YouTube...

A few examples...

The System - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OshNahVo9-c America - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV7oI_Z68Pk Brainwashed - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCBNwGHPZ2M Clown World - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koO35JqBQMI

systemofcontrol 2 points ago +2 / -0

Independence Day 07/04/2022 7+4+2+2+2=Q Just a coincidence I suppose.

systemofcontrol 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just wanted to ask if anyone has seen the War Castles videos with Sgt. LeRoy Horton where he lays out in detail how we ended up in this situation. If so what are your thoughts? It seems to be a huge part of what our movement is about. If you have not seen this yet please watch this. If you are new to the Great Awakening and Q this will answer lots of questions in my opinion. He gets into great detail about our history. What he lays out makes much more sense than the bullshit history we have been lied to about. Just looking for thoughts and opinions. Thanks.


systemofcontrol 2 points ago +2 / -0

I really do understand where you’re coming from. But people tend to forget there are millions of good people here that are fed up with this shit. I wish people would take a minute to think about the fact that we are as determined as you are to rid California of corruption. I don’t feel like I deserve to die in the ocean because corrupt assholes have taken over my state. I know it comes as a shock to some but we have country folks here as well. Lots of farmland tended to by people just like the people in states like Alabama, Oklahoma, Montana etc. We produce an enormous amount of food for the country… We have rednecks, patriots, gun rights advocates and lots of MAGA people that are pissed off that our vote was stolen. All these assholes that need to be hung in public are in the larger cities. The rest of this huge state is basically mountains and farmland. Nine out of ten people that I talk to agree with what our goal is here. We don’t deserve to drown in Arizona Bay. And we certainly don’t want all the fucking communists sent here. I read this kind of shit a lot and it really is getting old. Texans wouldn’t like it if I said we should send all the fucking mentally ill transgender lunatics to Texas right? I would just like people to keep that in mind… The swearing is not directed at anybody… I just swear a lot. Respectfully.

systemofcontrol 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have. They produced much larger quantities growing directly in the ground and mounding soil around the plants as they grow. Those bags tend to dry out very quickly at least here in California. By the way we’re not all libtards here. It bothers me a little bit when people say fuck California, hope it falls into the ocean etc. There are lots of good people here and a lot of patriots. I suspect our elections have been fraudulent for a long time now. I really believe this state is red. Just had to get that off my chest. Good luck with your garden!