Veteran title should only be applied to people who have seen active combat, it lessens the term if you apply to to everyone who took a government paycheck to drive a jeep around domestic barracks.
Veteran title should only be applied to people who have seen active combat, it lessens the term if you apply to to everyone who took a government paycheck to drive a jeep around domestic barracks.
I disagree, fren.
Anyone that joined the armed services wrote a blank check to the American people to include any amount of service to their country, up to, and including, their life.
Even if they were stationed for their entire career in Hawaii or a naval base north of Chicago, our Deep State controlled politicians had the power, with a stoke of the pen, to ship them overseas into a major war.
Combat or not - doesn't matter. I volunteered for Desert Storm but ended up in Turkey. In the end our base was actually attacked with live fire and we were designated as a combat zone anyway. None of that matters though because we were serving in a designated time of war/action.
Edited - I was slightly wrong. I was using the veteran definition that allows membership into organizations like VFW or the American Legion. I updated this to fix it. My initial comment limited it to serving during a specific campaign, like WW2, Desert Storm, Enduring Freedom, etc. but those requirements only pertain to those memberships.
38 U.S.C. Β§ 101(2) provides:
The term "veteran" means a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable.
Disagree, if you serve, there is a chance at any time you will be/can be called into dangerous situations. Even when you don't leave the US, you can be killed in a training accident. You take the oath knowing you are willing to give your life for your country/freedom. It's a sacrifice to join the armed forces. You don't get to choose many things in your life.
Folks in the back lines (REMFs) can still be killed by - say, a SCUD attack (Desert Storm), an artillery barrage, sappers infiltrating your base (Vietnam), your lines being overrun (Korea), etc.
This happened to me (base attacked during Desert Storm). We also had a terrorist incident (1991) where Islamic Jihad blew up one of our guys and his active duty wife was blown out (but lived) in a car bombing. At the exact time the Egyptian ambassador downtown was killed by the same group. Interesting 18 months for me.
As Far as I'm concerned, IT DOESN'T MATTER A TINKERS DAMN where one went or served...
REASON: You & ALL VETERANS on this BOARD, RAISED their Right Hand and swore an oath to DEFEND this Nation Against ALL enemies and upto and including their life...
In the off-chance that Voteordie is a veteran, he's probably the guy who wears his Grunt Style t-shirt and branch of service ball cap to Applebee's on Veteran's Day for the discounts and lets everyone know he is a veteran.
Veteran title should only be applied to people who have seen active combat, it lessens the term if you apply to to everyone who took a government paycheck to drive a jeep around domestic barracks.
I disagree, fren.
Anyone that joined the armed services wrote a blank check to the American people to include any amount of service to their country, up to, and including, their life.
Even if they were stationed for their entire career in Hawaii or a naval base north of Chicago, our Deep State controlled politicians had the power, with a stoke of the pen, to ship them overseas into a major war.
Have a different name like former service man, veteran is for those who actually fought and actually risked their lives.
That's right.
Iβm not splitting, Iβm sharing my opinion. If you donβt like it, you donβt have to agree with it.
Veteran is for anyone that served honorably.
Combat or not - doesn't matter. I volunteered for Desert Storm but ended up in Turkey. In the end our base was actually attacked with live fire and we were designated as a combat zone anyway. None of that matters though because we were serving in a designated time of war/action.
Edited - I was slightly wrong. I was using the veteran definition that allows membership into organizations like VFW or the American Legion. I updated this to fix it. My initial comment limited it to serving during a specific campaign, like WW2, Desert Storm, Enduring Freedom, etc. but those requirements only pertain to those memberships.
38 U.S.C. Β§ 101(2) provides: The term "veteran" means a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable.
Disagree, if you serve, there is a chance at any time you will be/can be called into dangerous situations. Even when you don't leave the US, you can be killed in a training accident. You take the oath knowing you are willing to give your life for your country/freedom. It's a sacrifice to join the armed forces. You don't get to choose many things in your life.
Agree 100%.
Folks in the back lines (REMFs) can still be killed by - say, a SCUD attack (Desert Storm), an artillery barrage, sappers infiltrating your base (Vietnam), your lines being overrun (Korea), etc.
This happened to me (base attacked during Desert Storm). We also had a terrorist incident (1991) where Islamic Jihad blew up one of our guys and his active duty wife was blown out (but lived) in a car bombing. At the exact time the Egyptian ambassador downtown was killed by the same group. Interesting 18 months for me.
WRONG. Anyone who served ANYWHERE is a Veteran.
Those few percent who actually see combat or serve in a combat zone, CANNOT do their jobs without the many thousands behind the lines.
There are Combat Ribbons and Medals for those engaged in actual combat to make the distinction. But ALL who serve are Veterans.
Really? I was on a ship in the Persian Gulf during Desert Storm supporting FFGs, CGs, etc. with our biggest armament being .50 cals and M79s.
Our life expectancy was 2 seconds if we got attacked, and they reminded us of that every time we went to General Quarters.
Stick your opinion up your ass.
As Far as I'm concerned, IT DOESN'T MATTER A TINKERS DAMN where one went or served...
REASON: You & ALL VETERANS on this BOARD, RAISED their Right Hand and swore an oath to DEFEND this Nation Against ALL enemies and upto and including their life...
Ret. E-8 30 yrs!!!!!!
In the off-chance that Voteordie is a veteran, he's probably the guy who wears his Grunt Style t-shirt and branch of service ball cap to Applebee's on Veteran's Day for the discounts and lets everyone know he is a veteran.