I honestly don't think there needs any explaining. I disagree with abortion but more from a standpoint that I don't want it to be something that is marketed and prioritized and something that might need monthly quotas. On the other hand I don't mind those people not having children.
I am gay(even I think its actually kinda degenerate as fuck but I just laugh at myself here) and so I talk to lot of gay people.
I live in Texas so i have had conversation just yesterday where it was literately. "hey I am thinking about moving to the northwest as they going to come for gay's next." I just agree with them and tell them how nice Oregon or Cali is this time of year would be this time of year.
I believe that to be in Angola Indiana.
I-69 in Angola, Indiana.
Go Indiana! Thanks๐๐ป
In stupid PA the signs read......Abortion is still legal in PA.
I am half tempted to out huge stickers on them that read, Is this something to be proud of?
Maybe stickers with a picture of Satan, saying "I did that."
I honestly don't think there needs any explaining. I disagree with abortion but more from a standpoint that I don't want it to be something that is marketed and prioritized and something that might need monthly quotas. On the other hand I don't mind those people not having children.
I am gay(even I think its actually kinda degenerate as fuck but I just laugh at myself here) and so I talk to lot of gay people.
I live in Texas so i have had conversation just yesterday where it was literately. "hey I am thinking about moving to the northwest as they going to come for gay's next." I just agree with them and tell them how nice Oregon or Cali is this time of year would be this time of year.
They cheat like hell here.
They will cheat for Shapiro. He is worse than Rat Bastard Wolf ๐บ.
America must reach the point where a RINO pox would be included in this billboard and not suprise anybody with how based it is
This shit is so 2018
Awesome...money well spent.
Makes a lot more sense than monkeypox!
Would love to see them all over!
Oh, I love it. Haha.
is anyone selling these as bumperstickers? or gas pump stickers?
On the surface, true. But digging deeper you find all politicians are equally to blame.
I bet t-shirts with this would be popular
Swick Broadcasting in Indiana & Michigan billboard