President Trump attempts to tie Cassidy Hutchison to Asa Hutchison asking if there is any relationship.
After some digging, I see no relationship between these 2 Hutchinsons however there seems to be a concerted attempt to hide Cassidy's family history.
What if President Trump post was to inspire us to look at Asa Hutchison and the political history behind the Hutchisons. Where did Bill and Hillary Clinton start thei political empire? Arkansas! I bet if we dug into Asa Hutchison we could find a mountain of dirt.
Asa Hutchinson is the Governor of Arkansas
Here is a bio on Asa Hutchinson, says his four children are named: John, Seth, Asa III and Sarah Hutchinson.
I found here, Seth Hutchinson belongs to a group called Democratic Socialists of America and Young Democratic Socialists.
Here is a good article that could be a good place to start a dig for the Arkansas political crime families.
The Hutchinson/Hendren Family Political Dynasty
I have to go to work now. I will comment here later if I find any more info on these people.
Stay safe my frens!!!
SauceFag Here.
Found this from 2019.
Former Arkansas lawmaker pleads guilty in corruption cases
What Preferred Family Health Does:
And now for the weird parallel for today. This morning in Sunday school class we studied 1 Kings 15:9-22. This was where King Asa bribed another using temple treasury and stuff.
Here's a link to someone's writing about it.
Weird, huh?
But wait, there's more.
I came home feeling like I didn't get much out of the class this morning. I was griping to God about it, and he leads me to respond to this post with a little mini-dig.
From the article linked directly above:
This is the depth of lesson I was seeking from the king Asa story.
“A Captain in the ’People's House’
Cassidy Hutchinson ramps up career in public service with high-profile White House internship.
by Brian McGuire | October 18, 2018”
I will say this again. You don't get an internship in any congressional office without connections. She got one in two famous member's offices and a job in the White House on somebody's recommendation. Something is very off.
The Boys on the Tracks and all those involved make up a good number of the early body count. All connected to Mena but in Saline County AR, just below the Capitol of Little Rock.
I'm in Arkansas and can say Hutchinson is a Chinese cuck. Seen the photos go around with his Chinese assets. Was a bitch when it came to Covid. Was just like Cotton and was a bitch when it came to election fraud. Walmart is from Arkansas and its selling out to big govt and to China makes our politicians prime for the blackmail.
Does anyone know if Hutchinson is her married name?
I read here earlier it's her CIA farm name, but who knows?
Is There a Connection Between Child Trafficking and Child Protective Services? Part 1
I live in AR. Most people here hate AH. He is known to be a RINO and is definitely a Clintonite. We can't wait to be rid of him. Beware if he decides to run for Senate, or God forbid, Potus. He is part of the establishment and doesn't lose elections. Let me tell you, Arkansans have been subjected to such corruption in our elections and political theater that we have been jaded for years. The Clinton body count started here and added up quickly. We have tried to get some semblance of justice only to be thwarted at every turn. AH is one of the gatekeepers for the Clinton corruption here. There are many. We've watched these scumbags rise to the top, knowing what their purpose is.
Here's a place to start looking into the kind of crap we've been subjected to. It's been like a dark cloud looming over our state for years.
Lots of connecting rabbit holes here. The Boys on the Tracks
FBI speaks about human trafficking in Arkansas
Seems there was a large effort to stop human trafficking in Arkansas and the only thing missing is Hutchinson's name associated with the effort. Wonder why he didn't have any participation or interest?
Hutchinson…Hutch…Starsky and Hutch…Stars in sky…Space Force…
…I’m really bad at this.
Ads Hutchison was atty in west district fed court during Iran contra, then state Congress, then drug task force, eventually governer. Obviously he just can’t be an agent for a particular agency or anything…. 🌊👀ehhh…