That's where I'm at. I think it's "bugs". My suspicion is that there is a parasite (worms, bots, bacteria, whatever it is) that lives in the body that is communicated from one person to another via anal sex, and which then takes up residence in the intestines (communicating with the brain via the vagus nerve, for example) or actually takes up residence in the brain. Something along those lines.
If I am correct, it's one of the reasons why homosexuality could be growing rapidly now, if that is indeed true. And would therefore also be one of the reasons why TPTB did not want us taking Ivermectin. Since Ivermectin kills these parasites.
P.S. Am pretty sure the cause of cancer is also "bugs". Different bugs than the gay bug, but also killable with Ivermectin. Or at least for some types of cancer.
It's #2. #3 causes the same result as #2, only it's deliberate.
Both left and right brain hemispheres are effected, at a minimum, following certain traumas, which cause a "maturity stop" at the age of the second trauma. This results in either a significant reduction in their appropriate gender estrogen (female) or testosterone (male) production and an overproduction of the opposite hormone, as these hormones are effectively what drive sexual attraction. If the traumas aren't addressed by age 26, the homosexuality is permanent.
The age that the second trauma occurs when the maturity stop happens effectively determines the age of child/person they are attracted to. For example, if the second trauma occurs at age 5 and is not resolved before age 26, the person is forever identified with, and attracted to 5 year olds as these were their friends at the time.
If the second trauma happens in the teen years (roughly 13-21), the likelihood of homosexuality depends on how long the individual was experiencing normal estrogen/testosterone production prior to the second trauma.
Other than the obvious sexual/grooming traumas, there are many other conflict traumas that can cause these maturity stops, completely unrelated to anything sexual. In all cases, the lack of the normal amount of the gender-specific hormones being released, and the over-production of the opposite gender hormone is what leads to this situation.
Most interestingly, this phenomenon also occurs in heterosexuals as well, where a female can have these double-traumas and hyper-produce estrogen, making them exceptionally feminine, beautiful and attractive to men. And likewise for men, who can hyper-produce testosterone, making them exceptionally masculine, handsome and attractive to women. In a nutshell, this works both ways.
In hight school, there was a girl in my 9th grade class who was so unbelievably feminine and gorgeous whose body was, for lack of a better expression, in full bloom. Every high school boy within a 100 mile radius was interested in her, but she was only interested in college age guys. As I would learn years later, she was being raped by her father and her unconscious response to this was to become so incredibly uber-attractive in order to attract a strong mate in order protect her from further traumas. She ended up having a child in 10th grade and moving in with her boyfriend. I'm not sure what happened to her after that. Anyway, that overproduction of estrogen worked to get her away from her father.
I believe bisexuality is being successfully brainwashed into high school and college aged girls. Sidenote, a couple years ago, while googling this topic, I found multiple articles about studies showing that bisexuals were MUCH more likely to cheat on their partner than both heterosexuals and homosexuals. Now, if you attempt to google the same topic, all you get are articles that say bisexuals are no more likely to cheat so they reinvented reality. This is why I believe bisexuality is being pushed so hard. It further degrades relationships, and thus the fabric of society.
Edit: I would also venture to guess that close to half of college aged girls, even those who lean straight, have had sex with at least one of their close female friends. How can you have a close or healthy relationship with a guy if you are close friends with someone you have had sex with? It isn’t natural.
Homosexuality is not the same as people liking different flavors or colors. Most people are born gay or so they say. Which means there is something that happens in the womb that creates a defect in a child. Or something else has to happen at early age to push this kind of mental state even if the child doesn't present or is unaware of such an injury.
I understand, it's a handicap or birth defect. Just like if someone was born with less fingers. I don't blame them for their defects. Just because I don't have a physical handicap doesn't mean I can't grasp or understand that they have struggles. Maybe I can't fully understand, but I can have sympathy.
I believe homosexuality is 3 things.
I think the parasite (toxoplasmosis) angle should be researched
That's where I'm at. I think it's "bugs". My suspicion is that there is a parasite (worms, bots, bacteria, whatever it is) that lives in the body that is communicated from one person to another via anal sex, and which then takes up residence in the intestines (communicating with the brain via the vagus nerve, for example) or actually takes up residence in the brain. Something along those lines.
If I am correct, it's one of the reasons why homosexuality could be growing rapidly now, if that is indeed true. And would therefore also be one of the reasons why TPTB did not want us taking Ivermectin. Since Ivermectin kills these parasites.
Exactly what I think !
Ivermectin for the cure of this also!!!
P.S. Am pretty sure the cause of cancer is also "bugs". Different bugs than the gay bug, but also killable with Ivermectin. Or at least for some types of cancer.
Oh that's a good one too
I think that one gets transmitted through molestation.
yes, but if true then there could be a cure.
‘The parasite pill’ that was shared here was a very interesting read.
It would be interesting to get a few gay people to take some ivermectin and see if it works.
This is what was claimed anyway.
I am convinced that it's either Grooming/molestation or Parasite
Or a combo of both
It's #2. #3 causes the same result as #2, only it's deliberate.
Both left and right brain hemispheres are effected, at a minimum, following certain traumas, which cause a "maturity stop" at the age of the second trauma. This results in either a significant reduction in their appropriate gender estrogen (female) or testosterone (male) production and an overproduction of the opposite hormone, as these hormones are effectively what drive sexual attraction. If the traumas aren't addressed by age 26, the homosexuality is permanent.
The age that the second trauma occurs when the maturity stop happens effectively determines the age of child/person they are attracted to. For example, if the second trauma occurs at age 5 and is not resolved before age 26, the person is forever identified with, and attracted to 5 year olds as these were their friends at the time.
If the second trauma happens in the teen years (roughly 13-21), the likelihood of homosexuality depends on how long the individual was experiencing normal estrogen/testosterone production prior to the second trauma.
Other than the obvious sexual/grooming traumas, there are many other conflict traumas that can cause these maturity stops, completely unrelated to anything sexual. In all cases, the lack of the normal amount of the gender-specific hormones being released, and the over-production of the opposite gender hormone is what leads to this situation.
Most interestingly, this phenomenon also occurs in heterosexuals as well, where a female can have these double-traumas and hyper-produce estrogen, making them exceptionally feminine, beautiful and attractive to men. And likewise for men, who can hyper-produce testosterone, making them exceptionally masculine, handsome and attractive to women. In a nutshell, this works both ways.
In hight school, there was a girl in my 9th grade class who was so unbelievably feminine and gorgeous whose body was, for lack of a better expression, in full bloom. Every high school boy within a 100 mile radius was interested in her, but she was only interested in college age guys. As I would learn years later, she was being raped by her father and her unconscious response to this was to become so incredibly uber-attractive in order to attract a strong mate in order protect her from further traumas. She ended up having a child in 10th grade and moving in with her boyfriend. I'm not sure what happened to her after that. Anyway, that overproduction of estrogen worked to get her away from her father.
I believe bisexuality is being successfully brainwashed into high school and college aged girls. Sidenote, a couple years ago, while googling this topic, I found multiple articles about studies showing that bisexuals were MUCH more likely to cheat on their partner than both heterosexuals and homosexuals. Now, if you attempt to google the same topic, all you get are articles that say bisexuals are no more likely to cheat so they reinvented reality. This is why I believe bisexuality is being pushed so hard. It further degrades relationships, and thus the fabric of society.
Edit: I would also venture to guess that close to half of college aged girls, even those who lean straight, have had sex with at least one of their close female friends. How can you have a close or healthy relationship with a guy if you are close friends with someone you have had sex with? It isn’t natural.
I understand, it's a handicap or birth defect. Just like if someone was born with less fingers. I don't blame them for their defects. Just because I don't have a physical handicap doesn't mean I can't grasp or understand that they have struggles. Maybe I can't fully understand, but I can have sympathy.