The Twitter post this is a screenshot of doesnt have a source, just a screenshot of the text. This is a screenshot of a screenshot with no other sources listed. I went through comments on the Twitter post and saw people asking for source, I didn't look through everything but I never saw anyone post a source. If someone else can find something that'd be great, from what I can tell this was completely made up.
Had a feeling. I don't doubt that Putin and BRICS are going to be turning up the heat over the biolabs, and I personally believe that the labs are part of the path to convening tribunals. But for now I have to write off the quote above as fake and ghey.
I did read that Putin was presenting evidence to the UN of the US involvement in bioweapons labs, and China was expanding upon its verification. But I also read that the UN was blocking any investigation. Also, I read a speech Putin made that basically said this same statement. He definitely had the means to gather evidence and to take the guilty back to Russia.
I said in a comment on a previous post that I expect this to collapse the UN. My prediction is that Russia will fail in its efforts to resolve the BWC violations through the UN, probably due to Security Council vetoes by US, UK and France. The result will be a massive bloc of nations, led by BRICS withdrawing from the organization en masse. What happens from there is anyone's guess, but I bet you it involves a precipice.
Sauce for the quote?
The Twitter post this is a screenshot of doesnt have a source, just a screenshot of the text. This is a screenshot of a screenshot with no other sources listed. I went through comments on the Twitter post and saw people asking for source, I didn't look through everything but I never saw anyone post a source. If someone else can find something that'd be great, from what I can tell this was completely made up.
Had a feeling. I don't doubt that Putin and BRICS are going to be turning up the heat over the biolabs, and I personally believe that the labs are part of the path to convening tribunals. But for now I have to write off the quote above as fake and ghey.
I did read that Putin was presenting evidence to the UN of the US involvement in bioweapons labs, and China was expanding upon its verification. But I also read that the UN was blocking any investigation. Also, I read a speech Putin made that basically said this same statement. He definitely had the means to gather evidence and to take the guilty back to Russia.
I said in a comment on a previous post that I expect this to collapse the UN. My prediction is that Russia will fail in its efforts to resolve the BWC violations through the UN, probably due to Security Council vetoes by US, UK and France. The result will be a massive bloc of nations, led by BRICS withdrawing from the organization en masse. What happens from there is anyone's guess, but I bet you it involves a precipice.
I agreed with you.
Several presentations were made. He did say they were working on Slavic bio weapons.
As long as the China part of BRICS keeps their mouths shut on this. They're complicit.
Wuhan is a distraction
The quote is made up, and combined with the picture definitely misleading. The source about ukrainian biolabs is worth reading.