It was an obvious FF but when cryin-Mathew McConaughey showed up, then all the memorials with the worst crisis actors and fake news shills, it turned overtly campy and pathetic. It was comical yet unbearable.
100% I just meant him looking at his phone was likely not a secretive deal - but that whole gaggle of cops not stopping the shooter is insane and without a normal explanation.
Looks like there is an image on his phone, but does not look like Punisher to me. Maybe if you could see his phone better, but no way, unless it's a poorly made copy of it.
Plus why would he have his gun drawn and at the ready while looking at Punisher. The whole thing is fo sho a FF, but this detail is BS.
the bottom part isnt perfectly centered to the top part. Not punisher.
edit- his hand obstructs some of the screen so it possibly is centered, my bad. Still I dont 100% believe it. But regardless of the punisher or not, ncswic and guns r safe
Yes. It was a FF
It was an obvious FF but when cryin-Mathew McConaughey showed up, then all the memorials with the worst crisis actors and fake news shills, it turned overtly campy and pathetic. It was comical yet unbearable.
Yes and he was laughing during his little speech.
Sick fucks.
Felt false flaggy from the gitgo. So, I'd say yes.
I believe he is looking at his phone to see what time it is. The logo is his background/desktop image. Not exactly a 'Hail Hydra' moment.
It was “time” to do a dynamic entry and engage the shooter, that’s what “time “ it was.
100% I just meant him looking at his phone was likely not a secretive deal - but that whole gaggle of cops not stopping the shooter is insane and without a normal explanation.
Looks like there is an image on his phone, but does not look like Punisher to me. Maybe if you could see his phone better, but no way, unless it's a poorly made copy of it.
Plus why would he have his gun drawn and at the ready while looking at Punisher. The whole thing is fo sho a FF, but this detail is BS.
the bottom part isnt perfectly centered to the top part. Not punisher.
edit- his hand obstructs some of the screen so it possibly is centered, my bad. Still I dont 100% believe it. But regardless of the punisher or not, ncswic and guns r safe
I'm surprised his finger isn't on the trigger.
Who goes to an active shooter and takes time to look at their phone?
When you’re told to stand down
The same people who use hand sanitizer during a shoot-out?
was it comms not sure, was it a false flag 100% yes.
In the real world, this just wouldn't make sense.
Real Texans run towards the bullets.
Manipulation of reality is all they have.
Fake and gay. Just another Sandy Hook.
I am guessing it's his lock screen wallpaper. If I wasn't using my way too cute dog as mine I would use this as well.
I think he’s actually looking at camera footage of a person walking through a pathway or doorway, but it could be a punisher logo
What the fuck?
Why does this footage look like an episode of Tom Goes to the Mayor?