Reagan to Bush power transfer:
Both George and Barbara “arrested” 1-18-17, 2 days before Trump inauguration:
Bush was defacto POTUS for most of Reagan’s 2nd term. This was a soft coup hidden from the American public.
This looks like a “going away” party on 2-5-17:; note Bush-Pence connection. Looks like Pence placed on Trump ticket by Bush as a “safety”. Also note Bush-McCain connection, AND Bush-Gore connection with Al Gore’s father. Also suspected is Bush-Paul Ryan connection with possible tie to Ryan’s wife who may be Racine Bauer/Rothschild (and his handler).
Bush's "date of death" appears to coincide with the runup to the first Gulf War in 1990/1991 or some other 11-30 event:
The UN Security Council issues Resolution 678, calling for the use of “all necessary means” to force Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait if it has not done so by January 15, 1991. -November 29, 1990
November 30, 1990 US President George H. W. Bush offers to send Secretary of State James Baker to Baghdad to meet with Saddam Hussein
2nd Iraq War date sauce: [Pre-planned?, this link reporting Israeli sources knew on 9-3-02 that things were being put in place for the war by 11-30-02; note that the "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002" introduced into House on 10/02, passed 10/10; then passed Senate on 10/11]
NATO on November 21/22 (2002)
In a special declaration issued at the Prague Summit on 21-22 November, NATO heads of state and government pledged support for the implementation of this resolution.
The significance of July 14, 1985 appears CONFIRMED: John McCain had brain surgery on July 14, 2017:
Deep State and media in on July 14 date, pushing Mike Pence as VP in 2016:
1993-2001 Bill Clinton was “his guy” running Arkansas drug-running and trafficking with CIA while he was 42nd Governor of Arkansas 1983-1992. Also, interesting 1 year stint as 40th Governor of Arkansas 1979-1980.
2001-2009 George W Bush was “his guy” with obvious family connections handed 2000 election effectively by his brother Jeb who infiltrated and rigged FL election for him as Governor; Cheney was “his guy” placed on ticket by Bush because George W really is a retard.
2009-2017 Barack Obama was “his guy” groomed by CIA and Saudi Royal family. McCain (NoName) also “his guy”; both sides controlled.
FAILED 2017-2025 Hillary Clinton was “his gal” groomed by Barbara Bush, likely George’s “handler” and leader of blood cult until handing it off to Hillary
Succinctly, GHWB is the head of the snake.
ashlandog post:
Alternatively, it is possible that Barbara Bush is the snake “handler”, and the real “head of the snake”. Her death date in April 2018 BEFORE George looks significant.
George HW Bush Sr was effectively Chinese ambassador in 1972 (before it was called ambassador) and went with Nixon there. The manufacturing transition to China was setup and kicked off by Bush Sr. in 1972 with an estimated 100+ manufacturing joint ventures setup that appeared to be controlled by Bush Sr family and its proxies. Bush Sr. would push the de-manufacturing of US agenda very hard when he was officially POTUS 1989-1993.
Why was the made move in 1985? Because their original plan of installing Carter/Mondale 1976-1984 (1984 was target date on 16/4/16 operating cycle) to get the full Communist infrastructure in place got countered with Reagan election in 1980. But the main reason was things needed to be put in place for the big "Q Year" of 1989 (8+9=17) which was America's destruction plan initiation date:
Note cards from Bush Sr. funeral:
I suspect it was a message signed by HW Bush. Watch Jeb in the betrayal on his face. HRC and Obama looked like they knew it was coming, somehow.
Youtube removed all the videos. Watch Jeb "lose his shit" @5:57
From how I understood it, he cracked and spilled the beans in exchange for his legacy or something. I don't know the whole truth, but that's what I figured from the crumbs left behind.
Agreed. Cooperating in exchange for "Legacy Deal" where his legacy would not be proactively trashed. NoName apparently, refused to sign a deal, thus the public trashing he has been receiving which has pissed off both his wife and his daughter.
Unknown if Jeb and W legacy is included in the deal. I just don't know how they are going to preserve the legacy once the 9-11 truth comes out. Maybe they blame it on HRC, even though it appears to have been a Bush/Cheney/Clinton/Saudi joint venture?
I honestly have no idea how this all works. It's probably not just their legacy since that sounds so idealistic or romantic. There are probably other things they agreed to preserve.
The only thing I am skeptical about the entire thing is that we might still be kept in the dark after all this is said and done. I hope that is not the case. I get it that watching the elites literally slice the face skin off living people and do other depraved acts can be quite shocking, but how are people ever going to know what true evil is? Then again, knowledge is earned, not given.
If the People are kept in the dark about anything, then we have lost. For this to truly be the end of the cabal, every evil deed needs the full light of day shone on it. Otherwise, this never ends.
Fuck peoples delicate sensibilities. The only thing I care about is Justice and providing a free and just world to future generations. The people must know the full depths that our leaders have sunk to.
Not all the truth will be revealed publicly. Watch the chessboard. Some players getting removed from the chessboard via public events. Others removed behind the scenes, but still on the chessboard for some public reveal. We have to get some of this evil stuff revealed publicly, but remember too much will pop sheep heads, they will literally go insane if it is too much too fast.
I think it read "dad was executed" and written by W as they sat during the funeral. It was something short and easy to see/understand. I think W was the only one in the family who was aware when it happened. At the time there were rumors that W had flipped so it kind of makes sense he would know the truth while the other family members thought he just died.
W did give the eulogy at the funeral, and Laura Bush looked like she wanted to kill something when she showed the message to Jeb, so pretty sure she was not happy with W and her failed mission as "handler of the retard". All Obama visit privileges immediately cut off the next day!
Obviously the message got through in a glance. So a picture, or a very short message, or both.
I watched Jeb's reaction quite a few times and it is not just fast, it is instantaneous. Does not look like he could have read even a short message.
A problem also if it was a picture. Imagine someone shows you a picture that you are really not expecting. Your first reaction is to go "eh?" and you look closer. So I find it hard to believe it was even that.
Who knows whether it was really true, but in the fictional novel "Treasure Island" it starts off with Billy Bones being given the "Black Spot" by Blind Pew.
"In the book, pirates are presented with a black spot to officially pronounce a verdict of guilt or judgement. It consists of a circular piece of paper or card, with one side blackened while the other side bears a message and is placed in the hand of the accused. It was a source of much fear because it meant the pirate was to be deposed as leader, by force if necessary—or else killed outright."
Now that would be instantaneously recognisable. Or maybe a different symbol rather than just black.
Also remember that Q replied to an anon who asked directly what was in the envelopes. The Q reply was" Our counter." The word counter can be interpreted several ways but one is a small round disk such as is used in board games.
Thanks for the detailed response. I remember that Q post. I hope we get to see a pic of the cards posted by Q someday. I'm guessing they were individualized.
A picture could send a message rather quickly without requiring much scrutiny (especially in the setting of a public funeral), and mean different things to different people. The picture I'd like to see is Bush senior in a noose hanging with a large red or black Q.
Looked like he was reading to me. I don’t think Jeb is smart enough for instant recognition of a symbol. I understand he is slightly better than retarded, possibly dumber than W. Inbreeding not working out so well.
My hope is a picture of the most depraved thing they had ever done with “WE HAVE EVERYTHING-Q” on it.
when you guys say flipped,, who are your talking about? like who flipped W?
Whoever is operating behind the scenes. Ghosts in the Machine?
It is suspected to be the military, special ops, possibly Green Berets. I don’t think we know the full extent of the ‘Guardians’ of the Republic yet. Clearly Space Force at minimum.
I would so love to know what those note cards said to each of them. Did they all say the same thing or did they all get a different note?
Betrayal, or caught in the act?