48 Deep Thoughts From The Fertile MInd Of Kamala Harris...Concerning Foreign Relations.... (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by ashlanddog 2 years ago by ashlanddog +49 / -1 30 comments download share 30 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
...or sucking the chrome of of bumper hitches......
You spelled Willie Brown shriveled nutsack wrong.
...doggy winks....
...nothing like getting "dry humped" by the government....
no fucking way these retards represent us.
,,,in appearance only....
Representatives In Conspiracy Only
...nice word play....
more from the Blaze's Stu Burguiere
especially if you need a laugh
This is from the 2nd smartest person Brandon knows.
...sadly true....
My mom read this said wtf does that mean? Then said she should stay on her knees and keep her mouth shut...then I explained how she got the into politics and she lost it
Well, she does have the talent of saying nothing with many words. What a verbal diarrhea...
...valid observation....
Are we certain she isn't having multiple strokes?
What a clown show. She really sucks.
Yeah she does Ask Willie Brown
...Willie Brown can fill you in on her "strokes"....
Good one.
Jizz-o-weeze! I jus realized––it's right in the name. It's almost poetic.
Kamala saw a willie brown, And knew that that willie ran the town. So on the floor she bent to sit, And sucked the brown right out of it.
She sounds like she’s loaded all the time. Like Nancy in the morning.
I'm now convinced that she's as dumb in the head as Robinette. No, seriously...
Her speech patterns are super odd, with words always looping back on themselves. Not normal.
...I think it is a form of epilepsy....
I apologize for asking but … is this real? Did she say that shit? I would believe it … just wondering if its real or parody.
...dogs are known for their forthrightness....
Holy fuck
...I know....
Is this because none of them Have someone whispering their lines into their ears anymore?
...Filed under "Highly Probable"....