I'm less harsh on third parties doing less than the politicians who supposedly represent us. It's the politicians who I rake over the coals for saying things and not following through or making promises followed by excuses.
It'd be nice to see more movement, but oh well. Doesn't really seem like a grifter at least
A link to the same sauceless post is not sauce but thanks. I'd like to see some real Greg Phillips sauce. I love what he is saying but I have yet to see real sauce behind his words...
I'm trying to redpill skeptical normies and without rock solid sauce all it does is discredit me / us
Gregg Phillips is one serious badass for sure. He and Catherine E. did an amazing job with Dinesh on 2000 Mules. He is one to watch. It seems like he came from out of nowhere. I am loving his truths and it's going to be awesome watching him and his peeps take the corrupt MF'ers down.
It does seem so but I linked an article, in a comment, from 2017, NBC, that PDJT gave him a shout out as he was investigating fraud in the 2016 presidential election.
I thought he had served, at least some anons found his name in an Army database. I believe it was in the early 90s. I'll look for the post, if I saw it here.
Lovin' all the comments from the non-contributing dillrods...all chest thumpin "where's the sauce" behind their pink-Otterbox iPhones eating cheese curls and wondering why their little peckers are turning orange, doing absolutely fucking squat for the cause. Since reading comprehension isn't your thing cupcake, he said back in June shits gonna start to flow mid-late July and if all goes to plan, more in Aug and Sept. So, STFU Donnie and wait for it to come out like the rest of us. Now get back in the kitchen, your gravy's burning.🖕😜😂
Seriously. And I FUCKING HATE how he calls literally anyone who even dares ask him a question "a hater" and promptly blocks them. Not even mute. Just nope block can't see me no more.
Maybe that makes me a hater lol fuck can't get out of that one.
But I don't think I'm hater I really like him I just fucking hate how many people I see getting blocked or called out by him imo by many who don't deserve it.
He mentioned acting this way on Patel Patriot's show and kind of apologized but we'll see I don't see him changing in this way. We all have our flaws.
If he's got the goods he's got my respect. And he already has some because of 2000 Mules. But so far all that is a movie where he makes claims that, seem pretty fucking true to us, but instead of releasing the data he just keeps assuring us it exists and the government has it and they have it and it will come out ... sometime.
I tend to lean heavily towards he's got the goods.
But instead of arguing about what kind of guy he is ... we can find out! Future is coming one day at a time.
He blocked me for something very silly. Now I can only know what he says by posts here and on TS only if “re-Truthed” by others I follow. Frustrating, but God works in mysterious ways, and we are all His tools. ❤️
My Pillow code discount to use during the next pillow merchant cyber symposium: PatriotGames. Save 17%
I’m really liking this guy!
Bonafide Badass
Can someone point me to where this guys sauce is?
The fact that he helped make 2000 Mules makes many of us more tolerant of no-sauce messages. I just stay laid back to see what happens.
I'm less harsh on third parties doing less than the politicians who supposedly represent us. It's the politicians who I rake over the coals for saying things and not following through or making promises followed by excuses.
It'd be nice to see more movement, but oh well. Doesn't really seem like a grifter at least
A link to the same sauceless post is not sauce but thanks. I'd like to see some real Greg Phillips sauce. I love what he is saying but I have yet to see real sauce behind his words...
I'm trying to redpill skeptical normies and without rock solid sauce all it does is discredit me / us
Gregg Phillips is one serious badass for sure. He and Catherine E. did an amazing job with Dinesh on 2000 Mules. He is one to watch. It seems like he came from out of nowhere. I am loving his truths and it's going to be awesome watching him and his peeps take the corrupt MF'ers down.
It does seem so but I linked an article, in a comment, from 2017, NBC, that PDJT gave him a shout out as he was investigating fraud in the 2016 presidential election.
For someone who has supposedly never served in the military he sure does talk like he has.
I thought he had served, at least some anons found his name in an Army database. I believe it was in the early 90s. I'll look for the post, if I saw it here.
Edit here it is > https://greatawakening.win/p/15IETCiE33/was-gregg-phillips-an-spc-11c10-/c/
What protest is he talking about?
"everything is an info op" well i have to say I agree with you there Greg double G
Who is this guy? Was he the ex-gov code guy at the Lindell symposium?
Lovin' all the comments from the non-contributing dillrods...all chest thumpin "where's the sauce" behind their pink-Otterbox iPhones eating cheese curls and wondering why their little peckers are turning orange, doing absolutely fucking squat for the cause. Since reading comprehension isn't your thing cupcake, he said back in June shits gonna start to flow mid-late July and if all goes to plan, more in Aug and Sept. So, STFU Donnie and wait for it to come out like the rest of us. Now get back in the kitchen, your gravy's burning.🖕😜😂
Two more weeks
Fuck this guy
So good he’s openly posting about it.
Click click click.
Gregg better produce some receipts soon. He's an awful lot of blustery talk for an information operator and intelligence expert.
Seriously. And I FUCKING HATE how he calls literally anyone who even dares ask him a question "a hater" and promptly blocks them. Not even mute. Just nope block can't see me no more.
Maybe that makes me a hater lol fuck can't get out of that one.
But I don't think I'm hater I really like him I just fucking hate how many people I see getting blocked or called out by him imo by many who don't deserve it.
He mentioned acting this way on Patel Patriot's show and kind of apologized but we'll see I don't see him changing in this way. We all have our flaws.
If he's got the goods he's got my respect. And he already has some because of 2000 Mules. But so far all that is a movie where he makes claims that, seem pretty fucking true to us, but instead of releasing the data he just keeps assuring us it exists and the government has it and they have it and it will come out ... sometime.
I tend to lean heavily towards he's got the goods.
But instead of arguing about what kind of guy he is ... we can find out! Future is coming one day at a time.
He blocked me for something very silly. Now I can only know what he says by posts here and on TS only if “re-Truthed” by others I follow. Frustrating, but God works in mysterious ways, and we are all His tools. ❤️