Fun fact: my kids all believe we have their tails(cut off at birth) in a box hidden away. Also, as I was told when little, we say: "don't unscrew your belly button or your butt will fall off." Kids are awesome. 🤭🤭
Same here - pizza all the way from my calf to my shoulder (which was dislocated when I hit the pickup truck). I had several whirlpool treatments at the hospital where they would soak me until I looked like a raisin, then a nurse would pick tiny rocks out of the wounds with tweezers. I was 14 and it sucked bad.
Had the same thing happen to me. Had to go to the emergency room to get the gravel out of my knee. They scrubbed it out with a stiff brush and a couple of shots to numb the area. I still have a scar to prove it.
Lol! My dad ( an MD no less) always said “ it’ll feel real good when it stops hurting “
I used to have the gravel removed with a scrub brush, and macurechrome (orange shit that burns open wounds) dumped on it.
“If you were doing what you SHOULD HAVE been doing, you wouldn’t have been hurt”
Heard that an awful lot
You sound like my mother >.>
"Monkey's blood!" It went on everything oh and campho-phenique on mosquito bites. 😎
Fun fact: my kids all believe we have their tails(cut off at birth) in a box hidden away. Also, as I was told when little, we say: "don't unscrew your belly button or your butt will fall off." Kids are awesome. 🤭🤭
My parents said the same thing about belly buttons!! Also when you lose a tooth, if you don't put your tongue in the hole you'll get a gold tooth. 😂
Ughhhh. Crashed a bike on gravel on a paved road. Ground that shit into my skin.
And still have some in an elbow that didn’t get scrubbed out. Damn painful that scrubbing!!
Same here - pizza all the way from my calf to my shoulder (which was dislocated when I hit the pickup truck). I had several whirlpool treatments at the hospital where they would soak me until I looked like a raisin, then a nurse would pick tiny rocks out of the wounds with tweezers. I was 14 and it sucked bad.
Had the same thing happen to me. Had to go to the emergency room to get the gravel out of my knee. They scrubbed it out with a stiff brush and a couple of shots to numb the area. I still have a scar to prove it.
Did that with my face once, my mother thought I had mumps :)
Mercurochrome doesn't burn
You probably had Merthiolate (thermerisol)
which is much stronger and burns like shit.
I can remember lots of kids on the school bus sporting mercurochrome wounds. It was a badge of honor back in those days. Kek.
Merthiolate was even more old school. It contained mercury. It has a distinctive smell.
I can remember when doctors switched to Mercurochrome.
"Figure it out" was my mothers go to, that or NO.
The time I skidded on my knee in gravel and we were poor so my mom washed it out with some jack daniels ... fun times! LOL
Lol. Learned from old western movies!’
She does love her westerns ... too bad she fell for orange man bad propaganda.
I love your username. Wet socks is turrrrrible.
Good one! It’ll be better by the time you get married. That used to piss me off! Five years old, who’s thinking about marriage? I understand it now.