Wouldn't it be awesome - every American will get a $500K check because Pelosi, Clinton, Schumer, this NYC sh*thead et al can't take their $$ with them to Gitmo.
Don't worry Bill, there will be plenty of ways to help once you're in jail for murdering those seniors. You can scrub the floors and wash the latrines. And while you're bent over a big guy named Rufus will tell you all about how he loved your stance on gays. You'll be spending many days trying to stop the rectal bleeding but hey, you know how to take it like a man, right?
Hoping this is what will eventually come about 🤞
Wouldn't it be awesome - every American will get a $500K check because Pelosi, Clinton, Schumer, this NYC sh*thead et al can't take their $$ with them to Gitmo.
Best way he could serve his community is doing an R. Budd Dwyer.
Don't worry Bill, there will be plenty of ways to help once you're in jail for murdering those seniors. You can scrub the floors and wash the latrines. And while you're bent over a big guy named Rufus will tell you all about how he loved your stance on gays. You'll be spending many days trying to stop the rectal bleeding but hey, you know how to take it like a man, right?
Don't let the door hit you...
Good point!
Auf Wiedersehen, Wilhelm!
Damn, I was looking for an obituary.
I think he has committed crimes punishable by death. It will come out.
De Blasio was replaced by another moron, Eric Adams.
Serve what?
With his previous experience maybe he could serve burgers & fries at McDonalds.
Bill, heck all Bill’s involved in this BS. Get a sword and fall on it.
Please don’t ‘continue to help’. You are not ‘Yelping’.
Time for Commie Fag Warren Wilhelm to sit in a prison cell the rest of his life.
I'm still trying to figure out why he changed his name from Warren Wilhelm Jr. to Bill De Blasio.
Appeal to Italian voters perhaps?