I've often wondered about this. And maybe I'm looking through a Christian lens, but I can't EVER imagine making a deal with the enemy without being terrified of what happens after I die. How could you enjoy all the riches and fame and power knowing the minute you die, eternity in hell starts?
I've seen where people have said they didn't believe in God so it was easy to make this deal with the devil. But if the devil exists, then how can God not exist? What are they thinking??
Letting evil exist makes us numb to it little by little until we like it. There comes a point where a person embraces the devil because they're that blind and misled. This can happen to any one of us. That's why it's so massive that God, Who absolutely does exist, sent Christ Jesus to bring us back into a solid place of rest with Him.
The devil is a deciever. He convinces them they'll live forever and that he's really in charge of the earth. He is the god of chaos. He tells you that the one true heavenly God is a tyrant and slave driver and wants to deprive you of the earthly pleasures. In reality he hates us because we were made in gods image and are able to create things that celebrate the joy and beauty of this life. We are able to create a life in conception. That's why these demons want abortions. It isn't to kill the life... it's to destroy the conception. Satan is only a jealous destroyer. Libtard democrats are insane. They only care about their earthly existence. They are all godless atheists or the synagogue of Satan. Some have no soul at all like Bill Gates and George Soros. Or the succubus Nancy Piglosi. It's getting worse and blatantly so. Something big is gonna happen soon. It has to.
I've often wondered about this. And maybe I'm looking through a Christian lens, but I can't EVER imagine making a deal with the enemy without being terrified of what happens after I die. How could you enjoy all the riches and fame and power knowing the minute you die, eternity in hell starts? I've seen where people have said they didn't believe in God so it was easy to make this deal with the devil. But if the devil exists, then how can God not exist? What are they thinking??
They’re not concerned about going to hell because they simply don’t believe it exists. The devil has them fooled into believe hell isn’t real.
This makes a lot of sense. The devil is a liar so I can see this happening.
Christian Metal Band Name: HELL NO!
There's Stryper...
hell isn't a catholic thing. It's not even defined clearly. but i agree
Letting evil exist makes us numb to it little by little until we like it. There comes a point where a person embraces the devil because they're that blind and misled. This can happen to any one of us. That's why it's so massive that God, Who absolutely does exist, sent Christ Jesus to bring us back into a solid place of rest with Him.
The devil is a deciever. He convinces them they'll live forever and that he's really in charge of the earth. He is the god of chaos. He tells you that the one true heavenly God is a tyrant and slave driver and wants to deprive you of the earthly pleasures. In reality he hates us because we were made in gods image and are able to create things that celebrate the joy and beauty of this life. We are able to create a life in conception. That's why these demons want abortions. It isn't to kill the life... it's to destroy the conception. Satan is only a jealous destroyer. Libtard democrats are insane. They only care about their earthly existence. They are all godless atheists or the synagogue of Satan. Some have no soul at all like Bill Gates and George Soros. Or the succubus Nancy Piglosi. It's getting worse and blatantly so. Something big is gonna happen soon. It has to.