[Know These Things About Alex Jones By Jon Rappoport
Jon Rappoport’s blog](https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/08/jon-rappoport/know-these-things-about-alex-jones/)
August 5, 2022
Let’s start here. While Jones was supporting Trump, he also mercilessly attacked the horrifically destructive COVID vaccines. In the process, he forcefully awakened millions of Trump followers to a truth they were unaware of or didn’t want to face. In the process, lives were saved.
Decades ago, long before it was fashionable to do so, Jones explained and righteously attacked Globalism, the Rockefeller Empire, and the designs of the Chinese regime.
Perceived by the public as living on the political Right, Jones confounded that perception by attacking both big government and big corporations, while so-called conservatives were routinely and conveniently letting criminal corporations off the hook.
About 20 years ago, the day after George Noory interviewed me about those corporations, Jones called me out of the blue and insisted I come on his radio show and talk about the subject at length.
Very early in his radio career, he saw the gathering clouds of medical dictatorship on the horizon and spoke about it compellingly. His audience got a strong dose of something they’d never thought about.
Toxic pesticides, GMO crops—Jones contributed as much to the public understanding of these issues as any dyed in the wool environmentalist. However, for years, he’s also spoken about the psychopathic anti-human elitists who use the environmental movement as a front for a “green revolution” that aims to capture humanity in an endless future of poverty.
No one has done to more to expose the predatory adults who guide and groom young children for transgender medical and psychological destruction.
Since the beginning of his career, he’s defended the Constitutional right of citizens to own guns, against the deluded crowd who’ve claimed that taking away all those guns from everybody would lead us into an era of tranquility. Millions of non-criminal gun owners owe Jones a debt of gratitude.
Every day, Jones refuses to let the idea of the original American Republic die. Try that yourself. See how much energy it takes.
I could go on and list a number of other vital issues on which he has led the way. He’s inspired many people to start their own independent news outlets, as they’ve watched him make his viable.
In a materialistic age, he has a vision of the human soul, and whether you agree with it or not, it is not a slave to government and corporate and media and church propagandists. If “the meaning of the soul” sounds like a harmless position to take, it isn’t when you’re connecting with large numbers of people for hours every day, and those propagandists want to shut off your connection and force you to go down to defeat.
For more than 20 years, without let-up, Jones has not only defended the 1st Amendment to the hilt, he has stood on it to speak freely about a blizzard of issues. And now this has brought him into court rooms, where civil suits have been leveled against him.
Regardless of the outcomes of the cases, I trust he will survive and carry on. He has already won many victories during his career, and they will stand.
As for the public, there will always be those who go after Jones. There will always be whiners and screamers and critics who devote their whole lives to finding someone to pick at and scrape at, while they studiously ignore the Good that person has achieved. They feed on the bounty of the 1st Amendment like parasites, and never have to courage to see a better world and fight for it. Anyone who rises above the crowd is their target, because they ARE the crowd, gnawing their way to oblivion.
So be it. The world has its disgusting creatures.
Alex Jones was and is a pioneer. He can handle it.
He HAS, for a long time, and in the process, he’s made many other people open their eyes and see they can, too.
THAT’S the rub. When dedicated tyrants notice the contagion of courage, they panic. They look for a source.
Years and years ago, they homed in on Jones. But he’s endured.
Because he and his work are built for the storm.
I credit AJ for waking me up, which did save me, my children, and countless others' lives most likely as I started taking supplements for my health issues rather than big pharma. I started researching vaccines, and didn't vax my children anymore (wish I knew about them when they were born!). I also removed fluoride intake, started to distill my own water, and learned about 911 and the NWO plan -- which we see activated right now. Is he a pay-triot? Yes, but does it matter if he's saving lives and opening people up to the realities of this world? Is he Mossad? I think he is/was funded by them to take the truth - movement and spiral it out of control so we would be marginalized. However, he has still done a multitude of things that woke countless people up, and I will be forever thankful for that.
Agree 100%
Is Jones just a fall guy?
Maybe it is his job to tell us all what is going on then they arrange some kind of show where all his fans are told it was lies all along. Maybe they pay the fines as well?
I spy truth, it's getting easier to recognize.
Updoot for inscrutable comment.
I caught 'Alex''s first act at the Austin BMV.
His bad acting raised red flags even then.
Here's the trick for people who are new at this.
The wolf dresses as a sheep and says baa or he might as well not start the ruse.
If you ignore the tail, everything will seem fine.
Some are duped. Some are even wolf fuckers and help him hide the truth, knowing better,
So you look for a tell/tail.
The latest:
The shill "I'm not Bill Hicks" just spewed that everything said by MSM about Sandyhook was true.
I've seen 6 yr olds who were better actors.
Can you do us an apology for Stratfor next?
You know, his mossad handlers.
I trust Alex far more than I trust you.
Trust is for those who lack the wherewithall.
Where two come together in truth, there am I.
And will be waiting.
That’s not what Q says about “trust.”
Q says that to anons without the wherewithall (knowledge) about The Plan.
And "You have more than you know".
'Trust' in truth and it shows itself eventually.
Blind trust brings what it may.
Two 'trusts', one big difference.
I’ve listened to him for years. Seen him in interviews by others. That’s a lot of time with someone to detect what drives them. I have no idea what is driving the commenter above, or you.
take that to heart
Q talked about not trusting Pay-triots. He didn't name names. If he named Jones, please share which post. Back in the beginning of Q, most everyone who discussed him on YouTube took donations or tried to sell something. Most all were hardworking people trying to bring important information without going broke. However, there were a few that stepped over the line and those people were exposed.
There is only Q.
Ok, thanks.