What has been your favorite rabbit hole to explore since you’ve awoken? Looking for ideas and also genuinely curious!
I’m genuinely curious what interesting rabbit holes have been explored by other anons and which ones still keep you going back for more.
Yeah, I quit giving blood after I found out the truth.
I stopped giving platelets after a tick bite....one guess who created Lymes disease. I have Rocky Mountain Spotted same bug as malaria. Ivermectin really helped me.
My daughter had Lyme disease. She used a Lyme nosode from a naturopath that was effective. Answered prayer there. I hope IVM cures you of RSF...these are no fun at all. I love IVM.
What did you find out? They stopped taking mine after I had my third child. Said I developed some sort of antibodies related to the pregnancy
I believed the RC was involved in some nefarious activities. Check out some of the links below to get an idea.
Money laundering front
What about patients who actually need blood transplants and stuff though?
I would donate to a specific person anytime. I am not against donating blood (it actually is beneficial to your body)...I am against the Red Cross and their policies and practices. I think we, as purebloods, are aware of how valuable our blood is. In my opinion the Red Cross has become corrupted and I really don't trust what they would do with my blood.
Yes, I get worried because of my blood type, O-. I can only receive the same blood type but can give it to anyone. No one in my family has my blood type, though found out my new daughter in-law and I have same type, and she has pure blood also. Thankfully none of my immediate family has gotten the jab. I don't want blood from tainted vaxx blood.