I'm a father of young girls. I'd be perfectly capable and safe to assist girls in getting dressed, etc. So would 99% of fathers. Of course, we wouldn't do it, because it would be strange/awkward. Everyone knows it would be weird, even though they'd know it is safe.
Now, make it a non-father, just a random fucking guy, and the objection would get MUCH stronger. Everyone would openly say: "It isn't appropriate for a man to be in the girls changing room helping them change/pee/etc." People would object loudly.
NOW: Take that same guy, have him declare he is now a lesbian, take hormones, dress up like a woman, and suddenly "Oh gosh, now we are all perfectly fine with HER helping take care of naked little girls.'
Here is the link to their reviews on Google..be a shame if everyone took 20 secs to let them know how you feel. If you don't want to click the link..google "olympic peninsula ymca"
“The Y has not provided any dressing shower room options for women who do not want to be exposed to men who identify as women.”
This is the real problem. By being “inclusive” they are actually putting a LOT more people through discomfort.
Our local Y converted the family change room into a “al gender” change room. Now, instead of families, it’s full of single pervy old men, trannies, faggots, and teenagers looking to get their jollies by changing together. Nowhere for families to go.
This was bound to happen and the deep state is prepared. They have all the arguments in place, all the MSM editorials ready to publish, and the judges in select states bought off. They just have to fill in the blanks with the names. It's the 2022 version of "Bake me a cake, bigot."
Transexualism can never be normalized. Men entering spaces reserved for women is a boundary that cannot be crossed. Civilized society ceases to exist without this critical boundary intact.
There are 6,500 genes in the human body that are expressed differently according to sex. That does not change because of some hormone pills and surgery. You cannot change your sex just like you cannot change your race. You can be courteous to those who wish to be addressed as another sex, but you cannot be forced to accept their delusion.
The manager is Rowen DeLuna so email if you need to contact them to tell them what you think about them supporting pedos kek
Yea. One of the comments also not surprising for the virtue signaling YMCA:
"Given being in shape can help with overcoming minor illnesses, I just can’t support an organization treating the un-vaxxed as second class citizens and denying them the ability to workout and potentially overcome an illness along with the requirement of taking a photo with a vax card in hand."
Here is the crazy part:
I'm a father of young girls. I'd be perfectly capable and safe to assist girls in getting dressed, etc. So would 99% of fathers. Of course, we wouldn't do it, because it would be strange/awkward. Everyone knows it would be weird, even though they'd know it is safe.
Now, make it a non-father, just a random fucking guy, and the objection would get MUCH stronger. Everyone would openly say: "It isn't appropriate for a man to be in the girls changing room helping them change/pee/etc." People would object loudly.
NOW: Take that same guy, have him declare he is now a lesbian, take hormones, dress up like a woman, and suddenly "Oh gosh, now we are all perfectly fine with HER helping take care of naked little girls.'
Fucking. Clown. World.
Here is the link to their reviews on Google..be a shame if everyone took 20 secs to let them know how you feel. If you don't want to click the link..google "olympic peninsula ymca"
Link: https://www.google.com/search?q=olympic+peninsula+ymca&source=hp&ei=ebTvYtj3INmgiLMPjIWXqAU&gs_ssp=eJzj4tZP1zcsszSOLzYoMmC0UjWoMDWxSEsyTDQ1T0o2TUm0MLUyqLBISjG3NElMsTQwM0s2TbLwEsvPqcwtyExWKEjNy8wrLs1JVKjMTU4EAEnVF5M&oq=Olympic+Peninsula+YMCA&gs_lcp=ChFtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1ocBABGAAyCwguEMcBEK8BEMQCMgsILhCABBDHARCvATIGCAAQHhAWMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgMyBQgAEIYDMgUIABCGAzIFCCEQoAE6CAgAEI8BEOoCUN0UWN0UYMojaAFwAHgAgAGDAYgBgwGSAQMwLjGYAQCgAQKgAQGwAQ8&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp
there's one new review scolding them for this incident, it's got a login free updoot. crush it!
you're right- my bad, google helpfully autologged me in.
“The Y has not provided any dressing shower room options for women who do not want to be exposed to men who identify as women.”
This is the real problem. By being “inclusive” they are actually putting a LOT more people through discomfort.
Our local Y converted the family change room into a “al gender” change room. Now, instead of families, it’s full of single pervy old men, trannies, faggots, and teenagers looking to get their jollies by changing together. Nowhere for families to go.
The fact that the cops didnt do anything about the pedo says a lot about those cops.
These are government stooges. Of course they're corrupt, even as the bottom rung. Never trust a pig.
Turd former pig casts a downvote?
This was bound to happen and the deep state is prepared. They have all the arguments in place, all the MSM editorials ready to publish, and the judges in select states bought off. They just have to fill in the blanks with the names. It's the 2022 version of "Bake me a cake, bigot."
Transexualism can never be normalized. Men entering spaces reserved for women is a boundary that cannot be crossed. Civilized society ceases to exist without this critical boundary intact.
There are 6,500 genes in the human body that are expressed differently according to sex. That does not change because of some hormone pills and surgery. You cannot change your sex just like you cannot change your race. You can be courteous to those who wish to be addressed as another sex, but you cannot be forced to accept their delusion.
Not a fan of the YMCA from this at all
The whole "Left Coast" is an insane asylum.
Absolutely disgusting hope she sues.
The manager is Rowen DeLuna so email if you need to contact them to tell them what you think about them supporting pedos kek rowen@olympicpeninsulaymca.org
Video testimony of the 80 year old woman in front of her City Council.
Yea. One of the comments also not surprising for the virtue signaling YMCA:
"Given being in shape can help with overcoming minor illnesses, I just can’t support an organization treating the un-vaxxed as second class citizens and denying them the ability to workout and potentially overcome an illness along with the requirement of taking a photo with a vax card in hand."
I am so sick of this crap.