Idk why this makes me laugh. I just imagine you in the back like "Are you fucking kidding me." and just having to wing it with some animal friends while you sing songs or something...idk...
Those of you who keep making this claim without hard evidence had best keep your identities anonymous as you're liable for defamation suits. Q has never followed up with these claims AND said disinfo was necessary, digging your holes all the deeper.
The sooner you all stop making baseless declaratives, the easier the path to enlightenment will become...
Agreed. I think anyone who believes Jones is a sellout has forgotten what it's like to be called a liar by the organized media. He would have cracked already if he was a clown.
And before anyone tells me Q said anything about him, I would remind you that disinformation is necessary.
Definitely read this in his voice
"Accidentally". This is just like the Rittenhouse trial all over again. The only thing that makes this lamer is there is no Binger to make fun of.
Kappy said he was in on the epstein trip.
Deep State doesn’t spend years having someone wake up millions of people to the truth.
If Alex were never born, millions fewer would be awake right now to what is being done by the globalists. Fact!
So how did Alex get on kappyd list?
Because Kappy wasn’t perfect. He didn’t cite Alex because of first hand experience with him but from something he heard.
Idk why this makes me laugh. I just imagine you in the back like "Are you fucking kidding me." and just having to wing it with some animal friends while you sing songs or something...idk...
I'll see myself out.
aka: What happens when a 'comedian' gets caught with a sizzling fajita:
"I'm tired of this back-slappin' "isn't humanity neat" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes."
"We all pay for life with death, so everything in between should be free."
"I believe that there is an equality to all humanity. We all suck"
"I get a kick out of being an outsider constantly. It allows me to be creative. I don't like anything in the mainstream and they don't like me."
"The definition of black irony is Pro-lifers killing Doctors who do abortions
I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out"
"It's always funny until someone gets hurt. Then it's just hilarious."
"Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves"
Bill 'I'm still not Alex Jones' Hicks
So true ahahaha
Lol fuckin good one lol
I feel like I woke up in that peloton commercial now.
Ha Ha Ha Ha....So he could interrupt and tell everyone he said it first!
I hate it when mossad clowns red pill millions of people. It breaks my tiny brain.
Those of you who keep making this claim without hard evidence had best keep your identities anonymous as you're liable for defamation suits. Q has never followed up with these claims AND said disinfo was necessary, digging your holes all the deeper.
The sooner you all stop making baseless declaratives, the easier the path to enlightenment will become...
Agreed. I think anyone who believes Jones is a sellout has forgotten what it's like to be called a liar by the organized media. He would have cracked already if he was a clown.
And before anyone tells me Q said anything about him, I would remind you that disinformation is necessary.
To make mistakes and be wrong sometimes.
Yes. Yes he is. He has redpilled a lot of us with some truths, but it's the (((5%))) he doesn't out that lets you know who funds him. Wake up.