We literally had a publicly known about meeting of trusted individuals, meeting in a secret location to take the proper authority in the situation fighting against foreign assets that have infiltrated every level of our government.
Very glad and also relieved to find that 'The Pit' resolved on a much better note than it began on yesterday. The comments were awash with well-deserved negativity and doom, it honestly didn't look very good.
Have a feeling that it's going to keep looking better as more information releases and our community starts digging in and relaying the messages out, wave by wave.
Like many I want to trust TTV and I think it's still relatively safe to continue doing so. But man it looked bad there for a spell.
Anons need to learn that nothing will ever be handed to them on a silver platter.
OSINT research is the name of the game. This is what separates Patriots.win from TheGreatAwakening.win, and the Doomers from the Winners.
Those who have learned how to conduct OSINT research believe 100% in the message that Nothing Can Stop What is Coming, because we have seen the troves of research, and are way ahead of the curve. I would say that most of what Gregg disseminated at The Pit was information that Anons on GAW have previously dug into, but this time Gregg brought a treasure trove of receipts to assist in the Red Pilling of the masses.
This was always going to be the function of Anon communities. We were awoken early so that we could be in place to take this OSINT research and develop memes to effect the public conscious of the masses, and counter the Deep State propaganda apparatus at every turn.
"Anons need to learn that nothing will ever be handed to them on a silver platter."
I can see someone getting triggered over that statement. They may interpret as an assertion that anons expect things to be handed them on a silver platter. Of course, it means nothing of the sort, but that's how emotions can go.... we read into things and take away different or varied meaning.
WHO CARES!? about how good/bad the livestream was at the end of the day if they keep their promise to release what they have, no matter how big or small it is ... THAT is what's important.
I admit I was pretty upset that the livestream was basically just a fundraiser. But we need fundraising so I was mostly just worried we had been tricked.
It's now appearing we were NOT tricked.
If they keep their promise as it appears they have by now, anyone STILL complaining about #ThePit is a shill ...
I totally understand why people were upset. I was. But if they release the data me and everyone who was saying what I did "it's a bad fundraiser" needs to SHUT UP, go home, get to work, and dig in!
Was pointed out one of the presentations was real sketchy.
Discern Science - Using the fear of 'infiltrators' at every level to make every business and organization buy a special GOVERNMENT FUNDED lie detector device and AI avatar to ask invasive questions about everything you might be thinking (oh does anyone actually think the benign questions presented are going to be the only ones asked in real situations?) - and the language of 'you need to inoculate your company like we do against a virus' is really fucking shilling given the las two years - anyone using that imagery and language seems real suss.
That is 984 thought crime, Minority Report precrime stuff. Run by AI and whatever guidelines a boss wants to have his minions asked about. Freedom should not require having to submit to AI ovelords trying to get into your brain - what comes next - the chip implanted so they dont even need the screen anymore?
And their logo is 3 masonic triangles forming a bigger triangle? They are announcing they are a masonic/luciferian company.
This is not needed to secure votes, paper ballots with regular checks and balances that are actually enforced will work - without having to submit to mental probing of your deepest thoughts. And a cleaned up police/sherrif/federal departments that are actually going to do their job for once.
Gregg Phillips seems like is trying to do a lot of good - but this is evil. It is infiltration of evil.
I think the point of the AI infiltration tech was to scare the shit out of embedded communist employees. The masonic imagery might have been comms to the Deep State along the lines of "we know who you are, and what you are doing."
I dont know enough about Gregg Philips to really say, he seems to have a tech and military background, so maybe is completely oblivious to masonic influences and evil.
But patriotic movements keeps getting infiltrated - by the bag guys, and keep trying to destroy them from within.
Evil doesnt start out with 'let us in to do our evil things' - they start out being all helpful and 'we can fix your problem with this handy program funded by the GOVERNMENT currently trying to destroy you - and we will only go after bad guy we promise....we just need to build a social and emotional profile of everyone you hire...and we super duper promise not to use that for any other purpose.
Who else is paying for that service? and whoever pays more gets to set the questions and 'dissenting ideas' that get targeted. It is just another gateway to the social credit score.
The big bad guys ARE in the government, if commies are infiltrating groups - it is because the cabal is letting them in from the top in the first place.
There is no way, despite whatever else good he is going, that a shadowy semi-government contractor that wants AI to get up into people's brains, using masonic symbols, can be trusted. The same government doing the evil is also going to fund the solution? The Devil doesnt slide up to you promising to murder your kids - he sidles up promising to help you - the price just comes later.
*edit - think of it another way. If anyone else came out with that video, say the FBI or DHS etc, or Facebook/Microsoft/Google etc - that very same video - promising AI and algorithms will help them root out 'infiltrators' - how frightening would that be? Very.
We literally had a publicly known about meeting of trusted individuals, meeting in a secret location to take the proper authority in the situation fighting against foreign assets that have infiltrated every level of our government.
The Pit was a modern landmark in my opinion.
It is no less than Lexington, imo. No less.
Gregg Phillips Retruthed this.
Rumble Link: Just Human: First Thoughts On The Info Op That Was 'The Pit.'
Truth Link: https://truthsocial.com/@justhuman/posts/108824155906074934
Very glad and also relieved to find that 'The Pit' resolved on a much better note than it began on yesterday. The comments were awash with well-deserved negativity and doom, it honestly didn't look very good.
Have a feeling that it's going to keep looking better as more information releases and our community starts digging in and relaying the messages out, wave by wave.
Like many I want to trust TTV and I think it's still relatively safe to continue doing so. But man it looked bad there for a spell.
Anons need to learn that nothing will ever be handed to them on a silver platter.
OSINT research is the name of the game. This is what separates Patriots.win from TheGreatAwakening.win, and the Doomers from the Winners.
Those who have learned how to conduct OSINT research believe 100% in the message that Nothing Can Stop What is Coming, because we have seen the troves of research, and are way ahead of the curve. I would say that most of what Gregg disseminated at The Pit was information that Anons on GAW have previously dug into, but this time Gregg brought a treasure trove of receipts to assist in the Red Pilling of the masses.
This was always going to be the function of Anon communities. We were awoken early so that we could be in place to take this OSINT research and develop memes to effect the public conscious of the masses, and counter the Deep State propaganda apparatus at every turn.
Q discussed this very subject in post 4511
Which reminds me....
The future: Anons and Q patriots are the precursor of a Citizen-based Intelligence Agency
Qanaut, I wonder why you got that downvote? I see nothing wrong with your reasoning, spelling, punctuation or grammar (rare!)
Probably this statement:
"Anons need to learn that nothing will ever be handed to them on a silver platter."
I can see someone getting triggered over that statement. They may interpret as an assertion that anons expect things to be handed them on a silver platter. Of course, it means nothing of the sort, but that's how emotions can go.... we read into things and take away different or varied meaning.
Fixed it….
WHO CARES!? about how good/bad the livestream was at the end of the day if they keep their promise to release what they have, no matter how big or small it is ... THAT is what's important.
I admit I was pretty upset that the livestream was basically just a fundraiser. But we need fundraising so I was mostly just worried we had been tricked.
It's now appearing we were NOT tricked.
If they keep their promise as it appears they have by now, anyone STILL complaining about #ThePit is a shill ...
I totally understand why people were upset. I was. But if they release the data me and everyone who was saying what I did "it's a bad fundraiser" needs to SHUT UP, go home, get to work, and dig in!
He originally announced the date as Fri Aug 12 (well not originally originally, but it was the standing date for while anyway).
Did Q say "They thought it was coming Friday" or something like that? Can't find the drop.
... found it ...
[They] thought it was coming last Friday. Ammunition spent. Q
Might be referring to something else but I thought maybe it might be relevant.
With that wording, at first I thought "Oh great, did we get fooled AGAIN?"
I'm so glad I was wrong.
Excellent explanation.
Using super-cool military lingo to shill and grift harder than ever before...
Did you make your sandwich in a secret location?
Was pointed out one of the presentations was real sketchy.
Discern Science - Using the fear of 'infiltrators' at every level to make every business and organization buy a special GOVERNMENT FUNDED lie detector device and AI avatar to ask invasive questions about everything you might be thinking (oh does anyone actually think the benign questions presented are going to be the only ones asked in real situations?) - and the language of 'you need to inoculate your company like we do against a virus' is really fucking shilling given the las two years - anyone using that imagery and language seems real suss.
That is 984 thought crime, Minority Report precrime stuff. Run by AI and whatever guidelines a boss wants to have his minions asked about. Freedom should not require having to submit to AI ovelords trying to get into your brain - what comes next - the chip implanted so they dont even need the screen anymore?
And their logo is 3 masonic triangles forming a bigger triangle? They are announcing they are a masonic/luciferian company.
This is not needed to secure votes, paper ballots with regular checks and balances that are actually enforced will work - without having to submit to mental probing of your deepest thoughts. And a cleaned up police/sherrif/federal departments that are actually going to do their job for once.
Gregg Phillips seems like is trying to do a lot of good - but this is evil. It is infiltration of evil.
I think the point of the AI infiltration tech was to scare the shit out of embedded communist employees. The masonic imagery might have been comms to the Deep State along the lines of "we know who you are, and what you are doing."
Remember... Info Op.
I dont know enough about Gregg Philips to really say, he seems to have a tech and military background, so maybe is completely oblivious to masonic influences and evil.
But patriotic movements keeps getting infiltrated - by the bag guys, and keep trying to destroy them from within.
Evil doesnt start out with 'let us in to do our evil things' - they start out being all helpful and 'we can fix your problem with this handy program funded by the GOVERNMENT currently trying to destroy you - and we will only go after bad guy we promise....we just need to build a social and emotional profile of everyone you hire...and we super duper promise not to use that for any other purpose.
Who else is paying for that service? and whoever pays more gets to set the questions and 'dissenting ideas' that get targeted. It is just another gateway to the social credit score.
The big bad guys ARE in the government, if commies are infiltrating groups - it is because the cabal is letting them in from the top in the first place.
There is no way, despite whatever else good he is going, that a shadowy semi-government contractor that wants AI to get up into people's brains, using masonic symbols, can be trusted. The same government doing the evil is also going to fund the solution? The Devil doesnt slide up to you promising to murder your kids - he sidles up promising to help you - the price just comes later.
*edit - think of it another way. If anyone else came out with that video, say the FBI or DHS etc, or Facebook/Microsoft/Google etc - that very same video - promising AI and algorithms will help them root out 'infiltrators' - how frightening would that be? Very.
Uhh, what's 'The Pit'?