The even HIGHER awareness take is that faith in the LORD helped many overcome their fear, retain critical thinking skills, recognize unveiled evil, and continue to make rational decisions despite the worlds largest propaganda campaign lying to them.
I was not scared of the virus. My family saw that there was an alternative answer. High awareness enabled us to predict what scoundrels would do and they followed their script exactly. Before they were even talking about a jab, I told everybody that the mask didn't make sense unless they were conditioning people to comply which means mandatory injections are coming. Each time we were right, we reinforced our convictions. When Trump said he took it, we didn't flinch or even consider changing our minds.
I would say with a fair amount of confidence that this is why Scott continues to "not get it" why people did not take the jabs. Because he is an atheist.
I took a logical approach based upon my knowledge of liars/politicians/Big Pharma, "viruses" and "vaccines" and the process of making and approving them, and the data we were seeing on who was contracting it how often, and who was dying.
The math was very clear, to not take the shots.
If you add the idea that we are made in the image of God, it's a "no brainer". No Weapon Formed Against Us Shall Prosper.
P.S. I also think that Scott's issue is not the vaxx. I think Scott is worried that he with his own hand killed many thousands of people, because he helped get us more ventilators.
Because they created this one as a weapon on purpose. We weren't fighting something born of nature. This was a cabal-created pandemic. And from the groups promoting it to the point of talking about incarcerating the unvaxed against their will, you can now see entities the cabal controls through placing of their people in top positions. So many government entities are suspect, as well as international ones like the UN and the WHO.
EDIT: Sometimes I abbreviate. Let's step back. These people are liars and bureaucrats. So we've been told that with "COVID19", there is a cytokine storm in the lungs that causes the lungs to fill with fluid, in some patients. If that happens, and there is a ventilator, then we're probably blowing peoples' lungs up and killing them. If that is not happening, something else bad is happening with the vents. Because it's like a 95% chance or something that if you have "COVID19" and go on a vent, you will be taking a dirt nap soon. I think your comment is intended to state that only the CTD patients get the vent. That could just be all it is. I don't know. See: Liars and Bureaucrats.
The ventilator deaths are tragic, but they shined a very large light on a critical issue in our healthcare system—lack of respiratory therapists.
Much like how the Rockefeller medical education system is designed to keep us short stocked on doctors, when COVID hit, there were not enough respiratory therapists to cover everyone they put on ventilators. Had there been instead of other doctors not trained to see when they should be used, how to use them properly, etc. some of those lives would’ve been saved.
Scott did what MOST people did. They trusted Big Pharma and our health regulatories. No due diligence. No critical thinking. No knowledge of Big Pharma’s and the regulatories highly sketchy and criminal past.
Honestly, the first major clues to me were Bill Gates own words and his involvement in big pharma. Over and over, as I listened to his speeches, he mentioned vaccines and DEPOPULATION, which made no sense. Vaccines should save lives. But this was not a standard vaccine. It was something else. And I looked for trials Gates was part of in third world areas of India, Africa and places like Peru to see their ultimate outcome. He liked to test the poisons he invested in on poor, brown children. Those tests killed and permanently disabled many of those children. Pray for justice for all of the victims of these evil oligarchs. I also ask God to take back their wealth so it can be distributed among all their many victims. It's too late for those who have died, but maybe it would help their families survive and cope.
The even HIGHER awareness take is that faith in the LORD helped many overcome their fear, retain critical thinking skills, recognize unveiled evil, and continue to make rational decisions despite the worlds largest propaganda campaign lying to them.
Even higher—the Lord + Dr. Tenpenny + Dr. Zelenko + Plandemic documentary + knowing the Gates’ talking about culling population thru vaccines.
I was not scared of the virus. My family saw that there was an alternative answer. High awareness enabled us to predict what scoundrels would do and they followed their script exactly. Before they were even talking about a jab, I told everybody that the mask didn't make sense unless they were conditioning people to comply which means mandatory injections are coming. Each time we were right, we reinforced our convictions. When Trump said he took it, we didn't flinch or even consider changing our minds.
Oh well.
Wrong. He took a fake one.
Even higher, Fauci in his own words 20 years ago. Vaccinating during a pandemic makes it worse.
I would say with a fair amount of confidence that this is why Scott continues to "not get it" why people did not take the jabs. Because he is an atheist.
I took a logical approach based upon my knowledge of liars/politicians/Big Pharma, "viruses" and "vaccines" and the process of making and approving them, and the data we were seeing on who was contracting it how often, and who was dying.
The math was very clear, to not take the shots.
If you add the idea that we are made in the image of God, it's a "no brainer". No Weapon Formed Against Us Shall Prosper.
P.S. I also think that Scott's issue is not the vaxx. I think Scott is worried that he with his own hand killed many thousands of people, because he helped get us more ventilators.
The ventilators weren't the problem. The problem was making people wait until they were bad enough to need a ventilator.
Because they created this one as a weapon on purpose. We weren't fighting something born of nature. This was a cabal-created pandemic. And from the groups promoting it to the point of talking about incarcerating the unvaxed against their will, you can now see entities the cabal controls through placing of their people in top positions. So many government entities are suspect, as well as international ones like the UN and the WHO.
Even worse. Respirators are contra indicated for Corona viruses infections. It’s been known since the 60s.
Cytokine storm + vent = probable death.
EDIT: Sometimes I abbreviate. Let's step back. These people are liars and bureaucrats. So we've been told that with "COVID19", there is a cytokine storm in the lungs that causes the lungs to fill with fluid, in some patients. If that happens, and there is a ventilator, then we're probably blowing peoples' lungs up and killing them. If that is not happening, something else bad is happening with the vents. Because it's like a 95% chance or something that if you have "COVID19" and go on a vent, you will be taking a dirt nap soon. I think your comment is intended to state that only the CTD patients get the vent. That could just be all it is. I don't know. See: Liars and Bureaucrats.
The ventilator deaths are tragic, but they shined a very large light on a critical issue in our healthcare system—lack of respiratory therapists.
Much like how the Rockefeller medical education system is designed to keep us short stocked on doctors, when COVID hit, there were not enough respiratory therapists to cover everyone they put on ventilators. Had there been instead of other doctors not trained to see when they should be used, how to use them properly, etc. some of those lives would’ve been saved.
Scott did what MOST people did. They trusted Big Pharma and our health regulatories. No due diligence. No critical thinking. No knowledge of Big Pharma’s and the regulatories highly sketchy and criminal past.
Honestly, the first major clues to me were Bill Gates own words and his involvement in big pharma. Over and over, as I listened to his speeches, he mentioned vaccines and DEPOPULATION, which made no sense. Vaccines should save lives. But this was not a standard vaccine. It was something else. And I looked for trials Gates was part of in third world areas of India, Africa and places like Peru to see their ultimate outcome. He liked to test the poisons he invested in on poor, brown children. Those tests killed and permanently disabled many of those children. Pray for justice for all of the victims of these evil oligarchs. I also ask God to take back their wealth so it can be distributed among all their many victims. It's too late for those who have died, but maybe it would help their families survive and cope.