Yes! Me, too. In fact, when I was searching for it I actually used the word “surprised” first, because I had that same sense that Q had said we would be “surprised” to find out. What excites me is the promise that we will, one day, know. These are extraordinary times. I have a friend who will be going to Heaven in a few days. I’m kinda jealous that she will soon see the whole picture, and I have to wait. I wish she could just come back for a few minutes and let me know. Ultimately, as I’ve been doing all these many months, I will have to continue to trust God and His faithfulness.
918 Q !UW.yye1fxo 03/10/2018 14:05:58 ID:5b7643 8chan/qresearch: 614093
Someday we will know.
It's that line that makes me feel like it's somebody that we are all NOT thinking of. Like, surprise!
Yes! Me, too. In fact, when I was searching for it I actually used the word “surprised” first, because I had that same sense that Q had said we would be “surprised” to find out. What excites me is the promise that we will, one day, know. These are extraordinary times. I have a friend who will be going to Heaven in a few days. I’m kinda jealous that she will soon see the whole picture, and I have to wait. I wish she could just come back for a few minutes and let me know. Ultimately, as I’ve been doing all these many months, I will have to continue to trust God and His faithfulness.
Watch it be James Woods. Lol.
I hope it's not JEB!
please clap
JEB is literally a retard.