270 Wheel of Fortune: GAW Edition (media.greatawakening.win) Shall we play a game? posted 2 years ago by ChronicMetamorphosis [M] 2 years ago by ChronicMetamorphosis +272 / -2 35 comments download share 35 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
The only quote I want him to send now is « The Storm Is Upon Us. ».
While the quote would be a super-charged event, can we be in any doubt that the storm was upon us, and that we're in it?
For me, the Storm began Nov 3, 2020.
My username quickly became outdated!
me too^
does DJT have twitter? my account is suspended/can't tell what's going on.
Il Donaldo Trumpo has one. We all know that is his Twitter account, no doubt. But it enables him to say things he couldn’t say in his real account.
If we could get to the precipice soon that'd be great.
Honestly, if Trump is running in 2024, we have roughly 2 years to reach the precipice.
Is it by design to push us slowly? Things have to get REAL bad. Yet they aren't that bad quite yet.