Lesbians are not really gay. Lesbians are misandrous (hate men), but are typically monogamous. Gays are hyper-sexual and suffer from eroticism and impulsive sexual behavior especially with meeting strangers. Read investigative journalist, Steve Sailor's "Why Lesbians are Not Gay". I have long said that the LGBTQ movement was cobbled together not by their own organic grass roots efforts, but by large funding from the international Cabal, who are interested in transfixed on depopulation. By empowering these disparate groups they would attack Christianity, the family, and corrupting the youth.
The entire LGBTQ coalition is a manufactured sham funded by the global elites. Itβs sole purpose is misanthropy and antiChrist.
Even βgay marriageβ was a total sham that doesnβt fit the βgay lifestyleβ at all, but rather an attack on Christian belief regarding marriage. The very definition of homosexuality is hyper-sexual promiscuity. This is why there is only a 4.5% fidelity rate for sodomites. Who actually wins in the gay marriage battle? Lawyers win big time. That 4.5% fidelity rate is a gift that keeps on giving. The Gay Marriage Act redefines the family and permits adoptions and early age indoctrination. Now, the cross-dressers and drag queen pedophiles are emboldened to make indoctrination of young children to sexual perversion public policy.
The LGBTQ coalition is cobbled together with such disparate groups, that it is through ignorance and the commonality in their hatred of Christianity that they seek to be empowered. Just as lesbians and homosexuals after World War II were empowered to be commissars in communist Eastern Europe to terrorize Christians, they are again being empowered to persecute Christians in America and Western Europe. The American public is woefully ignorant of the behavioral traits of these factions making up the LGBTQ coalition.
It's very important to know that lesbians aren't gay. They have low sexual activity and outraged by pornography. This is why lesbians despise gays because they are avid for pornography and have several sexual encounters per week with strangers. Gays are not by behavioral definition monogamous. This is why 'Gay' marriage is such an oxymoron and boon for divorce lawyers. The real intent of gay marriage was to destroy the traditional family. It permits gays to adopt children. A high percentage of gays are pedophiles. You can see where this goes.
Exactly. This why Iβm done supporting LGBTQwhatever. Fucking D.O.N.E. done. They can fuck right off with their degenerative propaganda bullshit. LGBTQ donβt reproduce they RECRUIT. I refuse to support anything they do.
Agree. Never ending capitulation. Abundant energy has created a slothful, vengeful, spiteful generation unlike the world has ever known.
I never had an issue with them, thought it was gay, but never minded them.
But after they came for our kids, pushing gender crafting, mixing up toilets, mixing drag shows with kids and then calling me a bigot for saying no? Yeah, all set in fact, I hate them.
If they ever renounce 90% of their toxic agenda, I will help them once again.
You can argue your personal beliefs with the researcher Steve Sailor, who has put forth a profoundly sobering study. This is not my opinion. His study and findings comes from a surveying many hundreds of individuals. His study is accepted worldwide. Unfortunately, your few personal experiences are an outlier to what lesbianism really is.
Which is what? If itβs simply a sexual short circuit then the world should be moving on by now, them included. But this revolving door of
attention and victimhood indicates something much more toxic and sinister behind it all.
Lesbians are not really gay. Lesbians are misandrous (hate men), but are typically monogamous.
Lesbians are gay. Lesbians fall in the same traps as gays. I've known Lesbian couples that have cheated on each other and would participate in orgies. I would say lesbians are not the result of hating men but of the effeminate faggot low testosterone men in this society. If they cannot find the kind of man they seek then some will seek to emulate men. They are not monogamous, they are thirsting for passion in a passionless world and they fall in the same traps.
Women tend to follow the crowd more than men. If it is generally accepted and encouraged more to be a lesbian, you will see many more women go that way just so they can be accepted by society.
Gays are hyper-sexual and suffer from eroticism and impulsive sexual behavior especially with meeting strangers.
I would argue the opposite, that this hypersexualism is in fact just a hollow imitation of sex in a world that is increasingly getting sicker.
If you cut down your copy_paste size by like 75% it would really be great for 1) not waterfalling texting people to death and 2) sliding bite-sized info nuggets into the nether.
I mean this in respect, but the only thing you're doing is sliding (although unintentionally).
There's a lot of info and wisdom that I've found that I don't think a lot of people have experienced yet. I want them to experience new ways of thinking and I will post what I think is important.
I'm not doing a little faggot back and forth of posting, being rebuked, rebuking the rebuked when I have the information all here. Most people will not read what is on the bottom, only what is on top.
The struggle of our age is enormous, monumental, and what I give is only a fraction of a fraction of info. People must be informed on what is happening.
I did not say ALL lesbians are not gay. You are implying this. I said they are typically not gay. You can argue what your personal beliefs are, but the research Steve Sailor has put forth is profoundly sobering. His work is accepted worldwide. Unfortunately, your few personal experiences provided here are an outlier. This doesn't change what is heuristically true.
This 1994 article of unheuristic journalism is absolutely stupid and the table is complete bullshit. For example under Politics they have
Gay Male Tendancies:
Unpolitical, hedonistic
Lesbian Tendencies:
Political, activistic
We all know this is bullshit, they are both political as all get out. Many of these in the tables are not "stereotypes" that I'm familiar with and seems to be trying to fit a square peg in a roundahole.
Article starts off with some stupid shit about lesbian softball players and faggot sunbathers
What are we to make of all this? What does it say about human nature that so many enthusiasms of the average lesbian and the average gay man diverge so strikingly?
Wow what a fucking stupid and un-scientific statement. It almost seems like the writer is cherry-picking data to try to fit his world viewpoint.
so many of today's auto-pilot articles and paintby-
the-numbers newscasts depict homosexuals as merely one dimensional martyrs to prejudice.
It goes well beyond that, the increasing recruitment of gay ideology directly leads to the destruction of the human race.
Yet, this media stereotyping probably stems more from the
natural urge of journalists to reduce complex and unsettling questions about human nature to just another fable starring good guys/gals we all can identify with (in this case, "gays"), who are discriminated against by bad guys ("homophobes") we all can feel good about looking down
upon. Whether portraying homosexuals as perverts in the past or as victims today, the press has always found it less taxing to preach morality rather than to try to understand reality.
The media's habit of applying the word to female homosexuals is male
chauvinism at its most blatant: "gay" is just about the last term lesbians would have invented to
describe themselves. As one lesbian activist succinctly put it, "We're not gay, we're angry!")
ONE LESBIAN ACTIVIST! HO BOY! She's probably angry because SHE HAS NO MAN IN HER LIFE and instead must emulate one in a bastardized way to fill the hole in her life (yes, I meant it that way too).
This handy table of tendencies will of course be denounced as reflecting stereotypes.
Completely UNSCIENTIFCALLY drawn (FROM 1994 ALSO) and being conveyed as fact. How many gay lesbians and gays did they ask about this? Do they have any references from previous research?
"So, you think Mister Rogers is more aggressive than Mrs. Thatcher?
Mr Rogers was a Vietnam vet that shot and killed people with his own gun. Mrs. Thatcher is a woman that had to tell others to do it for her.
It's important to note that the different inclinations of gays and lesbians do not follow easily predicted lines. In roughly half the traits, homosexuals tend to more resemble the opposite sex than they do the rest of their own sex. For example, many heterosexual men and lesbian women are enthusiasts for golf, as well as other hit-a-ball-with-a-stick games like softball and pool.
No shit. In a gay couple you generally have one more effeminate and the other more masculine. Same with gay lesbians, one is more masculine and the other more feminine in the relationship.
Many lesbian-feminists deny that their sexual orientation is biologically rooted, attributing it instead to what they perceive as our culture's decision to socialize males to be domineering.
Their sexual orientation is not biologically rooted, that is correct. However, our culture socializes men to be whining CUCKS. This is almost like the 1994 version of "Average male salary is much higher than womens" bitching of today.''
at minimum, there could be a fundamental difference between lesbians and gays.
Yes, one is a hole of what they can become, the other seeks a hole. Consumption of plastics leads to lower testosterone levels in our society and more xenoestrogens being consumed. Women do not have a problem with having lower testosterone themselves but they have a problem of not having higher testosterone males in our society.
By now, it seems inevitable that this strict constructionist creed
eventually must be washed away by the ever-growing torrent of scientific evidence to the contrary (of which the research on the possible genetic causes of male homosexuality is the merest and least certain rivulet).
Yet, the single event most likely to speed the day when it is
politically and socially acceptable to openly discuss the broad relevance of this fast-solidifying scientific consensus that biology plays an important role in human behavior would be a public donnybrook between gay men and lesbian-feminists over nature vs. nurture.
Read this run-on sentence out loud ten times as fast and try to figure out the mental gymnastics it took to write this horrid beast. Also, WHAT SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS? PLEASE GIVE EXAMPLE, I eagerly await any coherent argument.
Beyond homosexual-related issues, this gay vs. lesbian dichotomy can cast new light on many social questions. Fundamentally, as Thomas Sowell has pointed out, almost all American social controversies rest on conflicting assumptions about human nature. Is it infinitely malleable? If not, what are its constraints? Whatever other purposes there are for our existence, we know evolution has shaped human nature to promote reproduction. To study reproduction is to study sex and sexuality. To understand heterosexual men and women is difficult without studying homosexual men and women as a frame of reference.
Is it difficult to study ant getting food or dog howling when leaving the house? No, because we can empathize and understand hunger and loneliness. We have lived these things, they are natural. If you want to add homosexual men and women as studies, why not also include homosexual dogs, cats, and mice in reproductive studies? Do you think you will find homosexual lions and bears and tigers? The number of animals that display homosexuality in nature (and not just dry humping like red rocket dog of passion) can be counted on one hand an they tend to be of higher order of intelligence. Homosexuality does not come from nature, it is unnatural.
For example, feminists tirelessly denounce the fashion and beauty industry for brainwashing American men into craving skin-deep feminine beauty. But which is truly the cause and which is the effect? Luckily, the curious analyst can study people who have rejected heterosexual socialization: among homosexuals, the distinctiveness of men's and women's basic sexual urges is especially vivid. Since "Women Seeking Women" don't need to entice men's visually-focused desires, their newspaper personal ads tend toward wistful vagueness: Attractive SWF, bi, seeking SF, feminine & discreet, any race, for friendship and possible rltnshp. In contrast, the "Men Seeking Men" classifieds bristle with statistics quantifying appearance: John Wayne-type (41, 6'3" 210#, C 46" W 35", brn/grn) seeks Steve Garvey-type (muscular, str8-acting, 20-30, under 6' & 185#, blu eyes a +).
Yes, most women are attention whores and seek to dress to attract attention or to have mates that they can show off.
Feminists' widespread (though hushed-up) exasperation with gay men probably originates in the perennial struggle of the "women's movement" to enlist enough Indians for its ample supply of chiefs. In this battle for the hearts and minds of the female masses, it is the gay imagination that so often crystalizes the misty yearnings of femininity into those beguiling baubles and alluring images that help seduce heterosexual women away from the stern precepts of feminism. Would bridal magazines be 800 pages long without the endlessly creative genius of gay men who make their livings subverting and sabotaging feminism's war on femininity.
Are you reading this? This is just a hodge podge of words. Why are you taking this seriously? This is whole article is just one person's opinion with no evidence to back it up.
Lesbians and gays are not a natural political coalition. It was many years before they found common interest in opposing the traditional family as the basis of society.
I won't argue that point you made. They are not a natural coalition. Lesbians mock sodomites because they heuristically are misandrous. In other words, being 'gay' is evidence of revenge for lesbians. Lesbians do hate the formation of the family, which always starts with marriage. The first lesbian was the demi-goddess Lilith that the Canaanites worshiped. The believe in Lilith was so widespread that she is even mentioned in Isaiah in the Bible. Today, in the Kabbalah Jews still wear amulets to ward of Lilith. Lilith was the first witch. The all female concert Lilithfair was named in honor. Lilith is the patron-saint of lesbians.
Lesbians are not really gay. Lesbians are misandrous (hate men), but are typically monogamous. Gays are hyper-sexual and suffer from eroticism and impulsive sexual behavior especially with meeting strangers. Read investigative journalist, Steve Sailor's "Why Lesbians are Not Gay". I have long said that the LGBTQ movement was cobbled together not by their own organic grass roots efforts, but by large funding from the international Cabal, who are interested in transfixed on depopulation. By empowering these disparate groups they would attack Christianity, the family, and corrupting the youth.
The entire LGBTQ coalition is a manufactured sham funded by the global elites. Itβs sole purpose is misanthropy and antiChrist.
Even βgay marriageβ was a total sham that doesnβt fit the βgay lifestyleβ at all, but rather an attack on Christian belief regarding marriage. The very definition of homosexuality is hyper-sexual promiscuity. This is why there is only a 4.5% fidelity rate for sodomites. Who actually wins in the gay marriage battle? Lawyers win big time. That 4.5% fidelity rate is a gift that keeps on giving. The Gay Marriage Act redefines the family and permits adoptions and early age indoctrination. Now, the cross-dressers and drag queen pedophiles are emboldened to make indoctrination of young children to sexual perversion public policy.
The LGBTQ coalition is cobbled together with such disparate groups, that it is through ignorance and the commonality in their hatred of Christianity that they seek to be empowered. Just as lesbians and homosexuals after World War II were empowered to be commissars in communist Eastern Europe to terrorize Christians, they are again being empowered to persecute Christians in America and Western Europe. The American public is woefully ignorant of the behavioral traits of these factions making up the LGBTQ coalition.
It's very important to know that lesbians aren't gay. They have low sexual activity and outraged by pornography. This is why lesbians despise gays because they are avid for pornography and have several sexual encounters per week with strangers. Gays are not by behavioral definition monogamous. This is why 'Gay' marriage is such an oxymoron and boon for divorce lawyers. The real intent of gay marriage was to destroy the traditional family. It permits gays to adopt children. A high percentage of gays are pedophiles. You can see where this goes.
Exactly. This why Iβm done supporting LGBTQwhatever. Fucking D.O.N.E. done. They can fuck right off with their degenerative propaganda bullshit. LGBTQ donβt reproduce they RECRUIT. I refuse to support anything they do.
Agree. Never ending capitulation. Abundant energy has created a slothful, vengeful, spiteful generation unlike the world has ever known.
I never had an issue with them, thought it was gay, but never minded them.
But after they came for our kids, pushing gender crafting, mixing up toilets, mixing drag shows with kids and then calling me a bigot for saying no? Yeah, all set in fact, I hate them.
If they ever renounce 90% of their toxic agenda, I will help them once again.
I agree. I once had a βlive and let liveβ attitude. I even had gay friends. Not anymore. They are dead to me.
Just like the Lesbian movement took over the women's right movement, the transvestite movement is taking over what the lesbians once controlled.
"Lesbians are not really gay. Lesbians are misandrous (hate men), but are typically monogamous."
I...don't think you've met enough lesbians. Nothing monogamous about the ones I've run into.
Most of them hated men because they feared men.
You can argue your personal beliefs with the researcher Steve Sailor, who has put forth a profoundly sobering study. This is not my opinion. His study and findings comes from a surveying many hundreds of individuals. His study is accepted worldwide. Unfortunately, your few personal experiences are an outlier to what lesbianism really is.
Which is what? If itβs simply a sexual short circuit then the world should be moving on by now, them included. But this revolving door of attention and victimhood indicates something much more toxic and sinister behind it all.
Basically I'm saying from Steve Sailor's study lesbians are far less into pedophilia than gays.
Most studies are funded by someone who has an agenda.
BLUF: Molest a female child you get a lesbian. Molest a male child and you get a pedohypersexualuzedhomo.
How true. Rape has life long consequences.
Lesbians are gay. Lesbians fall in the same traps as gays. I've known Lesbian couples that have cheated on each other and would participate in orgies. I would say lesbians are not the result of hating men but of the effeminate faggot low testosterone men in this society. If they cannot find the kind of man they seek then some will seek to emulate men. They are not monogamous, they are thirsting for passion in a passionless world and they fall in the same traps.
Women tend to follow the crowd more than men. If it is generally accepted and encouraged more to be a lesbian, you will see many more women go that way just so they can be accepted by society.
I would argue the opposite, that this hypersexualism is in fact just a hollow imitation of sex in a world that is increasingly getting sicker.
Passages from Bronze Age Mindset:
If you cut down your copy_paste size by like 75% it would really be great for 1) not waterfalling texting people to death and 2) sliding bite-sized info nuggets into the nether.
I mean this in respect, but the only thing you're doing is sliding (although unintentionally).
Ok I've reconsidered and just posted a link to the rest of the response.
Youβre content is great, I donβt want people skipping it thinking it intimidating.
Just a friendly nudge, thanks for replying back π
There's a lot of info and wisdom that I've found that I don't think a lot of people have experienced yet. I want them to experience new ways of thinking and I will post what I think is important.
I'm not doing a little faggot back and forth of posting, being rebuked, rebuking the rebuked when I have the information all here. Most people will not read what is on the bottom, only what is on top.
The struggle of our age is enormous, monumental, and what I give is only a fraction of a fraction of info. People must be informed on what is happening.
I did not say ALL lesbians are not gay. You are implying this. I said they are typically not gay. You can argue what your personal beliefs are, but the research Steve Sailor has put forth is profoundly sobering. His work is accepted worldwide. Unfortunately, your few personal experiences provided here are an outlier. This doesn't change what is heuristically true.
This 1994 article of unheuristic journalism is absolutely stupid and the table is complete bullshit. For example under Politics they have
Gay Male Tendancies:
Unpolitical, hedonistic
Lesbian Tendencies:
Political, activistic
We all know this is bullshit, they are both political as all get out. Many of these in the tables are not "stereotypes" that I'm familiar with and seems to be trying to fit a square peg in a roundahole.
Article starts off with some stupid shit about lesbian softball players and faggot sunbathers
Wow what a fucking stupid and un-scientific statement. It almost seems like the writer is cherry-picking data to try to fit his world viewpoint.
It goes well beyond that, the increasing recruitment of gay ideology directly leads to the destruction of the human race.
ONE LESBIAN ACTIVIST! HO BOY! She's probably angry because SHE HAS NO MAN IN HER LIFE and instead must emulate one in a bastardized way to fill the hole in her life (yes, I meant it that way too).
Completely UNSCIENTIFCALLY drawn (FROM 1994 ALSO) and being conveyed as fact. How many gay lesbians and gays did they ask about this? Do they have any references from previous research?
Mr Rogers was a Vietnam vet that shot and killed people with his own gun. Mrs. Thatcher is a woman that had to tell others to do it for her.
No shit. In a gay couple you generally have one more effeminate and the other more masculine. Same with gay lesbians, one is more masculine and the other more feminine in the relationship.
Their sexual orientation is not biologically rooted, that is correct. However, our culture socializes men to be whining CUCKS. This is almost like the 1994 version of "Average male salary is much higher than womens" bitching of today.''
Yes, one is a hole of what they can become, the other seeks a hole. Consumption of plastics leads to lower testosterone levels in our society and more xenoestrogens being consumed. Women do not have a problem with having lower testosterone themselves but they have a problem of not having higher testosterone males in our society.
Read this run-on sentence out loud ten times as fast and try to figure out the mental gymnastics it took to write this horrid beast. Also, WHAT SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS? PLEASE GIVE EXAMPLE, I eagerly await any coherent argument.
Is it difficult to study ant getting food or dog howling when leaving the house? No, because we can empathize and understand hunger and loneliness. We have lived these things, they are natural. If you want to add homosexual men and women as studies, why not also include homosexual dogs, cats, and mice in reproductive studies? Do you think you will find homosexual lions and bears and tigers? The number of animals that display homosexuality in nature (and not just dry humping like red rocket dog of passion) can be counted on one hand an they tend to be of higher order of intelligence. Homosexuality does not come from nature, it is unnatural.
Yes, most women are attention whores and seek to dress to attract attention or to have mates that they can show off.
Are you reading this? This is just a hodge podge of words. Why are you taking this seriously? This is whole article is just one person's opinion with no evidence to back it up.
It's a survey. Apparently, you didn't you catch that.
Lesbians and gays are not a natural political coalition. It was many years before they found common interest in opposing the traditional family as the basis of society.
I won't argue that point you made. They are not a natural coalition. Lesbians mock sodomites because they heuristically are misandrous. In other words, being 'gay' is evidence of revenge for lesbians. Lesbians do hate the formation of the family, which always starts with marriage. The first lesbian was the demi-goddess Lilith that the Canaanites worshiped. The believe in Lilith was so widespread that she is even mentioned in Isaiah in the Bible. Today, in the Kabbalah Jews still wear amulets to ward of Lilith. Lilith was the first witch. The all female concert Lilithfair was named in honor. Lilith is the patron-saint of lesbians.