posted ago by CHAOS_ACTUAL ago by CHAOS_ACTUAL +56 / -0

08/26/22 Judge Tuchi Judgement in Dismissal Order https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.azd.1294569/gov.uscourts.azd.1294569.101.0.pdf

08/26/22 Judge Tuchi Decision in Defendants Motion to Dismiss

05/04/22 Amended Lake / Finchem Injuction for Relief

This is a civil rights action for declaratory and injunctive relief to prohibit the use of electronic voting machines in the State of Arizona in the upcoming 2022 Midterm Election, slated to be held on November 8, 2022 (the “Midterm Election”), unless and until the electronic voting system is made open to the public and subjected to scientific analysis by objective experts to determine whether it is secure from manipulation or intrusion.

Mike Lindell announced dismissal of Lake / Finchem Injunction this evening at 1800 CT, 08/29/22, on The Lindell Report on the https://frankspeech.com/ platform.