This past week GAW has been under heavy shill attack, pushing division on anything having to do with the pedo groomer issue. Too many pedes took their bait! Would you love to see fewer crazy/gay/whatever stickies on GAW? DEPORT! And leave the shills and other assorted losers to your mod team! THX!
π Toruble Maker π

Basically, a bunch of shill handshake accounts started trying to say we all wanted to commit a gay genocide because we find homosexuality immoral and several of us were calling for a slave-bloc style ban on gay advertising and propagation. So no feds kicking in your door for being queer, but also no gays allowed on TV, no gay clubs in schools, gay bars have to convert to normal bars, etc. etc.
As you pointed out, it's impossible to outlaw being gay without going full islamist and murdering people. Which none of us want or called for. Most of us just want an end to the queer propaganda and indoctrination, and want everything that should be private to be private.
In fact, I even made a point in the comments that I'd be fine with a blanket ban on anything sexual or that can be construed as sexually propagandistic in public, regardless of it's gay, straight, etc.
But as usual, when someone tries to have an adult conversation, the shills come in and ruin everything and it turned into a partial dumpster fire with like, 4 or 5 accounts starting arguments about how we're calling for a gay genocide without anyone actually doing so, while others started denying Pizza Gate out of nowhere.
It wasn't a failure by any means in my eyes, but it was very heated thanks to a handful of moronic shills.
Holy. That's a great synopsis.
Lol catsfive likes holycathole π. Tell me you donβt see the humor here β€οΈβ€οΈπ
Interesting. I never saw the gay genocide comments. Just people wanting to fascistically control homosexuals.
I pretty much agree with this. The exception being events like Mardi Gras or Fantasy Fest, however those events take place in places that already have established degeneracy trends and as long as there is plenty of public notice, they should be allowed to remain.
But as a general rule, I agree. The public square should be modest. If you're going to town, men and women alike should be expected to wear shorts and a t-shirt even if they're "going for a run". In certain parks we can maybe relax those rules, as long as there are other parks where families who want to remain more modest can hang out and enjoy as well. Or we can do a schedule- point is, we're Americans. We discuss. We compromise. We do not force our values or way of life on anyone and in return, we resist those who try to.
I have read this 3 times trying to understand the down votes. Nothing I read in this comment is unreasonable. Far from it.
Nope. Christian fundamentalists in this group think they can band together and mass downvote me.
Means nothing without a proper and articulated rebuttal.