First I just wanna say you seem like a genuinely cool mom who cares about her kids and you deserve a medal for that.
People don’t realize how hard single mothers have it with one kid let alone multiple. God bless you.
18-20 is when I started really getting into all this stuff, my parents are full on normies. Really smart and I love them but the damn propaganda and social engineering got to em.
Anyways, I’m sure you like being there to watch with them but at that age they wanna watch with their friends. The best thing you could do is suggest the movie, tell them Natalie Portman is in it (shes really really…popular with young men), and say you really think they’d like it. It came out in 2006 so it’s not THAT old. They’ll still feel like they’re watching a modern movie that isn’t “old”. It’s very well done technologically and holds up.
Even if they watch it at their friends house you should consider that a win because that movie is more pertinent now than ever.
The matrix might not be as effective anymore because they admitted to neutering the message of the series with the 4th one, but I would still try, redpilling aside it’s just a great movie. After watching it many people are automatically a little redpilled by default. That’s why they made the 4th one.
The fact you’re so aware that you can’t demand they watch it is great. “Can lead a horse to water” and all that. With bidans speech V for Vendetta is getting some mentions because of the memes. It’s on hbomax to stream and so is the matrix.
Such a trip, I saw the “Based Farva” flair and assumed you were a based dad. You already won the cool contest your kids just don’t know it yet. Give them a few more years. They’ll be thanking you when they’re mature enough to realize just how brave and based their mom is.
18-20 is when i stopped giving a shit about cool, and started paying attention to the real shit around me. Of course, we were getting shot at and blown up, not playing video games, so it was a little easier to not care about "cool."
Dude see if they would want to watch “V for Vendetta” it’s on streaming services and is only 3.99 to rent if you can’t stream it.
I’m gonna watch it for the 10th time myself.
So many similarities to what is going on today.
It’s not only entertaining, but quite the redpill.
The Matrix (not the new one) also goes without saying but they have to want to watch it themselves. Can’t force em.
First I just wanna say you seem like a genuinely cool mom who cares about her kids and you deserve a medal for that.
People don’t realize how hard single mothers have it with one kid let alone multiple. God bless you.
18-20 is when I started really getting into all this stuff, my parents are full on normies. Really smart and I love them but the damn propaganda and social engineering got to em.
Anyways, I’m sure you like being there to watch with them but at that age they wanna watch with their friends. The best thing you could do is suggest the movie, tell them Natalie Portman is in it (shes really really…popular with young men), and say you really think they’d like it. It came out in 2006 so it’s not THAT old. They’ll still feel like they’re watching a modern movie that isn’t “old”. It’s very well done technologically and holds up.
Even if they watch it at their friends house you should consider that a win because that movie is more pertinent now than ever.
The matrix might not be as effective anymore because they admitted to neutering the message of the series with the 4th one, but I would still try, redpilling aside it’s just a great movie. After watching it many people are automatically a little redpilled by default. That’s why they made the 4th one.
The fact you’re so aware that you can’t demand they watch it is great. “Can lead a horse to water” and all that. With bidans speech V for Vendetta is getting some mentions because of the memes. It’s on hbomax to stream and so is the matrix.
Such a trip, I saw the “Based Farva” flair and assumed you were a based dad. You already won the cool contest your kids just don’t know it yet. Give them a few more years. They’ll be thanking you when they’re mature enough to realize just how brave and based their mom is.
Never underestimate the food.
Break out the classic rock on vinyl. You win, hands down.
When I was 18 a friends mom bringing bagel bites and pizza rolls out outweighed an empty house. We would just smoke our dope before we got there.
18-20 is when i stopped giving a shit about cool, and started paying attention to the real shit around me. Of course, we were getting shot at and blown up, not playing video games, so it was a little easier to not care about "cool."