376 Just saying... (media.greatawakening.win) ❄️ EURO-C-C-C-CUCKS❄️ posted 2 years ago by Retaining_H2O 2 years ago by Retaining_H2O +377 / -1 28 comments download share 28 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I thought they stopped making DeLoreans back in the 90s?
I did chuckle rewatching somewhat recently, he says "1.21 jigawatts."
So that's not the same thing as my grandma's jigaboo salt and pepper shakers?
Are there real girl scouts in girl scout cookies?
Are there 1,000,000,000 boos in them?😛
A) was just saying, the time machine only works with the right car...
B) that's literally the first time I've ever heard it like that outside that film.
There's a warehouse in Florida(pretty sure it's Florida) that still sells delorean parts to owners.
Would love to have one, that and/or a Chrysler Miller/meteor hearse, but I don't have a couple mil to drop on one, lmao
...shame the new delorean is supposed to be an ev. Oh well, not like I could afford it anymore than the gas guzzling originals, lmfao
I've actually driven a DeLorean
They are very underwhelming and under-powered.
The gullwing doors are a pain.
They might be fun with an engine swap.
The Delorean will come back as an electric car.