and in this case it's no longer a "theory" as those who used to claim it a theory have confirmed its existence repeatedly. also, I'd offer that there are varying degrees of conspiracy theories..."aliens are going to come take over the planet because so and so said they know aliens" vs "after researching pizzagate for 100+ hours it appears there's something more to this than is being told to the public at large." a well researched and reasoned "conspiracy theory" should be treated with much more seriousness by the average sheep than the stab in the dark. if only there were a way to make viral a new term such as "a theory involving a conspiracy" (not short and catchy enough imo) or "investigative theory" or "a likely truth" or "a reasoned conclusion" or ??? need the catchy phrase and then a large voice (e.g., Trump) to make it go viral and then over time when normies hear the phrase they will hopefully give it more credence than a "conspiracy theory" as that phrase has be stigmatized and ruined
We need to stop pushing this braindead idea that "conspiracy theory" means something isn't true. The Great Reset is a conspiracy and it's true.
It's the word theory that throws it off {as they knew it would when they created the term}
and in this case it's no longer a "theory" as those who used to claim it a theory have confirmed its existence repeatedly. also, I'd offer that there are varying degrees of conspiracy theories..."aliens are going to come take over the planet because so and so said they know aliens" vs "after researching pizzagate for 100+ hours it appears there's something more to this than is being told to the public at large." a well researched and reasoned "conspiracy theory" should be treated with much more seriousness by the average sheep than the stab in the dark. if only there were a way to make viral a new term such as "a theory involving a conspiracy" (not short and catchy enough imo) or "investigative theory" or "a likely truth" or "a reasoned conclusion" or ??? need the catchy phrase and then a large voice (e.g., Trump) to make it go viral and then over time when normies hear the phrase they will hopefully give it more credence than a "conspiracy theory" as that phrase has be stigmatized and ruined
Okay...I'm listening....
We're conspiracy analysts.