From what I've seen and heard about it, it is trying to create an Article 5 convention of states to impose term limits on federal officials, restrict spending and budgeting by the federal government, and returns power to the states that the federal government stole form them a long time ago.
We are told by Gen Flynn and Q to get LOCALLY INVOLVED! This is a great way to do it. Apparently, all we have to do is sign the petition and say which state we live in, and it gets counted to the state petition for our state. Over 2 million signatures and growing (though i doubt the counter is accurate).
So far, 17 states have signed the petition, but we would need twice that to convene. If any of you haven't found about this yet, please look into it! A lot of people on our side have endorsed it, including DeSantis, Mark Levin, Rand Paul, and James O'Keefe.
They want to add an amendment, not rewrite the consitution. read the link
You’ll definitely want to research this subject deeply before committing to it. Soros has two or three different organizations pushing for COS. The best argument I’ve heard against it is simple - if they see no reason to follow the Constitution as written, what makes you think a COS amendment would be different? We have to overhaul our current government and remove the corruption.
If Soros is pushing it then it's definitely suspect. We need to know the full details including how the agenda is controlled and what SPECIFIC language is being pushed and can that be locked in prior to opening the COS? Bannon covered this yesterday and is for it. But I have reservations because I'm not convinced the current batch of GOP are really America First and will stick to their promises. I do like/support term limits, etc. But that could just be the carrot to get us to fall for a trick.
You don't need to know the specific language of the state applications to determine the outcome of such Convention.
It's the Congress who calls the Convention; states only apply (Art V). In combination with Art I, sec 8, last clause, Congress additionally has exclusive and unlimited legislative powers over the Convention. Those who set the rules determine the outcome.
Language of a state application has no legal power, only thing that matters is whether the state applies for a Convention or not. (scholars). That's why the enemies of the US Constitution simultaneously push Wolf-pac in liberal states and COS, BBA and Term Limits initiatives in the republican states. The goal is 34 state applications in total (Wolf-pac+COS+BBA+Term Limits+...), because that's the point of no return for the US.
They (Pelosi, Schumer) will determine how the state delegates are chosen, how the votes are counted (electoral college?), what issue has priority, will deliberations of the Convention take place behind closed doors, what additional amendments to the Constitution be considered, should convention consider new ratification method of the new constitution (basing on the 1787 precedence), etc... Here is a statement made by constitutionalist Edwin Vieria on the matter.
You’re right, the people selling the idea make it sound safe. My research tells me it isn’t. And if we have to vote for convention delegates in the same broken process, we have no real control.
Yet again, Congress is the one proposing amendments and not the states? The government needs to be entirely overhauled.
I completely understand your frustration, I think we all feel it. I would like to see the difference a few clean elections would have on our government first. Like I said, if the current election process is used to choose state delegates for the convention the deck is stacked against us. And, a lot people in Congress will end up being delegates anyway.
Neither. It's the Convention who proposes amendments and, since it's the Congress who creates the laws for the purpose of the convention, Congress will determine the outcome of the Convention.
States only apply, therefore they have no guaranteed say on the matter. Their applications have no legal standing other than applying for a Convention only. Congress may allow the convention to create entirely new ratification method, basing on the 1787 precedence, so even then the state's role is unknown.