Why Are Walmart And Other Major U.S. Retailers Canceling BILLIONS Of Dollars In Orders As Summer Comes To An End? – Truth Unmute...
(by Michael Snyder | The Economic Collapse Blog) – Do they know something that they aren’t telling us? As you will see below, Walmart, Target and other major
The way I read the bigger picture is that the dollar is bankrupt and will not be accepted for payments outside of the captured, western countries.We are watching the public side of it's death. Walmart's are stocked with large quantities of Chinese goods, China is beginning to follow Russia and refuse the Dollar, Euro or UK Pound as payments and walmart can't pay the invoices.
Walmart fired hundreds of mid-level corporate people recently. They were people responsible for ordering every piece of merchandise they could get their hands on around the world. That caused a massive buildup of inventory much of which was high priced merchandise that customers weren't willing to pay for especially during an economic slowdown.
Anti-racist reductions leading to the company collapse?
Too many diversity hires and woketards at corporate. When WM cancels $5 billion in orders that is much less than 1% of annual sales. I would bet anything "Pride" related was cancelled since those items don't sell for WM.
The only diversity hires at Walmart are Hindus. Blacks and Browns are a very very small part of the corporate side of life, BUT the Hindus are very thick in Bentonville. Walmart gets them dirt cheap and the Hindus don't complain because they want to get out of India. Five or six live in a three bedroom house and walk to work. Pretty good gig.
I'm talking about the LGBTQ+ tards there. They have a lot of lefty college indoctrinated, gender study, CRT, Green New Deal pushing clowns. Walmart Corporate believes the entire country is what CNN & MSNBC say they are.
And drastically reducing -- or eliminating altogether -- gun and ammo sales?
That's rather simple. Any POS store the goes woke goes broke. In anticipation of the majority of patriot citizens not shopping at their woke stores anymore they need to call Chyna and cancel their orders for the junk they were importing.
Target is almost dead since they went full on Tranny 3 years ago. Remember Marny?? They forced men in dresses into the girls bathrooms. There was a nationwide boycott by people with brains. Of course the brain-dead liberals continue to support Target, but they are dying because the braid-dead liberals are a small minority verses the true patriot American population. Don't forget Bed Bath and Beyond. Another woke broke store.
They may be anticipating a mass die off due to the jab?
Holy Cow- first the Queen, now Walmart... long- held institutions dissolving all over the world- what’s next, Washington DS????
They're going down.. burning ring of 🔥. 🤣
of course walmart sells over $500 billion each year, cancelling a couple billion may not be a big deal.
I think Walmart is cutting back on goods because they can see down the road a couple of months, towards Christmas, that nobody will have discresionary money to spend on a ten dollar doll for their daughter. Thus if a Walmart store only sells one doll and has nine left on the shelf the ex's are thinking that they will have to take deep discounts to move those nine dolls. All a thousand products like that around the store and you can see that massive amounts of inventory will be sitting on the shelves after Christmas. So Walmart decided to cut bait with some suppliers in order to keep non-movable items off its shelves.
Great Reset.
They are not clairvoyant. The election occurs in November. One of two things happen. Either the Democrats successfully cheat to "victory" in which case they will still be in control and just trash everything because they are too stupid to run a country, orthe Republicans win, in which case the Dems will practice vengeance politics, trashing the economy during the holidays.
Another possibility: when demand is higher than expected, and when the holiday comes cry "Supply Chain Issues," or "Insufficient Stock" and "prices must go UP!"
Typical of supply chain issues, customers compensate by over-ordering, knowing they wont get everything they want. When the supply chain eventually corrects itself, there is suddenly the realization by customers that if they don't cancel or severely cut back on orders, they will be responsible for taking deliveries far excess of their true requirements, and paying those invoices. Other than the currency concerns, not much here to worry about.