I'm not dooming, and I'm not date-fagging, but this post is based on what seem to be irreversible trends. Here's what I'm afraid we have to look forward to in the months ahead:
- Higher gas prices: Our gas prices are about the highest they have been. They are momentarily lower because Joe has been accessing the strategic petroleum during the election season. https://www.nationalreview.com/2022/09/bidens-political-abuse-of-the-strategic-petroleum-reserve/
We all know what happens to gas prices after November 8:.
Natural Gas prices: Looks like Germany many be SOL this winter, but they may not be alone. Natural gas prices were already predicted to be up 50% this winter BEFORE the Nord stream destruction. I don't know how the world NG market works, but my guess is NG prices will go up globally, and as USA is shipping NG to Europe.
Virus season. Dr. Malone, creator of Mrna vaccine stated that vaccine would destroy the immune system. Deaths have been skyrocketing in New Zealand and Australia as thier virus season started in June. Virus season in Europe and USA starts in December. Looks like we'll see if Malone's warning is proved correct.
Russia escalation. How will Russia respond to destruction of their pipeline? Many are saying internet cables are a nice juicy target. The NWO wants WWIII bad! I have no idea what will happen with this, but the escalation is obvious.
Not trying to scare anyone. Just advising everyone to plan ahead. consider stocking up on food, water, fuel, generators.
Stay comfy!
I for one welcome the coming chaos, for it is for my enemy not for me. The Lord will keep me & mine safe and comfy. This is God's plan unfolding, not the globalist's plan.
The trouble with the "depopulation vax" destroying people's immune system... is that those very same people are now getting their FLU shots (which are mRNA similar to the Covid depop shots). Then, as flu season arrives, those same people are more likely to get another Covid "booster depop shot".
It's a self-feeding thing. The smart ones have avoided the shots entirely or at least stopped taking them. The dumbest 30% of the population seem to be intent on taking as many Covid shots as are offered. They just don't seem to be waking up.
"The smart ones have avoided the shots entirely or at least stopped taking them.”
No, the smart ones did not take it. Those who stopped taking them are just a smarter version of the dumb ones.
Beans, rice, canned food, fuel to cook with, extra drinking water
A few things you forgot: Ammo, ammo, and more ammo,
Kind of embarrassed I didn't mention those three
Its been said, " Invest in precious metals ". I have, lead, copper, and brass. And a good selection, of the devices that eat such precious metal.
Dont forget powder
Ive been thinking a lot lately about logistics. I plan on hunkering down because ammo is heavy gas is expensive and my pantry doesnt travel well. If worse comes to worse. I think im lugging 22lr into the bush. Sure ill bring a shotgun and my pistols, but without support it is gonna be hard to carry much more.
I appreciate it. The facts are clear. Maybe some of you remember the old "Dragnet" series on on TV with the often mentioned phrase-- "Just the facts". Well as a corollary, I went into Aldi's grocery shopping and was told at the checkout counter I was limited to 2 loafs of bread. WTF? I never heard that one before.
That gave me the 'excuse' to respond in this rather long line of shoppers that it was the same people that gave us lock-downs are now blowing up food processing plants. I said to the cashier-- "Don't believe me, just look it up yourself. The information is there and never in history has so many food processing plant fires occurred. They are causing the food shortages." As I calmly stated-- "Just the facts", People stood there and listened.
Hopefully you planted some seeds. The dumbasses in my area never cease to astonish me. Pure idiocy
We only eat home baked breads. Ill never go back to store bought bread. it is the way.
Good on you. Bread is over rated. making your own assures control and safety.
Agreed OP. Strong possibility things are gonna get real, real soon. I'm not sold on the red wave midterms. I'm also not sold on the fact if that indeed does come to fruition that we can trust the R's people talk big, but...
Its simple. If Europe is willing to pay top dollar for natural gas, you will too.
Safety first. Don't forget them lead freedom missiles. Food. Water. Genny. Lots more food and water.
Super comfy.
Jesus is my rock.
Godbless and Godspeed