The Satanic Temple just casually disclosed that abortion is one of their religious rituals. They are actually attempting to protect abortions under the guise of religious freedom!
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

Anons know what is up with these "religious rituals."
How long until the truth enters the public conscience? Crimes against children unite all, across party lines?
They don't though... They have roots in reducing the black population.
The goat head looks like a uterus.
And the veil has started to lift. Wait until the normies find out about the people they idolize and their secret religion. Sick fucks.
Lol, rope.
LIFE, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness would like a word. It's LIFE, that's the word.
It precedes the 1st Amendment.
"Congress shall make no law" doesn't apply to the Constitution having already recognized the RIGHT to LIFE.
Case closed.
Declaration of Independence is the articles of incorporation for this nation. The Constitution is the set of bylaws. Or as Lincoln better illustrated it, the apple of gold and picture frame of silver.
Turn all planned parenthood’s into satanic temples
God, please screech that Black Sabbath and Mega Deth are actual devil worshipers and that Led Zeppelin's lyrics backwards speak about the devil... It's less embarrassing.
TST isn't a real religious organization... Devil worshipers do not worship "Satan" they worship Lucifer. TST is the smart Alec kid who is upset someone get special permission they don't get, so they make up a rediculous scenario that others either need to comply with or change their entire ststem... 100% of what they say is meant to make you angry and upset and "How can they possibly allow this?!!?"...
Before you go and claim in a shill or a Satanist, do yourself a favor and read ANY OF THEIR material... They're a political organization who's only goal is to play devils advocate with the separation of church and state.
where does the rt of freedom of religion begin n end?
'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.'
satan is a god (tho not mine)
god : a being or object that is worshipped as having more than natural attributes and powers a person or thing of supreme value ($$) A deity or a god is a supernatural being who is considered divine or sacred
Abortion is murder, murder is not protected under any religion in this country. Solved your conundrum.
duh!! what was i thinking? thx
Then would we be able to religiously baptize pedophiles (til the bubbles stop) to cure them of their affliction? Asking for my frens. Apply it equally or not at all.
Claiming religious grounds doesn't make murder acceptable. This group is only evil, sinful people who have convinced themselves that they are on the side of good.
This isn't new. They have been doing this for years.
When people took Jonathan Swift's proposal literally, and accepted it...